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Everything posted by Feii

  1. I have seen some lists with archregent as the general because if your smash bat general dies you lose the Battalion rerolls from one of your battalions and archregent gets a higher damage % increase with that command trait. (smash bat will kill most things even without the general trait)
  2. https://thehonestwargamer.com/aos-list-rundowns/breakfast-battle-1-2021/ there is a video too you can find it on his channel. (and there are other similar lists and videos on the youtube just use the keywords smash bat aos)
  3. I wouldnt be so sure, it seems kinda more crude than nurgle one and there seems to be some kind oof bony protrusion in the bottom left corner. (and there is so far 0 nurgle mentions in these past months)
  4. Not a calcium boys player but are those new ossiarch units with giant swords in the background? The background seems to be Elven themed so it would correspondent to OBR invading Ymetrica in BR Teclis.
  5. Also these two release havent been ruled out by todays revelas so I will predict that we are gonna see a new FEC ghoul characters/miniatures for BR Teclis
  6. BR teclis has all the new warscrolls though. We know that next week the new Kill team box will be on the preorder so the first week is Warhammer40k Then I guess a Warcry warband and BR Teclis themed boxes (like the bloodsurf hunt, brechts patrol etc.) but no Lumineth range then Drukhari codex (confirmed they are coming in march by the FB comment) and the last weeek of march full Lumineth release would be my guess.
  7. you are ignoring 90%-80% of the playerbase with each release. I think: 1. More popular factions should be updated more frequently if it means the game makes money 2. Secondary armies in popularity should be given sculpts and rules to be able to field a good looking lore proper army while still having a room to change things/warscrolls they bring (imo IDK need 3-5 sculpts and they are finished as a faction, FEC could use some 1-2 new generic sculpts and 1-2 reworked kits that are justs super outdated nowadays annd Ushoran and they are done too) Dont be aggressive towards people with different ideas than you and because you cannot quench your hate for stormcasts.
  8. could you stop being ideological? Just because you hate space marines dont hate stormcasts. ~10% of the playerbase shouldnt be ignored just because you dont like big storm boys
  9. those last months is 3 years? Stormcast players deserve a new chamber to be opened. They are not marine players and shouldnt be viewed negatively just because marines have a release every month in the 40k. (and to be fair 40k marine sales have bankrolled the beginning of the AoS I guess nowadays it is able to pay for itself but still 40k and its success allowed GW to hire a top tier sculptors for AoS and keep releasing 2-3 new armies yearly)
  10. add a misty preview for the Belakor model.
  11. Blood of the Phoenix. that box was such a mess. It gave you 2 armies that didnt do anything in themselves and twice reworked and nerfed Ynnari (space elves eintopf faction) didnt need 2 halves that do the same. Just imagine a stormcast eternal/CoS box where you get only meele/ only ranged halves and not something like Phoenix guard + shootcast or sequitors and thunderers. (just examples Ynnari can/could work together much better than any AoS alliances) It is really weird because any battleforce sets were sold out so quickly this (last) year. I hope necron release has opened GWs eyes. Many of those bigger necron boxes that were sitting on the shelves for years you cannot get anywhere anymore because necrons are a pretty popular faction after their big revamp last year.
  12. As a guy who suffers from liking unpopular factions I agree but realisticly speaking more people will be satisfied if my factions dont get models and the popular ones do.... as sad as it is. I have been waiting 3 years or so for the second wave of IDK (F the Eeels I just want to play some big underwater creatures with scary vampiric elves on top of them) and I know that most likely after the last BR we wont be getting anything new in terms of sculpt for another year or two but the LRL mega releases and Umbraneth releases will make more peopple happy than the IDK update if that make sense. But I still want it.
  13. you joke but an elven lumineth temple of death inspired by mesoamerican bat god/mythology would be great imo.
  14. Both DoK Khirenai units are basically naked elven women with wings but both look very distinct and you can tell at the first glance which unit is which. Fyreslayers looking so much identical is GW's development fail. Give those badass slayers who shooot their min iroockets a metallic face masks or something and repackage the units. Personally I dont think the price matters as much as people say it does. The newest Slaanesh release is even more expensive than fyreslayers and at the same time you need extra demon sculpts for summoning and people still buy it and it most likely will sell better than the fyreslayers. I would say a concept is far more important than the price, people who play MTG (which is a much more expensive game) pay more money for a piece of cardboard than for 2 boxes of berserkeers because they think they want it. If the concept cannot make people buy it then it needs some reworks.
  15. ah yes the LL are op thats why most faction have sub 50% winrate and 2 of them are below 40% according to data just one build (Syar) is performing very well at almost 60% winrate. High elves have been the most popular old world army, elves are the most popular AoS armies, elves just sell better than dwarves as sad as it might be.
  16. They havent given it a form yet so would be interesting too see. It might be just a part of it power or something. I think 1K points would be an interesting price range for it.
  17. I think we could expect Slaanesh to escape or at least fully manifest Their herald. Would expect it to have a model too. Also that would be a nice way to get Malerion out of the mist of Ulgu. To be fair it doesnt need to be a battletome could be just a Broken realm 2.0 warscroll and rules type of a supplement.
  18. so they are able to communicate with the flesheater but the flesheaters see them differently through their delusion?
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