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El Antiguo Guardián

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Everything posted by El Antiguo Guardián

  1. So excited about this BT. I´m sorry because last year I painted 3k of HoS, but... new models and rules are always good news!
  2. About the tides, it depends of the oponent. With the new BR Rules Fuethan is the best option, I´m playing it with another list and I´m very pleased with them.
  3. Amazing!! I´m thinking about using the same models for my army!
  4. Some more boys ready for the battle!! This time, we´re talking about the Morgok´s Krushas, three cool models for my army.
  5. It´s a good day in order to start a new project! The chosen one is going to be the IDK. I´m doing orcs too, and DOK and Vampires are waiting their time... but IDK are going to be my option at this time!! So this is going to be my starter patrol. I have also 1 Eidolon and the scenery. On the future, I want to buy the other characters, another king and another Eidolon. Ah, and the WU Warband, for sure. So let´s start with the magic!
  6. It´s going to be a good year! Also I have the scenery and a 2nd hand Eidolon waiting. Let´s have some fun!
  7. Hello mates, Here you have some undead tabletop tutorials, fast and good looking! AND MORE
  8. Is for LoN (mostly), but here you have some fast tutorials for painting undead models looking just for the tabletop.
  9. DoK and Slaanesh were ready for last october, along with the dual box I think. Lumineth are HUGE, but I hope they can do the same with other armies during the next ed. because they need the same love. Vampires and WHQ are amazing, but I think this is like an E3 Show: just 2 models from que Quest... we want more! But with this vampires and the teaser I´m a bit afraid about Soulb Gravelords because most the death rumour engines are solved with that boxes, so... what new units are we going to have in the future? I don´t know, I hope that if we need to wait 3 months for the vampires they show us more death rumour engines. For sure, the end of BR Teclis will open the door for the new SBG BT, same as Morathi with HOS, and the vampire lord leaked this week with the name of the army make sure that we´re going to have it, but...
  10. Slaanesh Sisters BR 40K Release Vampires ¿That order?
  11. If we have the name of the new army, the BT is coming. Maybe not tomorrow, but on a few weeks.
  12. I hope that Nagash needs to call to the vampires in order to stop Teclis.
  13. Everything will be perfect this saturday if they announce Vlad as the new mortarch and BR: Vlad.
  14. That vampire is AWESOME too. The only problem is that the new vampire lord is on 40mm and this ones are 32mm like LoN ones. I will prepare my AoW vampire lord too
  15. I think I will buy a pair of this vampire lord model, the 2nd one for convert it using some VLoZD bits. I hope today we get a bit more from GW!! I can´t wait!
  16. I have most of the WH40K armies, most of the AoS armies as well (but I´m mounting and painting them) and all the WHFB ones (and some extra like Fimirs and Nippon), but vampires are my favourite ones, ever, all games and sistems. So this is AMAZING. I was preparing myself for a new undead army so it´s time for start painting and mounting them for the new battletome. I´m very very excited.
  17. LoN/SoulB new tome + Vampire warband + WH Quest (Vampirates) All the models available for AoS. And new blood knigths. It´s so easy to dream...
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