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Everything posted by Mattrulesok

  1. I would be very surprised if anyone looked across the table at Aventis and knew which one it was without you telling them. Ultimately WYSIWYG is going to be up to your local scene. My scene has people playing named heroes as the generic version all the time, no one cares as long as you're clear what they are but that's My scene and maybe yours is particularly picky.
  2. Feels like an error and it should be units can still shoot and charge if they've run but I guess we don't know until we do
  3. He has definitely gained some use but I'd want him at least 20 points cheaper. The ability to stop models coming back is huge but 9" range makes it very hard to get enemy units in the bubble. I feel like this has more play in theory then practice but I'm still interested to try him on the table
  4. In the current meta? No. However if we continue to see more representation from armies like nighthaunt and BoC which obliterate save stacking and are unbothered by high rend (because they ignore it or their saves are so poor it already doesn't matter) they could see some play but I imagine they are always going to suffer somewhat from their ward save only working in the combat phase
  5. All that and also rules for a mega avatar that uses the new Eldar model
  6. Warning cry is not the reason I play gryph-hounds, it's more of a bonus. It rarely even matters and I'm not sure Ive ever had it triggered BUT against some armies it creates powerful space control. I'm 2-0 vs Living Cities (one of which was final game top table at a local tournament) because with the correct set-up and my Mirrorshield stardrake bookending the setup there is no where to come in. So no, warning cry doesn't do much but against the right lists it can severely impact their game plan. Also as a side note please appreciate that gryph-hounds have a champion and therefore can issue CA's
  7. They're a mobile screen with a decent number of wounds but even with their lack of save they are deceptively survivable because they just flat out leave combat, they are a screen that if you opponent doesn't choose to fight first retreats and continues to screen. They are also excellent at stealing objectives because they move deceptively quick. 9" movement is good but 9 + 7 charge + 3 pile in + 6 retreat = 25" move your opponent wasn't expecting. Also warning cry can be really useful against the right opponent for controlling board space.
  8. I also played evocators on dracolines in last weekend's tournament, they definitely did not feel worth their points, all 3 games they just got melted by another unit, they did some damage but not enough to justify 280 I did win a 4 game tourney with castigators, they're actually very good as a hybrid shooting/blocking piece. They pair well with other pieces in the book. Sequitors just seem so overpriced so I have no idea why I bought another 10 recently😅
  9. Really interesting. There are a few units I'm surprised have seen such little play. 3 or less for the chariot, Tempestors, farstriders and prosecutors. (Plus I think gryph-hounds are excellent). There's definitely still plenty of play in this army outside of the 3 overpowered warscrolls. Also nice to see someone do well with Vandus, I played him in a 1 Dayer on the weekend and he felt well worth his points but a little like he's the right guy in the wrong meta
  10. I'd be curious to know which units made it into 4+ win lists the least but still made it in at least 1? I went 4-1 with a list that had a unit of gryph-hounds and a stardrake and I saw the list with Heraldors but what other secret tech is out there? Also ran this vs a friends Living City list yesterday on power in number (which on refection was a big bonus for my army). Call ed the game for me Rd 3, list felt really tough was able to nullify all of living cities tricks. Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals - Stormhost: Hammers of Sigmar (Scions of the Storm) - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty Lord-Celestant on Stardrake (500)* - General - Stormbound Blade - Command Trait: Master of the Celestial Menagerie - Artefact: Mirrorshield - Mount Trait: Celestial Instincts Lord-Relictor (145)* - Prayer: Divine Light 4 x Dracothian Guard Concussors (440)* - Reinforced x 1 4 x Dracothian Guard Tempestors (440)* - Reinforced x 1 2 x Dracothian Guard Desolators (220)* 5 x Vindictors (130)* 6 x Gryph-Hounds (110)* *Battle Regiment Holy Command: Call for Aid Total: 1985 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 2 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 112 Drops: 1
  11. What the others have said. It's purely situational what models you choose however when playing horde armies that use big blocks of chaff, especially when that chaff is tough (e.g. Mortek or plague bearers) it can be worth setting up a coherency break. Charge the stardrake and another unit into either end of a long string of models, use the non stardrake unit first and see if you can bait them into over committing then pile in with Drake and take out the middle models. It can get you through some tarpits way faster than your opponent expects
  12. Castigators are definitely still pretty good and have a place as a solid screening/shooting objective grabber. I ran them at a tournament recently and they definitely earned their spot
  13. Seraphon are still good, the changes have no effect on most of the book but salamanders feel dead in the water. 1 VP per Sally make them virtually impossible to play competitively. Sure you will still remove bad teams before they have a chance to touch you but there are too many good lists out there that can remove a couple of Sally's no sweat and take a punch that giving up points will likely cost you the game.
  14. So for deciding who starts core rules have a roll off but the generals handbook 2021 gives priority to the person who drops first. You don't have to follow the GHB but it's the standard for matched play/tournaments. Looks like a fun list, don't feel too bad about forgetting shock and awe, it was a standard army rule in the last book and we all forgot it constantly. AoS reminders is good to use when you're first playing a team or simply make your own cheat sheet. It all locks in your brain eventually though just keep at it.
