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Everything posted by Sarouan

  1. There's a place for Khorngors, just not thinking about them being like their previous incarnations (meaning, just marked bestigors). Given the pieces of background of Khorne marked beastmens in AoS being more focused on something like minotaurs (they are already blood-crazed, after all), I can see a role with some kind of hard hitting monstruous infantry. AoS is far from hitting its limits, really. The different factions still have a lot of room for new units, especially chaos god battletomes.
  2. That's what I have in mind mostly - I don't expect the common of AoS people to be that ornated, but still. So far, the way the cities are described in the background makes them look quite alien to what you'd expect from WFB's Empire. A city whose money is small parts of prophecy stones, a city that is split between a realm of fire and a realm of life by portals, a city that was released from amber and is protected by the magical mist created from it, a city that mainly has its economy from the exploitation of a lake whose waters make you forget everything (and is quite dangerous to even just fall into)...all of that has visual influence as well for its citizens. Sure, you can always stick a feathered hat on their heads and colorful clothes directly from our own Renaissance period - but to me, main reason they still appear in GW AoS books is simply because they still sell these miniatures. And GW is all about making sure to promote their products in everything they make. IMHO, once we have the redesigned models released, you can be sure we'll suddenly see very few Empire-like artworks in their future books - that is, anything that is not about re-using their old artwork. So far, the pictures they showed on the previews is more about terrain parts than soldiers - and they're pretty much uninspired (writting "Sigmar" and putting skulls on everything, sorry but that's not being different from WFB like at all). The question is more about what system they're thought for. If it's for armies with a common battletome, the units will need to be generic enough so that you can use them for any city. If it's for skirmish mode like Warcry or whatever they will call it once we're there, the key is more about characterfull models more intended for a small faction like in Kill Team and the Death Korps regiment featured. To me, skirmish mode is much more suited to really distinct different city designs and have specific Excelsis, Living City or Hammerhal warbands. Future will tell, but I wouldn't really take the previewed pictures as really telling so far. They have a feeling of just common stuff made because they had to show something for the Warhammer Fest, IMHO (maybe because of the leaks that spoiled too much of the surprise ? ).
  3. I find it weird people here still believe the new mortal redesign "previewed" would be a copy and paste from WFB. You just need to read the books and see pictures of, like, some denizens of the realms of Ghyran next to Aqshy to see they can be quite "high fantasy" indeed - and more tied to the very nature of the realms themselves. It's like dungeons and dragons multiverse or planar travel : a denizen from the plan of fire doesn't have to be a human with a red feather hat copied from our own history. I see this redesign the same way GW has made the different chaos warbands for Warcry : sure, there is clear inspiration from WFB, yet it's still quite different in more than one way. When Warcry was at its beginning, I was indeed hoping they'd do Cities of Sigmar warbands the same way : a band of Ghyran-like, a band of Hysh-like, and so on. I'm actually expecting that's what we'll have here in the end. Even if it's unfortunately something that will take a lot of time before it's released... IMHO, Whitefang doesn't have access to more information than we have here. It's just common sense and see what is already here.
  4. I just think they keep stuff for other "hype previews" in the future, because they're still so late in their release calendar again. That's why it's always underwhelming. Tone down expectations, you'll feel much more relaxed, that's my advice. And get into 3D printing as well, it's way faster and better.
  5. That's all of them, we know it thanks to the Slave to Darkness battletome leak. No chaos duardins before a long, long time. Again. The change of setting for warcry is for other things. Mainly not chaos related, since we're no long in the Eight Points.
  6. Yep, Horns of Hashut without even a single chaos duardin in it. Unlike Iron Golems or Spire Tyrants. Oh the irony. Some may even say the insult.
  7. Just tone it down, you won't be disappointed that way. I'm leaning towards Horns of Hashut for Warcry, and just a few models here and there for the rest of games.
  8. Honestly, there's no more point in rumors with the way the release schedule is completely messed up. Situation isn't going to normal anytime soon, it's pretty clear now. So better escape that reality with some fun like that for a while, I guess. As for myself, I went back to Warhammer Battle V8 instead. Much more constructive and satisfying.
