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Posts posted by Neverchosen

  1. I am still on board with the idea of giving Aelves their own Grand Alliance. It reduces the order bloat and would make most of the alliances similar sizes. Also Order could still field elves through Cities which would work independently from this hypothetical alliance. 

    As for Destruction proper. I think it is really interesting that there is little in the way of rumoured factions beyond two possible Goblin armies. Grotbag Scuttlers have a lot of dedicated fans who have already made custom armies. Ever since Rippa's Snarlfangs release I have seen folks clamouring for a dedicated Gitmob release. I would normally expect these to be enfolded into a single army or released as expansions of Gloomspite in the future but something about these armies seem like they could work as stand-alones.

    I have stated many times that the aesthetic and play style of Idoneth and Fyreslayers would have made them interesting additions to destruction but their current lore does not make either of them the best fit. I also think an army of classical witches would make a cool destruction army and I would love an army of riderless wild dragons. I feel a lot of people want Fimir but I feel that they are somewhat underdeveloped conceptually and might feature as part of a larger swamp themed army (might work with my idea for a classical witch army). 

  2. 17 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I think after the Siege groundwork laid in Wrath of the Everchosen, the next campaign book will almost certainly be the Siege that Gordrakk has been planning  wether that be Azyr or Excelsis. 

    The Sons are coming at the perfect time for this as living battering rams, we cannot say how they will play just yet but I cannot wait to find out, there were rumours that they would be able to kick objectives so that could combat them not having the same abilities as Mawtribes.

    Yeah, I have a very strong feeling that there are going to be siege rules that are going to be pretty well tailored to large monsters. The Sons will be fantastic for siege battles. I just love the idea of a giant's head visible over the ramparts as a bunch of Stormcast freak out loading a ballista only to have a separate wall breached. I am curious to know if the new 40k scenery rules would be adaptable to AOS in a siege like scenario?

    • Like 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Having seen mounts like the Deathriders for Ossiarchs I think that classic mounted horses would still look good for AoS. Just fully done with thick barding, long mail coats flapping in the wind as they charge forward. Heck the new elf riders are basically that. 

    Give them regular knights on horseback backed up with elite fantasy mounts and go for a pure classic style. So griffins, horses, pegasus, unicorns, dragon etc... Nothing "new" just go for pure classic fantasy tropes and thrust them into the single army of knights and kings and queens. 

    I hope I didn't give the impression that I would get rid of the aesthetic of Brettonians, I just like the embellishment of a horn or some wings to tie the faction into AOS. I always loved the mixture of the fantastic and mundane for Brettonians in Fantasy and think it could be explored further in AOS. The Green Knight in particular was a nice reference to Arthurian myth while blending historical and fantastic aesthetics. 

  4. I would love a reimagining of Bretonnian Knights to place an emphasis on Gryphons, Hippogriffs, Pegasi* and Unicorns  and other mythical mounts. 

    I love the idea of a chivalric order that makes use of noble mythical mounts. Unlike Stormcast's strange chimeric cavalry the new Bretonnians would make use of better established mythological creatures. 

    *The plural for Pegasus seems to be a fairly contentious topic online. 

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  5. I had not checked out GW for many years and was completely unaware of the system change. Initially I was a little displeased with the change particularly the lose of regiments. Then I watched a few Battle-reports and immediately saw how improved the system was over Fantasy. I also have never liked the focus on shooting that is so pernicious in 40k, so AOS appeals much more to me personally and it is also much more streamlined. 

    As for the lore side of things, I found it a touch confusing at first but was instantly enamoured by the open nature of the mortal realms. I realized that the Old World could even hypothetically exist within one of the realms. I constantly see people want the realms mapped out but I enjoy creating maps within my own narrative and like to imagine which realm they would belong to. 

    • Like 5
  6. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:

    100% agree. It could be so awesome to see a new SCE hero (or elite unit) and a lot of crazy dudes swinging sigmarite ornaments!!

    I think that would be amazing, I also really enjoy the 1/4 units being from a separate army mechanic and think that Devoted and Stromcast would obviously have such a synergy. I just find GW seems pretty dedicated to having the armies represent single factions and Stormcast are the poster boys so it is an extremely high chance they will take half the box again.

    • Like 1
  7. I know it wouldn't happen in a million years but I really would love if the new edition was a Devoted of Sigmar or Cities vs Ironjawz. That way they can include some stormcast while also not having the new edition repeats the last few and also help prevent Stormcast fatigue and still give their poster boys some presence.


    Again, it won't happen but it would be cool.

    • Like 5
  8. 52 minutes ago, Greyshadow said:

    Do we have anything to go on with regard to a new edition release date? I remember GW bandying on about 4 year life cycle for editions. Three years for a young game is certainly plausible which would be next year. I still feel like this edition is still fresh so 2022 also seems very possible.

