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Everything posted by OkayestDM

  1. You would only roll one. His ability is mean to work better on a single models with lots of wounds, not on groups of models.
  2. Honestly, I wonder if it isn't something for the background art that wasn't properly covered by the terrain.
  3. Whether or not Windchargers will be problematic will depend heavily on their attack profiles and any add-on abilities. That said, if they remain largely the same as they are now, the "ignore ward" ability will make them useful, but won't make them OP. LRL players quickly found that Windchargers weren't worth investing heavily in, and I don't see that changing. Having 5-10 in a list may now be worth while, because they present a quick unit that can threaten key heroes or chip wounds away from otherwise tanky opponents, but I can't imagine that players would want many more than that. They're fairly fragile and their damage output isn't exceptional. Besides, unit point costs are going up across the board this edition, and ranged unit points are going up more than most. I imagine they won't be a cheap option.
  4. We now officially know more about the Ogor Battletome than we do about either the Tzeentch or Lumineth ones.
  5. I'm thinking you may be right. They're no longer listed on the US website either.
  6. I appreciate that the caste abilities seem to be migrating to the warscroll. Much easier to track that way. I'm also happy that Deep Thinker is only once per battle, and that the opponent can still attempt an unbind. It would be much too good otherwise. Too early to call it, but these rules give me hope that the new book will be more player friendly all around.
  7. I'm not getting my hopes up, but I sure wouldn't complain!
  8. Yes. The battlebox is released first, the tomes should follow in about a month (at least, based on how the last few releases have gone.)
  9. Warcry is a fantastic vehicle through which to feed out thematic and/or realm specific terrain! Hopefully they do like they did last edition and package the terrain separately for purchase. I never got into Warcry (though I confess tha addition of reactions has caught my attention), but I've picked up a bunch of the terrain for use in AoS proper.
  10. It also has gameplay implications. If the rumors are true, then StD may get a Seraphon or Orruk Warclans style split where you have Belakor and Archaon's legions, each with their own unique allegiance abilities.
  11. That'd put it smack in the middle of September, which would line up with the Autumn release time. I'm just an eager-beaver over here. I collect both Tzeentch and Lumineth, and am hopeful that they'll be updated so that they offer more list-building diversity and are more fun to play against for my friends.
  12. So, it was about 40 days from the official announcement of the Skaven/Sylvaneth box to the release date for both battletomes. If the Lumineth/Tzeentch release follows the same time-frame, we could potentially see the books as soon as the first week of August. Admittedly, this runs counter to the "autumn" release time indicated by the roadmap, but GWs always been a bit wishy-washy on the exactness of such things.
  13. I couldn't make out any details on the Bladelord warscroll card, but it was chuck full of writing and the weapon profiles looked largely unchanged. Not exactly thrilling, as they're easily my favorite models in the range, but just aren't that good on the table. I'd like to think GW is pulling some kind of fast one, but it looks like the proper warscroll design for the new edition. EDIT: I managed to get a zoomed in look at the warscroll. As far as I can tell, it's exactly the same as the current one.
  14. It was discussed on here ages ago that weapon ranges should be changed into "ranks" that can roll attacks. t's not a flawless system, but it would certainly speed things up. Have a universal rule where (if there's a choice between spears and hand-weapons) spears allow you to fight with 1 additional rank.
  15. While disappointing, it's probably also for the best. Between the massive number of attacks and the mortal wound output, they'd be too killy a unit by far. As is, there's still incentive to bring them as a block of 10, because even though you don't get the additional attacks, you do still roll for their mortals, meaning that you aren't just buying ablative wounds when you reinforce the unit.
  16. Not for nothing, but if the rumors about the way the next GHB rules will work is true, Vanquishers in a 10-15 block would suddenly actually be able to bring their ideal killing power to bear while also still being a reasonable threat to units or models that they don't get their extra attacks against. I don't know if it makes them good, but at least it makes them functional.
  17. The article said 5 wounds apiece, which is nothing to sneeze at. The real question will be how good their save is. My guess is that between the beetle shell and the shield they'll have a 4+, which is quite respectable but would keep them from becoming egregious.
  18. Which surprises me, because from what I've heard Gloomspite Gitz was extremely well received when it launched, and it's aesthetic is highly praised.
  19. While I know Slaanesh is supposed to be the worst enemy to all aelves, Lumineth and Tzeentch are such perfect rivals. I was a little disappointed when the fluff didn't make more of how those two factions would be natural enemies (Severith shooting the Blue Scribes not withstanding.) They also happen to both be factions that I collect, so whenever that release comes out, it'll be a good day for me!
  20. If true, these are very good quality of life changes all around. The only one I can't comment on would be the Thunder Lizard change, but I've never had to fight against them so I don't know how significant it actually is.
  21. If they do go the Order vs Order route, they could easily do Dawnbringer and Stormcast vs either Morathi, Idoneth, or Malerion. It would be a real shame if they didn't actually pull on that narrative thread and sew some right and proper division between the order factions.
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