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Neil Arthur Hotep

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Everything posted by Neil Arthur Hotep

  1. Definitely puts the Outriders I am working on right now into perspective, I'll tell you that for free. I really like the grenade lance, that could totally be an AoS thing. I wonder if kitbashing these guys with Demigryph knights could be done. Although the smart move is probably to just wait for the new Cities models.
  2. The Slaves leak was an especially big hype killer, too. Because GW decided to go with the strategy of pretending we didn't already see all the new minis and treating them as new model monday "surprises". Kinda gives me a mini bump if disappointment anytime it happens. On the other hand, I wonder if they would even be showing AoS minis off at all if it was not for the leak. It genuinely feels like there was just nothing for GW to reveal between Sylvaneth and Slaves (King Brodd himself perhaps being the exception, he's pretty hype). And I doubt they would have shown us the new Slaves stuff this early otherwise.
  3. I can't wait to add these guys to the Sepulchral Guard to create the dopest looking Skeleton warband known to man! Oh, and I guess I could try out Underworlds, too.
  4. That's super good news to me! I really want that box, it's my most anticipated GW release right now.
  5. Right? Bretonnian Knights look bad next to Empire outriders which look bad next to Dawnriders. They are at least two generations out of date in terms of sculpts. I would not mind the opportunity to buy another War Sphinx or two, though.
  6. I would love to see this, but it is just so hard to believe they will be able to do it when there are several current AoS armies that need the same treatment and have not been getting it for years.
  7. I really like what you have done with the Octren Glimscry model. It's not the easiest to kitbash, but yours read as Liche Priests immediately.
  8. I am into it more for the proxy potential than anything else. I don't have that much nostalgia for the old world and don't think I would enjoy going back to the Fantasy rule set. But I also don't play Underworlds or Warcry, and I still have models for those games.
  9. That's what I was expecting at first, but doesn't it kind of seem like we are moving away from that with recent releases? The High Elf range is no longer available, and Lumineth are not really a perfect match, and their stated intent with Cities of Sigmar is to be notably different from the Empire. Definitely does not seem like AoS releases are being future proofed for dual purpose use with TOW.
  10. The logistics of how they intend to make all the old factions playable again is still utterly mysterious to me, but I also find it encouraging that they have specifically shown off art of Bretonnia, Tomb Kings and Orks and Goblins. Let's hope they are not just doing it for the hype.
  11. I have worked with most of the old TK kits and they are definitely a step down in quality even compared to other Warhammer Fantasy kits. You could probably put the plastic Tomb Guard, snake kit and sphinx kit back into production (although they are notably chonky for skeletons), but the other plastic kits are not up to today's standards. Skeleton troops and archers were an upgrade sprue to a vampire counts skeleton kit that has since been refreshed twice. I upgraded my own horsemen by kitbashing them with the black knight/hexwraith kit, infamously one of the worst current kits in Gravelords/Nighthaunt. The chariots are borderline OK, but very ihr unimpressive compared to newer stuff. And that is not even getting into the slew of old metal/finecast kits that are not even covered. Some of them, like the skeletal giant and skull catapult, are seriously ugly. No matter what, I think at this point just bringing the old OOP kits back would not cut it. At least some amount of new ones would be necessary or people are going to rediscover why Tomb Kings went away in the first place fairly soon.
  12. There was a Tomb Kings icon visible when they showed the Border Princes map, if I am not mistaken. So maybe they intend to sprinkle them around a bit more? I would certainly not be against it, having Lizardmen and Tomb Kings off in their own litgle corners of the world was always narratively kinda difficult.
  13. The Old World post is up: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/10/14/warhammer-the-old-world-orcs-bretonnians-tomb-kings-arrive/ Just concept art, but confirmation that Tomb Kings are being worked on is already more than I expected.
  14. In my experience, swords with +1 to hit relative to spears fighting in 3 ranks rather than 2 was almost always exactly mathematically equal. Plus on chaff like Skeletons it was a total micro optimization that rarely ever mattered. I am glad that complexity is gone, because in my opinion the juice just was not worth the squeeze. I am glad that I can just build my troops however I think looks coolest without having to think about it now.
  15. Getting ready to be disappointed ToW is an interesting project and I am glad they are working on it, but was it ever prematurely announced. Maybe they will surprise me by showing some cool miniature renders today (I think a new Bretonnian knight would get people pretty excited again), but if not it will really have been 3 years without anything substantial. The Cities rework already feels like it's absoluteky crawling along, and that has only been a few months. The Slaves stuff looks super nice, though. I am also really happy with how high the quality of 3rd ed battletomes has been. Makes me really excited for when my armies get their new rules.
  16. I have always been a big fan of the big, dumb skeleton. Like Creaking Skull from Castlevania:
  17. Not much of a loss, none of them are worth running anyway (Dagnai maybe). But it's nice that they bothered to put the scrolls in the app for casual play.
  18. I think the upcoming Battlescroll will be mainly points adjustments, but I believe they are now also giving themselves the option to adjust rules as well. So we might still see some tweaks.
  19. Yeah, there are some possible FEC rumour engines that have been around since before the original Cursed City release. Plus the whole faction is, like, 5 kits. If they were to redo the basic ghouls and crypt guys, that could shake up the look of the faction a lot.
  20. I have finished Cleona from last month and started on a bunch of Outriders:
  21. I would love to see this! In fact, I have made that kitbash already: If the new Freeguild gets field artillery and weapon teams like thr Imperial Guard did, I would be completely satisfied with the refresh. That would guarantee that there is at least one list there that I am excited about. When they revealed the new Guard kits basically all I was thinking abouts was how cool something like this would be for AoS.
  22. Hopes: Some kind of cool concept art Dreams: Actual models Reals: m a p
  23. Lumineth got three tomes before Gitz got one. It's really baffling and I hope this kind of thing stays an exception.
  24. What I really want is the preorder announcement for the new Underworlds Gnarlwood box, but Warcry and Old World news sounds pretty good. Let's hope it's more than another map, though.
  25. Sure, a few armies were absolutely snubbed already. Fyreslayers, Deepkin and Skaven in particular come to mind. Ogors too, maybe. But at least KO are still on the table.
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