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Lord of the Isle

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Everything posted by Lord of the Isle

  1. Maybe just emphasis that all chronicles and maps are deeply flawed and partial rather than definitive? How I long for the wildly biased superbly flavourful in universe narrations of 6th Ed!
  2. I have loved the sound of Misthavn, floating boating Ulgu City of Scoundrels, since Soulbound came out and am thrilled to hear it will be playable as of Broken Realms, apparently coming under attack by Idoneth for some reason. What do people reckon about it / want for it?
  3. One trick doth not a characterful fun effective city make EDIT: to be clear I love both Anvilgard and Misthavn background and would love both to continue to be playable, the more Tortugas the merrier
  4. It would be a bit cheap if Misthavn rules replaced a destroyed Anvilgard, though at least they might play more effectively...
  5. Well we don’t know if the sorceress is in with Morathi, right?
  6. It is great how Morathi is by far the most dynamic character in Mortal Realms!
  7. I dunno! Feel this thread has brought out quite interesting thoughts on the Loomies on both sides
  8. I like that idea a lot! Reminds me of how Jon Irenicus turned his ‘prison’ Spellhold into a villain fortress lair in Baldur’s Gate II And I think Slaaneshis are (even) more interesting with their god locked up but having said that I still feel gloomily certain big S is getting out relatively soon
  9. Huge points for noticing Zoroastrian High Elves - I am one (a Z not an HE) and it had only semi occurred to me...
  10. Loved that but was astonished when Haset’s Ulgu twin didn’t turn out to be Hashut! is the name similarity a coincidence, or do you plan to include a connection to / enmity with Hashut eventually?
  11. Love Mousillon too! EDIT: Eying Lord Arcanum on winds aetheric Gryph-Charger and Knight-Questor for Stormcast support
  12. Well I currently have 16 models with sufficiently huge swords to pass! Do you reckon should be more or fewer? Blood Knights...well I love my models (mostly Brets w a Dogs of War merc general) and they’re much better heavy cav than Gryphs or Drakes...kinda thought they were scariest thing in army? Friendly opponents so shouldn’t present rules trouble
  13. Have been thinking of this list as basics for Hallowheart but wondering if Living City might suit better...opinions? Nomad Prince as general Sorceress on Dragon Sorceress on foot possibly x 2 if I can wangle it Fleetmaster Assassin White Battlemage on Luminark (Heroes are very negotiable. I gather Hurricana (?) are more popular than Luminarks but I am going to fight in a campaign in Hysh so this seems more fun) 10 Darkshards 10 Corsairs w handbows 20 Sisters of the Watch x 2 40 Corsairs w blades 5 Sisters of the Thorn x 2 10 Shadow Warriors 10 Executioners 16 Wildwood Rangers 10 tree revenants Couple of Stormcasty things or maybe a Scourgerunner? 6 Blood Knight Mercs conceivably inc a vamp lord
  14. I’ll try and put up some pix ASAP...not much currently painted. List in more recent forms on my Ranald thread and the Hallowheart thread!
  15. Ah yes but if 40 of them they are cheaper? not of course cheaper than 30, but cheaper in general for what they are
  16. Aren't the blade guys more awesome if they're a horde of 40?
  17. Back in Fantasy Chaos was unstoppably, ridiculously obviously the most powerful. It didn’t stop anyone I knew enjoying the game because the point was the grimly dramatic story and the beaut models, not endless formulaic rules minutiae...
  18. So all D o K males that we know about are still slaves or warlocks
  19. This looks extremely cool. But yes give one of them fleet masters a spooky girlfriend?!
  20. I agree the aesthetic would ideally need to be an advance on ‘High Elves 2.0’. Far Eastern influences so far might indicate Ronin / Samurai perhaps, somewhat as attempted by LOTR films (unless that’s its own problem). I wonder whether a sort of Moorcock - Dark Elves but more or less good style might work given Tyrion’s complex psyche and record. Like, bright and shiny, but merciless, sharp, and scary. Feanorian EDIT: Kind of that 'I emit so much light my enemies die by me just existing and frowning at them but I also have really questionable / terrible judgment and morality' vibe please
  21. I prefer diversity of background to diversity of rules. Eg Loads of factions used to have cool knights and that was fine! I’d love some straightforward sword and lance elves with good stories / character / moral ambiguity
  22. Wd anyone else be happy if Tyrion aelves were fairly normal elves with amazing swordsmanship, knighthood and attitude? Essentially an army of combat heroes
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