  15. Section 14 - wounds. Yiu can still combine rolls for expedience sake you just don't want to be rolling so many that the unit is being wiped because then the order in which you rolled the different results matters. Good job on the win though, share your list with us.
  16. I'm building a 10 dracothian guard list ATM and I love the look but I also like how stilted and uniform they look, I personally like my stormcast to have a uniform, unthinking and unfeeling look to them, it's why I'm less interested in vanguard SCE
  17. I find games under 2k to be too small for me, my current list (including heroes) is only 7 units and 20 models as is. I would be interested in a smaller point format that strives to keep larger armies still. Off the top of my head restrictions like no heroes over 500 points, no more than half the army spent on heroes, 3 battleline required still, only 2 reinforcements etc. Of course moving to 1500 points only makes some of the broken units more broken but that's not a reason to try, just more reason to fix those few outliers
  18. I've got no suggestion for the kids but for creating a less competitive/toxic community I'd say try running some casual events, awards for coolest army and sportsmanship rather than wins. 1500 points, with TO having discretion to ask players to redo lists that are too strong. Make it clear that it's a soft tournament for fun and anyone who isn't a complete chud should be excited. We have that in our local scene, December some TO's ran a casual 1 day doubles tournament, this weekend we had a 2 day competitive GT. maybe 70% of the players between the 2 tournaments were the same but for the comp tournament people brought their best and picked lists they felt they could win with. The Doubles tournament however was full of fun armies, people brought the stuff they can't normally play at tournaments because it's not competitive but want to play because it's fun or want to show off because a lot of love was involved in painting/creating. The added benefit being, a lot of the 30% who weren't playing both tournaments were new to the game or the scene. Both tournaments were success's, both were fun but both were aimed at specific experiences and people gravitated to that.
  19. It could be but it also could just be lazy warscroll writing, in the same way they gave Gardus steelsoul a 4+ save when he first came out (despite basically all stormcast heroes, and other lord celestants being on a 3+) and then moved to a 3+ in the new book. It feels like sometimes they don't actually look at previous warscrolls properly when they write a new one.
  20. So not as big as LVO but I ran my SCE at a 32 person 2 day event here in Oz. Heard dragons were good so I grabbed the biggest one I own and it seemed to work 😉 Played Troggs (my one loss), mixed skaven, stormfiend skaven, sentinel and severith LRL and finally SCE with raptors, prime and stardrake. Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals- Stormhost: Hammers of Sigmar- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line- Triumphs: BloodthirstyLeadersLord-Celestant on Stardrake (500)*- General- Stormbound Blade- Command Trait: Master of the Celestial Menagerie- Artefact: Mirrorshield- Mount Trait: Celestial InstinctsLord-Commander Bastian Carthalos (300)*Battleline4 x Dracothian Guard Fulminators (460)*- Reinforced x 12 x Stormdrake Guard (340)*- Drakerider's Lance5 x Liberators (115)*- Heavens-wrought Weapon and Shield- 1x GrandweaponsUnits1 x Stormstrike Chariot (165)*6 x Gryph-Hounds (110)*Core Battalions*Battle RegimentTotal: 1990 / 2000Reinforced Units: 1 / 4Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 108Drops: 1
  21. Surely we're having the wrong conversation here? the stormdrake warscroll is fine if a little overdesigned but we have yet another list that is all spam and oppressive against the majority of armies it plays against. 'Fixing' the dragons doesn't fix anything because we'll just see more spam lists appearing in other armies regardless, salamanders, skinks, eels, pigs, blightkings, horros, foxes and sentinels have all been strong, competitive and often oppressive lists against the majority of armies just within the last year, there are even more spam lists if you go further back in time. Hell we even had thundertusk spam that was tearing it up for a while not that long ago, a warscroll almost everyone agreed was underpowered but when spammed created an overwhelming amount of mortal wounds that many armies had no possible counter to. Don't ruin one of the few interesting warscrolls in SCE (most are just strong melee profiles with little to no utility) in an attempt to balance the game, treat the problem not a symptom of the problem.
  22. Yep the d6 mw creates too many feel Bad's. The other change I'd like to see is making the Double move 1 stormstrike unit per turn. That doesn't effect singular units but nerfs alpha strike spam lists.
  23. I think for me the key is internal balance. And that's not just about whether X warscroll is better points value than Y, it's also about whether you can play a decently competitive (doesn't have o go 5-0) list with YOUR favourite units. To me the 3 books that seem to embody this well are DoK, Seraphon and SBGL. With DoK and Seraphon they obviously came with some external balance issues but i don't think that makes them bad books, just pointed badly. The fact all 3 of those books don't pigeonhole you into a play style, creates bonuses for playing your models (think thunderlizards for dino's, fangs for skinks etc.) and 90% of the warscrolls are playable, have a purpose in the book and provide playstyle options for players. To a lesser extent it's the same reason i am fond of the Ogor book, it gives you options for playing your way (monster mash, shooting, infantry) however the internal balance is a little more off (although again it's mostly points) and there are a lot more useless or duplicate style warscrolls
  24. make 'em 1005 points so they're no longer match play (2k) legal but if you want to play a game with you buddy using the god of death than you still can, I think it's fun to play with huge gods but not when they unbalance tournament play.
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