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Everything posted by Arzalyn

  1. Yeah I totally agree that much of its success will depend on how much we try and adopt it in the end. Its quiet funny because we always see people talking how we needed to make smaller games more normal (to get a bigger number of games per play day, to reduce the number of models to play barrier and all other factors) but when those modes appear they generally don't stick around due to them being "unbalanced because the game is balanced with 2k in mind". Remember meeting engagements? I know it (much like combat patrol) may have its problems, but maybe if we as a community come together to get to keep it been played and fixing it, if needed, we could have something really important for our hobby to flourish. Coming from a country where it is really hard to get warhammer models in general I can't stress enough how important a smaller, easier to get into game is important for this hobby to keep up. We've trying to grow our community and there are lots of people interested but having to say "oh get enough to play 1k first and you can start playing" and getting 1k translating into having to buy multiple boxes has made we loose a great amount of people that wanted to get into it. A lower entry barrier and games that are faster and easier to set up are all positive things that both get new people in but also help keep old players interested with more games happening and making easier to start a new faction you are interested in try/paint.
  2. Not a 40k player myself, but the ones I interact with were really interested in the format but dropped it once it become clear it was really poorly balanced. The release of new combat patrols with the edition condex and most of them being downgrades to the ones before also didn't help. So far spearhead seen to have more variance with the 4 enchantments + 2 subs you choose before the game start and the card system. How well the game model will be received and adopted will depend on well it play at its launch and if they choose to support it further in the edition (twists for other realms and other spearhead formations looks like the simplest way for this). I imagine that AoS having more varied factions than 40k can also help people getting interested in pick a new box they fancy the models if the games plays well.
  3. I wouldn't be surprised if they released a spearhead list for them at launch with all the other factions and release the box shortly after. For all we know if the truly end splitting ironjawz and kruleboyz again, Ironjawz could be the first tome after SCE and Skaven and they could release the box with as well, if they need to link the box release with a tome. If they don't split warclans, there is no problem.
  4. My 2 cents as well The good Heroic Actions I like those, specially on factions that get some different ones. If you don't get one they become a little less interesting as you default to generating a CP or buffing a hero most of the time. The least time consuming rule of all the news by far in my experience. Monstrous Rampage I like how they helped giving monsters a upside, even if they ended favoring more the heroes with monsters than the generic monsters. One thing I would like changed for them is the dice roll. I would much prefer if just roll for a give value (maybe a 3+) and if we pass we choose which one we gonna do. It would help reduce time wasted choosing which one you want to use just for you to fail the roll. New Commands I really like the reactive commands abilities as a way to keep you interested in the game while your opponent is playing. Some of them got problematic through the edition, but right now I think they are mostly fine. The Bad Core Battalions Lets be honest we have just 2 core battalions, Battle regiment and Warlord. The internal balance between the all is terrible. I like the general concept, but the execution is lacking. If they are keeping this concept, I hope they add more composition options, as the ones we have nowadays end gatekeeping artefacts/drop control from some factions. Also, make the bonuses all of them give more comparable, 1 cp once per game is nothing. GHB Seasons The idea of changing rules is not bad, but their executions was. Making them resolve around specific unit types warped the game a little to much for my taste. I would prefer smaller bonuses/new rules that we could choose to use or not during a season if they want to keep those. The focus should be more in changing the battleplans we are playing in and less in changing how you build your army list every 6~12 months. The Ugly Battle Tactics and Grand Strategies As many others have said here, I liked the concept of those we the edition started. I hate how they were implemented. They warped the game so much around them that giving easy tactics to a faction became enough to increase it wins rate. They made the game becomes more a matter of "how many easy tactics can I get/deny with this faction" than anything else, which is terrible. A secondary scoring system is a good idea, but it shouldn't be the main element of the game. Battletomes I like that we got new tomes for new factions, but I hate how the delay between tomes create such a gap between factions simple based on the year they tome got released. I really wish we could change the battletome system and I would love if we went for something like the old world got. Release all factions rules at the start of the year and them release supplements like regiments of renown and armies of renown during the season. It would reduce the disparity of design between factions as their core rules would all be made together and we could just opt to not use the supplemental rules if they release something super broken. 2+ Once per game abilities Why those exist? It just another roll to see if you will fell frustated or not. It adds nothing to the game other than frustration. Extra wishes Proper terrain rules.
