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Everything posted by JustAsPlanned

  1. Apparently the Loreseeker is no longer unique! Woooooo!
  2. Had a dream last night that Grave Guard got new models, but they were a limited run and sold out in like, the first two minutes. Is this a portent of things to come?
  3. So according to the MWG unboxing of Dominion “...the core book says we will get a series of books each dedicated to different realms and containing the rules to run your Path to Glory campaigns in those environments, presumably with bespoke territories and upgrades that reflect the buildings and cities in those realms. " You all know what that means? Realm supplements. I know this is probably a ploy by GW to sell more books, but I’ll be DAMNED if this isn’t what I’ve been wanting since the start of AoS! Realm supplements! Think of all the potential worldbuilding and lore they can do! I’ve had a few gripes about 3e but this has placated, I’m well and truly hyped now.
  4. Crikey, that is a LOT of foxes and taun-tauns. Still it does look fun af
  5. >implying that most GW models don’t look like ridiculous buffoons All that Tzeentch energy must be messing with your head, man, what can I say
  6. Kraggy got thrown in a swamp Kruleboyz live in a swamp Kruleboyz see big angry horse man They follow big angry horse man Such is the way of life for Destruction factions.
  7. So it’s true... they ARE getting souped... don’t @ me for a while bros, I’m gonna need a minute...
  8. This is objectively wrong, as Lumineth can literally never have enough models, on account of being the most superior faction in every perceivable way
  9. Pray to him, for if we all pray hard enough we shall be blessed with no dwarf soup. 😩🙏
  10. I reckon the winged monster’s gonna be a dual kit - one with a generic boss riding it, one with a named hero. Other than that, aside from the aforementioned mounted troops and other monster I think the KB are about done. Maybe a Hobgrot hero of some kind?
  11. Crikey, aren’t you a ray of sunshine? Relax, we don’t know if it IS true yet. We don’t know anything for sure, so there’s no use working yourself into a tizzy about it.
  12. Now, as much as I wish this to be true (so that we Lumineth Realm-chads can keep on winning 😎) I take issue with the fact that it fails to mention any other new Destruction armies in what’s meant to be the destruction edition. Death got like what, 3 in 2e? So you’d expect there to be more. Plus, I’m not gonna put it here but I saw the leaks on /tg/ itself and they get more and more unreasonable, claiming to know the exact way 3e is gonna end - which is just plain unrealistic, GW might plan model release far in advance, but not the story. So therefore, this is probably a fake.
  13. So roughly it’s £140 (for UK players that is). Not surprised, honestly.
  14. I mean, when the new BT comes out there’s always a chance the Grimghasts could get knocked down in points again. Same for the Harridans.
  15. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/06/10/outlast-any-enemy-with-the-soulblight-gravelords-in-the-new-edition/ SBGL article is up!
  16. I’m so, so sorry, but the Maw-Krusha is not a Wyvern. It is a giant angry cabbage that can somehow fly 😛 Jokes aside, the flying thing I could see being either a Wyvern thing or some sort of nasty swamp vulture/bird. Some kind of troglodyte scavenger.
  17. Ngl the prospect of a big swamp Wyvern and a horrible Sludge monster IS appealing... hopefully we’ll actually get to see them soon 😩
  18. Oh for- GW, you don’t need to drag out every single thing into a tease. It gets grating. However, at least we know that there are at least two new monsters coming, so this article wasn’t entirely a waste.
  19. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/06/09/mcfarlane-toys-return-with-5-new-warhammer-40000-action-figures/ More 40k action figures. One day, friends. One day we will be rewarded for our patience... with a single Liberator figure
  20. I could see OBR getting the Ivory Host special character (maybe a dual kit that makes an on-foot Liege), a Start Collecting set, and MAYBE an infantry unit of some kind (hopefully archers).
  21. What, and you DON’T start your day by moaning at people online? Smh
  22. Oh yeah, the fact they mentioned Fyreslayers without Kharadron feeds my desperate delusion that they won’t end up being souped together 😩
  23. So, because each GA has had an article so far, do y’all reckon it’ll be our turn for one?
  24. I swear the Wood Elves used to ride them. Maybe they’ll come with the rumoured WElf tome?
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