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Everything posted by Ganigumo

  1. Definitely recommend a marshcrawla sloggoth, its a troggoth with grots on it that gives out a 15" aura of +1 to hit. I kind of hope it finds its way into the gitz book, as its a better fit there than in kruleboyz. Loonskin is a good command trait, you can pair it with arcane tome for a nearly permanent +1 to cast if you want, but troggs don't have access to spell lores, and the loonshrine does that anyways. A fun build for a troggboss is to take the command trait to reroll the damage of the club, and give him vial of manticore venom. If you have the marshcrawla and the dankholds command you're on 2+/2+ rerolling 1's to hit and can reroll the damage. Loonskin is probably better, but its a fun build.
  2. I'd say the chances of getting just the wolfriders are almost zero. They're probably a nomadic light cav army, which treads on spiderfang a little bit, so I'm not expecting any monsters here. I think Gitmob could get by with 3-4 kits for the whole subfaction though. Wolfriders (confirmed) Wolf mounted hero (boss or shaman) Chariot mounted Artillery multi-build kit, Would have at least 2 build options, one for a doom diver, and one for another artillery, maybe spear chukkas (like back in WFB), maybe a build without a war machine and just some extra grots. (Optional) Hero #2 from bullet 2 (Optional) Pump wagons, units of them, like the one from blood bowl that was on a 32mm base or something (Optional) Massive chariot centrepiece, with fat goblin named hero. (Optional) Big centrepiece pump wagon I think the war machines, if they show up, will be on chariots, since its a bit more "AoS", and will fit the narrative of nomadic tribes a lot better, plus you're killing two birds with one stone, Both war machines and chariots were gitmob staples. Just 3-4 of those things would be enough to have a pretty fleshed out sub-army in my opinion.
  3. Whats funny is that if they'd just given skragrott warmaster this would've probably worked with the old book. You'd get squig herd & grot battleline, and could take a second general to unlock hoppers, troggs, or spider riders. Skragrott would probably have nearly 100% playrate at that point, but it probably would've been a huge help for gitz.
  4. They've done well, but kruleboyz were a miss, and this edition hates hordes since the rules were written during the 30 minutes where hordes were really good in aos 2. The moon should give some good army bonuses, but they need to work on making the different parts of the army play like they should too, and not be terrible at it.
  5. What could be cute is if trolls still don't get elite or a champion, but get the bonus and count as having recieved a random command each turn for free. They're too dumb to be leaders, but they still try to follow orders on their own schedule.
  6. Something like the old marks of chaos could work for the moon. Each one could get a passive ability until the moon leaves the board entirely. (I.e squigs can run and charge) then an empowered effect while directly under the moon (i.e squigs can charge 3d6). Then each subfaction, or the army as a whole, could get a few abilities that are always on.(i.e reinforced units get bigger weapon reach).
  7. Not a fan of the man-chest on this one, but its fine. Love it! I'm gonna run a full army of these guys. I'd love new spiders, but I'm super hyped for gitmob. The snarlfangs look so good. IMO they're definitely holding back, I'd be shocked if they got just the wolfriders. They're probably waiting for the next reveal show or something. IIRC they usually have some reveals around the holidays and it could be a good fit.
  8. Do. Not. Get. Me. Excited. Rippas snarlfangs are easily one of the top sculpts in all of AoS(ish).
  9. Not that I think there will be a Gitz vs STD box, but they could throw Eternus in that theoretical box set.
  10. Kruleboyz have a bunch of padlocks, or at least the snatchaboss does.
  11. We have generic endless spells and they work (kinda), there's no reason they can't make incarnates work as well. They're basically the monster version of endless spells. They just need to adjust the rules. Krondspine instantly becomes more tolerable if you just give it like ~20 wounds instead of making it unkillable. Just make them monsters that use levels instead of bracketing to determine the profile.
  12. I find the god beasts super interesting narratively, but generally I think their scale is too big to fit properly.
  13. I think its still bad until bounty hunters rotates, but once that happens there might be some play to gutrippaz, although they could still probably do with another minor buff or point reduction. If you throw the gutrippaz up with the command trait you probably won't have the opportunity to buff them, because the rest of the army will be too far away. Gutrippaz are in a rough spot designwise. I think they're pointed with their potential for damage in mind, but they're so bad at getting into that scenario that it shouldn't really be accounted for. Even when you do you'll maybe only get to do it once per game. The army needs them to be an anvil/attrition unit.