  5. Finished a unit of Kroxigors. By far the best models to paint from the new Seraphon!
  6. Any info on how complete the legacy rules are compared to the 2 core factions books?
  7. Honestly I expect groups to adapt the base sizes, specially those that want to use AoS models they already have. Just to give a example, I was looking at the base size to use my Seraphon and for near all units the AoS base sizes are bigger than the ones given in the facebook by 10mm or more. Checking other factions it seems that the only models that don't have this kind of problem are the ones that already are in 25mm bases in AoS.
  8. Rumors were that it would drop next week.
  9. For this month I will try to finish another 5 raptadons and maybe the some kroxigors. Finished a Starpriest today, pretty happy withh is feather cape in particular.
  10. Finished most of my Kruleboyz bases, but forgot to take a picture to post... now trying to get as much of my Seraphon done as I can on the holidays. Got 4 raptadons done, 5 more to go!
  11. The bottles look pretty well made, as the bear like metal at the top. Cities maybe?
  12. About the rumor enginees, a user from the AoS reddit made a pretty good comparison with some of the elements in kruleboyz range
  13. Gorewarden: 40mm Varghulf: 90mm oval Cryptguard: 25mm Knights: 75mm oval From AoS coach discord
  14. No, they don't gain cover bonuses. The envoys is just a way to let you use your others abilities that require you to be near an overgrown terrain to use (seasons, healing, teleporting).
  15. I finished basing half of my Kruleboyz last month, so I will try to finish the other half this month. Got a little distract painting a Lord Exectution for a armys on parade (I imagine ours happen a little later than the normal) single miniature competition. It was pretty fun!
  16. About the courtiers, maybe the do like they did with the nurgle flies and other similar units, allowing to take a smaller unit if your list include that hero.
  17. I wonder how easy will be to make the wing membrane follow the body on the model itself. Personally I was thing of using the fell bats as proxy, as the new cavalry bats help create a theme.
  18. You aren't wrong in your assessment that the hobgrotz do very little damage wise. Been a road blocker that will eventually die is their main function. It may fell like you wasting point when you opponent shoots at them, but try to see the other side. Your opponent as 5 shooting phases in the game and they are wasting one of them to kill your 80 points unit that is there to die. I understand that at smaller point games it may fell a little sad to loose them, but dying is basically their role. If you want to make them last a little longer, you could try going with grinning blades rather than big-yellers, as blades trait is tailor-made to go against shooting. If you don't want to change your subfaction, another possibility is trying to get covered in mud dirty trick on them. Not super reliable due to the dice roll to get the trick, but it should work if you get it.
  19. The last couple of months I barely painted anything, hope I can get back on track this month. Not feeling inspired to paint yet tough, so my goal for this month will be finish the bases of my Kruleboyz (which are near all painted). Here the first one done.
  20. Well the monsta-killaz name ended making they have niche rules as I feared (aka anti-monster). Maybe they could see some play if they were released at the start of the edition, but right now monsters are far from common to justify such specialized unit. Maybe GW create a army of renow for them in the next book, like the did for the fyreslayers and ogors warcry units...
  21. If you are limited on what to get after the dominion, the snatchaboss is the most important model to get. It helps a ton at getting more millage out of the VEW triggers you get. For each unit of Gutrippaz you get you can make one hobgrot unit battleline. If you are using the app it shoul be a option on the same place you put the command options of the unit.
  22. Cool, thanks for the info! Do you have any detail if more orruks are Ironjawz specific or Kruleboyz and Bonesplitterz also getting something? Also related, any info if the Troggoths are gitz related?
  23. The dominion box give pretty much the core of the common kruleboyz list nowadays: Allegiance: Kruleboyz - Warclan: Grinnin' Blades - Grand Strategy: Waaagh! - Triumphs: Leaders Gobsprakk, The Mouth of Mork (240) Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof (120) Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot (100) Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot (100) Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker Beast (290) Battleline 10 x Gutrippaz (150) 10 x Gutrippaz (150) 10 x Hobgrot Slittaz (80) Units 6 x Man-skewer Boltboyz (240) - Reinforced x 1 6 x Man-skewer Boltboyz (240) - Reinforced x 1 Total: 1710 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 2 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 124 Drops: 10 This is pretty much the core of the list, with the remaining 290 points open for you to fill as you prefer. A second Snatchaboss, more hobgrotz, a breakaboss are pretty common to fill those points. Gitz units we generally see were Skaragrot (before the points increase), rockguts (for the lack of anvils) and snarfang (for the lack of mobility).
  24. It would be pretty cool if the second wave of cities was Dwarf focused, with a Grugni avatar, remaking the dawrf units and maybe even a golemkin unit. There is very little reason the two dwarf factions (KO and fyres) would follow him by what we have so far.
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