  9. Just a question : on which criterias do you objectively say a bad/good warscroll is "bad/good" ?
  10. Ah, my bad for misinterpreting your post, then. Yes, it's true wargame books aren't designed at all for people with bad eyesight or worse. Even with free warscrolls printed at a bigger size, it's still quite a cost in itself in printed material and gaming space so that you have everything available at hand. AoS is already a game that takes a lot of space and money investment, it clearly doesn't help. Hope you'll keep having fun with the second version.
  11. He didn't say it was because of accessibility he quit the game. He said he was burned out by the game that he barely played anyway. That's why I keep pointing the mistakes of the "other side" blaming blindly GW for anything, no matter if it's fake or real. Being angry is always understandable. Trying to find false reasons to justify your anger is not. Don't shift the cause on others while you are part of it.
  12. For the comment about "whining", Kasper didn't disparage him for his disability, but the fact he said he was already done with AoS anyway so free warscrolls removed or not, it doesn't matter to him anymore. About the other part, sounds more like an advice than anything else (a bigger tablet is indeed what I'd rather use than my phone for an app, my sight isn't good as well - there are products specifically made for people with a very bad sight, after all). Not very diplomatic, I agree, but what Red King wrote was being rather quick to judge from what he thought he read. Red King's bad reaction isn't better, here. And anyway...it brings nothing good to the debate in favor of free warscrolls as well. Because you can still use "for free" meanwhile, it's thus even more convenient right now for that reason. We also don't know how long this "open beta" phase will last. As far as I'm concerned, it could take months or even maybe years. Not sure about the claim they didn't make the app for the players but just for the money, actually. The part about making money is indeed here, but reality is rarely all black and white with human intent - it can actually combine both. It's easy to believe GW as a whole is all evil and calculating in their decisions. But to me, the idea of a specific app gathering all the rules needing to play AoS on a mobile (phone or tablet or laptop, whatever) is pretty much what I'd call a player-friendly tool that is relevant to the new tech tendancies. Doesn't mean all players have to use it as well. Never forget that behind corporations, there are humans. And they're not all evil managers doing nothing but gather lots of money.
  13. Looks more like a treasure hunt. New campaign for AoS ?
  14. Removal of free warscrolls on GW webstore has nothing to do with human disabilities. Maybe stop the disingenuous comparisons to try to make something look more outrageous than it is in reality - especially when it leads you to judge someone solely on whathe wrote.
  15. Hypothetical case again. Let's take a situation : I play a game with someone and he uses an army I'm not familiar with. I chat with him and inform him that, asking if he can present his army and what they do in game. Usually that's done during the deployment phase, he makes a short resume for units when he places them. Most of the time, to be honest, main information is asked when the unit does something relevant with a reaction / action from our part. Like when I'm wondering if I do charge with my units or not, and so on. It's not harassing your opponent to ask him info you're not aware to when it's relevant without being annoying. After all, it's natural if he does the same if he's not familiar with your army either. Or if he's simply a new player. That kind of information should be shared first before the game, I feel. And like I said before, convenience was never in question...because if it's just that, I'll make you remember that the app exists and you can consult that kind of information the same way on it. Especially because it's something that's clearly made to be consulted on your phone. Actually, in that case, I believe the app is more convenient than browing on the GW webstore after every unit and then click on the link below to get the said warscroll. For now, since it's in beta and not behind a paywall, the money argument doesn't apply. And if it did...for the kind of situations you brought ? If it's really something that bothers you and you feel better using your phone to "check" on your opponent without disturbing his turn, maybe that could be worth the fee GW may ask for it if it's not too high (or if it's included in Warhammer + and already have a subscription). I guess Hollowhills could have written "The End of Free Warscrolls on GW Webstore" to be complete, but I don't blame the shortcut here.
