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Grim Beasties

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Everything posted by Grim Beasties

  1. Finished the book yesterday and for someone who really is not fond of Da Panzie gitz, I really enjoyed this book. I think I might need to read it again before I can put my full thoughts in order but this is the type of narrative content I love for. Enjoying reading everyone's thoughts on it so far and I'm excited for the future, especially for Destruction.
  2. I think the old realm of chaos rules for making a chaos Lord had options for all sorts of races from common to rare, like human, elf, dwarf, skeleton, beastman, orc, goblin, fimir, zoat, robot, or troll to name a few.
  3. I would say stormcast but looking at the archer units they have, and this doesn't match their arrow style. Makes me think cities of Sigmar.
  4. So many awesome things, those particular Dawi-Zharr are on the realm of death map from the second edition book and I hope we hear more.
  5. So after getting my hands on the Son's book, I think I've found a number of interesting lore bits that MIGHT be hinting at events yet to come,
  6. Finally got my Battletomb after the long wait and all the hype I can finally say The Sons of Behemat lore contains one of the most interesting mythologys for a fictional race, truly enjoyed it. So many little things that have been in the background from the beginning that are now being more expanded on. How the gargants see things, how mancrushers join mega Gargants, them learning the Merc trade from Maneaters, the Ghur Heartland, Sky Titans and King Brodd are just a few of the really good bits in the book.
  7. This is a perfect example, charity shops, thrift stores, garage sales, heck I was even able to find most of battle for skull pass at a carnival market place for $10
  8. This will affect those in Canada as well, I pre-order the Sons book and still haven't gotten it and no response from customer service.
  9. Crazy thought on the mystery model, how do people feel about bog mummies?
  10. I wonder if good ol'Gotrek will see some action in of the Broken Realms story, could be interesting.
  11. Hey everyone, just wanted to make a thread as a a helpful resource and compilation of regions that are experiencing Shipping Delays due to covid. As someone from Ontario Canada, I have ordered the Sons Battle tomb from GW and it still hasn't arrived but the mega I ordered from a cheaper retailer came on time. Is anyone else experiencing anything similar?
  12. Only other spear I can find like this is the one for the Frostlord, the beaten metal look makes me think Destruction but I might be bias.
  13. I think you have a limited understanding as to what the problem is and you're making assumptions about those who have criticism are very much off. So if you have something to say DM me, don't go throwing shade.
  14. Found something interesting, the Mega Gargant kit comes with an arrow exactly like the Direchasm Slaanesh Archer. Looks like Slaanesh archers are a likely to be a unit.
  15. Could very well be Be'lakor, would match his pierced wings and that metal cap on the skull looks like it's a chaos star.
  16. Well that's certainly more... suggestive than the previous one
  17. Nooooo please I can't take another 10 pages
  18. In all honesty I just really like the minor xenos art and would love a poster. The actual book is likely for a specific xeno faction or a rule compendium, but either way it looks cool.
  19. Funny enough the only thing to get me back into 40k would be an army of the lesser xeno horrificus.
  20. Darn, only local place sells everything at sticker price, thanks for the help though
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