  14. Definitely, the difference between rend 1 & 2 is massive in our current world of save stacking.
  15. Its roughly 1 mortal per charge actually, or closer to 2 with kragnos. average roll on 2d6 is 7, so you'll roll 7 dice so there's a good chance a 3 will show up.
  16. The meatfist option is intriguing, but I think the rend on the hailshot is probably better. Also if you really want to spam 3+ mortals Big names are no longer once per army, so you could have multiple brawlerguts tyrants running around that don't rely on a spell.
  17. no 2 is the maximum right now. It could work, you'd need to build one box of hoppers as hoppers to hit 3 battleline. it would end up something like this: which is just above 2k. You'd probably drop the second loonboss on cave squig, and fill the remaining points with endless spells, upgrading some of the manglers to loonbosses, adding some snufflers &/or adding another shaman. It should work fine as far as gitz lists go, but I think the meta around squigs now is more spamming bounderz/herds.
  18. absolutely, but I doubt they'll do it. Vindictors could've probably just been liberators with spears as an example. I agree they don't really need brand new scrolls, but new 'ardboyz would be nice. I also have a soft spot for the 8th ed boar boy kit and wouldn't hate if they brought that kit back we got 'ardboy riders, even if they might not have much of a role.
  19. their goal of 60% of warscrolls showing up in 5% of lists might actually be nearly impossible for stormcast. 60% of 79 warscrolls is like 48. Stormcast armies tend to be elite, and run like 7-8 units? so each of the 48 units needs to show up in 1 of 20 lists, or 1 in 1~150 units. It sounds like it might be theoretically doable, but its probably not in practice, unless you start making warscrolls identical. I think the only solution to hit their target is to either cut warscrolls or split stormcast into separate armies. honestly zero viable options might be better, since then you get to make decisions in listbuilding (for me at least Gitz is way more interesting to listbuild with than kruleboyz partly for that reason I think), but for weaker armies there really isn't an argument not to do both. The main concern is overcorrecting, but making gitz viable won't suddenly make dankhold troggoths or spiderfang good unless you've targeted the buffs at those units to solve the internal balance issue. Plus if its a proper subfaction within the army there's good odds people will continue to play it, which can drag down the overall statistics.
  20. I'll need to watch the interview at some point. This is only a good strategy for overperforming armies though. Not working to improve the internal balance of an underperforming book, while trying to improve the external balance, can lead to skew lists being the only thing thats really playable while leaving swaths of the book unplayable. Gitz is probably the best example of what this looks like.
  21. The internal balance chart, that used the number of scrolls that appeared seemed misleading to me. Kruleboyz were placed at a very healthy spot with 14/16 scrolls (I'm assuming the killaboss and killaboss on gnashtoof were the two not used). Anyone who's played with/against kruleboyz knows gutrippaz are pretty much only played as a tax, or that the sloggoth is played mostly in gitz and not kruleboyz. The army construction challenges & external balance issues are hiding the internal balance problems. With the recent changes I wonder if Gobsprakk isn't in trouble as well, his old claim to fame was actually getting to cast spells, but now that swampcallas can I think his use might drop pretty heavily. Ogors looked like an outlier to me too, as we've known for ages that the gutbuster side, has struggled.
  22. Ironblasters force your drops up, but it may not be a problem since their threat range means the opponent might take t1 just to prepare for them. The "counter" to them is the same as counters to good shooting, so using terrain to hide support pieces, picking up anti-shooting tech in the book, and using actual LoS blocking terrain (ghost mist can help). IDK and Kruleboyz have some of the best protection, but KB probably fold to any melee threats you have. Maybe IDK are a good matchup? I don't know the army that well.
  23. I've got way more squigs than I probably need, but I'm still a little tempted by it. I only have 2 Manglers after all ... 😅
  24. proper FAQ is up, mostly just fixing things people were edge-shooting about. Cult Demagogue was nerfed, it now only applies to the first spell cast. Kairics can mix & match weapon options again (probably because the box didn't have enough for 20 with dual blades...) Heralds are no longer monsters. I'm a bit sad they didn't take the opportunity to touch up cult of the transient form and tzaangor greatblades, I put a question in about both in the FAQ. Cult remained unchanged and was/is awful. Greatblades being worse than dual weapons just feels like a trap when building the minis. They don't need to be better but having them be worse is questionable.
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