  16. This is why they do. Core rules for AoS are available for "free", and there are still warscrolls in the 3rd edition package plastic boxes they sell - just less detailed. Easy to understand, though. With "free warscrolls", it makes the job easier for third party to gather the informations for their own "app" or assimilated. It's actually very consistent with their IP protection to keep this behind their own app and youtube partners rather than the webstore. Gives more control for them. That you may not like this is understandable, though.
  17. Nurgle is just said to be the most generous of the four in delivering them, that's all. It's the universal chaos star that's the true clue, to me.
  18. I'm not, but you wouldn't be hestitating so much to interrupt your opponent during his turn by simply asking him what does his unit do if you weren't at ease with him. What I mean is that your cases are all hypothetical to find something that may be in your favor about free warscrolls being available anytime. The thing is : they actually don't need to be useful in this situation at all. You can play a game without feeling the "urgent need" to check the free warcrolls on GW's webstore. That kind of information can be answered in game directly by your opponent after all, can't that ?
  19. There are ways to talk with your opponent without disrupting their turn, you know. It's called "socialising". A game doesn't have to be a battle to the death to see which one is the winner and to detect immediately who may be cheating. I'm part of the "old school people" who never use their phone during a game doing something else on internet. I always thought it rude. You're with someone in the real life : better to give him your full real life attention as well, is that how I see it. Ah, youngsters nowadays ! Seriously, though, I know I'm some kind of dinosaur. I still write my army lists on paper and I can't help myself but needing a good old book to read the rules. I guess I must look silly playing at home with my small table carrying the core rule book, the battletome, my FAQ printed, my army list. But hey, different generation, different habits !
  20. Oh yes, like the cities of sigmar having a warband list for Warcry in the white dwarf before the Order Alliance Book was released. Nowadays, I don't take into account what's inside the White Dwarf as anything for the future. I maintain my bet is on Slaves to Darkness !
  21. Battletome Slaves to Darkness, this we'll have !
  22. I do understand you believe that removing free warscrolls is anti-consumer practices, but I don't. Since we're into beliefs and not facts, well...what can we do but agree that we disagree ? Come on. If you play GW games (meaning, using GW miniatures and, most likely, other GW stuff like paints and rules), you know you're going to spend a lot. If the app is at reasonnable price, people will take it. Because convenience. As for the battletomes...let's be honest, new players will most likely be told to buy it anyway, free warscrolls or not. And while you making demos to new players, you don't have to make him pay for all of that. People doing that usually have their own ressources / books, or can always have a deal with a shop manager to access to some they don't. They can use that the old way before free warscrolls existed, like I did before. I'm pretty sure they won't disappear suddenly because of that. That some players disgrunted by the removal of warscrolls may be pushing new players to piracy, yes that will certainly exist. But that's a person's problem, here, let's be clear. If you're that angry with GW, better chances are that you'll be making demo for other games than AoS... Well, yes, GW makes more money...that was always the point. Is it a bad move for AoS's popularity in the future ? I tend to think it could, but to be honest, I feel like this version of AoS being more "technical" would be more playing that part. Now it's only my feeling (as good as anyone else's, to this point). The warscrolls are just a small part of the game, after all. I never said that or "cheered them" like you seem to think and besides, EA's practices are not the topic here.
  23. Your opponent come with a book, right ? Just ask him to show you the book. Is it troublesome ? Maybe...but I don't know, checking the warscrolls on your phone while your opponent is playing just to see if he's "telling you the truth" sounds way ruder...
  24. I know ! But that means it's always a veteran that knows how the game is played who show the new player how it works. It was indeed convenient to do this way. Now ? Well...veteran players doing demos will use more books than before, I guess. Or the app.
  25. Except that youtube products and GW products don't have the same impact with what you feel is "anti-consumer practices". Youtube is solely only able to be used online on their platform. AoS can be played with miniatures anywhere you set a physical board and you can buy rules in a book. You don't have to be all digital to play AoS. So the removal of free warscrolls has actually not the same impact as trying to sell videos on your phone with the screen locked, talking about the product as a whole like you said. Free warscrolls was just a convenience for AoS. It wasn't a main feature of AoS.
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