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El Antiguo Guardián

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Everything posted by El Antiguo Guardián

  1. Your slaanesh army is both horrible and amazing: so is fantastic. Very well done, everything: painting job, lore, converted models...
  2. Yes, is clear that they´re 10 models at that price. And I was thinking about doing 2 Lumineth armies, one for me and another one for my brother... bad luck. So... behemat next month and khaine in november?
  3. My problem with harvesters is the big amount of shooting of this game, but yes, Arkhan is enough magic for me (and I love the soulmason, best wizard cost/effectivity). Maybe drop 1 unit of kavalos and the battalion and try to upload both units of morteks up to 40 (and the soulmason if you need). Probably some people can say that 40 morteks are too much, but the price is better and they are shall no fear, so...
  4. +1. Also, if you´re using Reikenor, you can use a dreadblade harrow as general for the "taxi" combo.
  5. I hope core units are 20 models each one, if not, at the price of the Witch Aelves, people are going to use H-Elves or 3D printed models.
  6. I though that maybe SoB can be a poor battletome (but too romantic, for sure!!), but Mega Gargants will broke the meta as we known it, so their warscrolls can be strong enough for selling a lot of them during their release to all the AoS players.
  7. The other day I was on a tournament and I played vs the Legion. So here is the battle report: maybe some of you like it. I though that all the Legion list needs Belakor, but my opponent didn´t use him so...
  8. I prefer all of them with spirit blades if your tournament is WYSIWIS (what you see...). I though that you can use kavalos instead of morteks if you´re playing Petrifex. Also I prefer bigger units of Mortek Guards: 20-40. I think that one unit of Inmortis is enough for Arkhan, and I hate Morghast: each dice you fail is critic. I think you can do that work better with Kavalos and/or Stalkers. Also, Here you have the sencond battle report of the tournament vs demons. Probably in 2 days you will have the great final:
  9. The other day I played vs Big Waagh!! on a tournament. If you want, here is the battle report!!
  10. Fast units and lots of morteks are my best options. It´s hard to catch the enemy shooting units, but you can to sit on the markers and hold the points during most of the game time.
  11. Thank you!! Here is the battle report (and the analysis, from the middle of the video) of the first battle of the tournament agg. the Big Waagh! of my friend Yoshu/Adrián. He´s a very good player from my team (not ETC, local team), so I hope you like it. During the following days I will upload the video for the 2nd round and the final:
  12. Hello!! Today I will bring you my speedpainting eldar tutorial. You can use it also for elves, or even the NMM speed tutorial for every model. I hope you like it.
  13. New tutorial for painting eldar, but you can use it for fantasy elves.
  14. I won the tournament. We were playing a competitive tournament of our team... I faced Big Waagh!, Legion of the First Prince and Kharadron. I will make 3 reports+analysis during this week! If i can remember 40mm but is on the GW Webpage.
  15. Hey!!Here I come with some painted models. Also I had painted 25 black knigths for a friend but I didn´t have pictures...So let´s start. First of all, some commissions:And 3 gorgers for my OK T9A army!!And I´m preparing another 9 ogres and a BSB.
  16. You´re totally right. I hope we can have a 2nd wave of models and the rework on 2021 with AoS 3.0. but who knows due to the coronavirus...
  17. It´s interesting too. Battleline flayers can be very good with the new GHB2020 scenaries. I need to try a full deadwatch list with this. But I´m not sure about the terror. It´s awesome vs any other combat list, but about the top tier shooting list...meh.
  18. Well... I think that beastclaw are also at a good tier level, better than Fec. What do you think? About the amount of death armies on the top tiers. Maybe the title can confuse, I´m sorry.
  19. I think they will be ready for the AoS 3.0 launch box vs some... destruction army? I hope.
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