    I assume you will probably have to adjust for an additional few months for COVID and the possibility of an other wave so 2022 seems likely.

  9. 48 minutes ago, Indecisive said:

    Stormcast should be the premier "elite" army, space marine analogues after all. So yeah, just dropping points it unappealing and it pushes other stuff to need to get cheaper to maintain cost relation to Stormcast.

    I think that is the interesting drawback to powercreep. If they update the premier faction at the beginning of each new edition and then have the other armies incrementally improve over them they get left behind. It is possible that this is by design as new players will buy into the star faction and then may want to move on as the edition progresses. But then it wraps around and they get the first round of updates in the following edition. 

  10. @ZamikThe scions of the flame look so cool. I currently have just the two from the starter set and I was waiting to see all the warbands before deciding on my third. Now it is a toss up between Corvus Cabal and Scions of Flame, I will see how they play before I decide.

    @KingBrodd I assume you are correct and I am truly hoping that Sons of Behemat get some fun Warcry scenarios. 

    • Like 1
  11. 39 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    Slaves can use BoC as allies or even create Chaos armies entirely made of StD with a pinch of BoC like the battalions... Not sure why would they do that although..

    Skaven can have Skagors :)  I'm sure there's never too much chaos beasts roaming around...

    WU and Warcry have unit size problems. WU in particular are good to replace models from existing units, less to introduce new ones, see the Tree-Revenant with a bow... Warcry has better sized units but no synergies, they are not even battlelines so far. This would create such a gap with Tzaangors to make all other Xgors third class gors...

    Bad a man can dream... They already existed before, they are in the lore, Blood Bowl has a pestigor, so it's a so low-hanging fruit I cannot imagine GW never thought about that. Maybe as an update Psychic Awakening style while we wait AoS 3.0?

    That is very true, but they do seem to use underworlds as a place to test new models and warcry seems like a place to expand armies between tomes. But I cannot argue with the points that you make.

    But Warcry is relatively new and we only have Choas warbands currently represented. So we will see with the next wave of releases how that shakes out.

  12. @alghero81 this is such a good idea as it would bolster all four god specific armies and also Beasts of Chaos. Also as you mentioned they would also cross over into other game systems with relative ease. I actually think Warcry and Underworlds would be a good place to introduce these models.

    Slaves to Darkness and Skaven... they can umm... get new models as well :)

  13. 7 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    To be fair a really good expansion for the chaos gods would be expanding on the gors wise. Considering Tzaangors are objectively the best gors BoC have, would be great to give them some variety with Khorgors, Pestigors and Slaangors that on their own can create a small niche in an army and can be used across various armies. And I believe also in 40k and maybe 30k?

    This would be great! It would also be cool if they took the Tzaangor concept and gave them distinct bestial traits.

  14. 8 minutes ago, Galas said:

    A more diverse range just looks cooler. I mean, the best stormcasts are the sacrosant ones. Female stormcast are just better proportionated than male ones. 

    I am a great fan of the imaginative potential of this game. Someone making an all female Stormcast army based on classical Greek Amazonians would be an amazing, albeit expensive army to collect. 

    • LOVE IT! 1
  15. 12 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    I've just asked you to provide a way to hire more people of color by GW without discriminating white people at the same time. There is nothing offensive here. It would be beneficial for you and GW if you can come up with at least one idea. If you withdraw however I will respect that.

    I already suggested actively reaching out to artists in the BIPOC community and increased transparency in terms of hiring policies. However, I think it would also be important to indicate steps to be taken forward to increase inclusivity and work against discrimination in the workplace. 

    Keep in mind I do not work for the company and have no way of affecting their policies. Beyond voting with my dollar.

  16. 6 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    Go on. Explain me how GW should hire more people of color without treating them special while they apply for the same position as a white guy.

    They could actively pursue working with sculptors and writers, which is something they currently do anyway. Giving one artist a job does not necessarily take the work away from another. 

    @Overread I do not know their hiring policies, but a lot of companies are exploring different avenues of outreach and are being more transparent about their approach. I do not think that GW is going to do a perfect job but it would be nice if they indicated what if any practices they maintained in regards to diversification.

  17. 1 minute ago, Aryann said:

    This is exactly why leftisdiscriminate

    You don't see the obvious that your expectations are extremely racist. You want GW to fire white people and hire people of color. You want to treat white people worse just based on their color of their skin.

    If you don't ensure equal chances for each person to apply for a workplace by applying parities you are in fact discriminate a certian group of people.

    Qualifications (education, expierience, etc.) of a person should be the only criterion for a job. Not their gender, race, religion.

    If you want people of color to have special reliefs or additional points while applying for a post you are looking down on them with superiority because you suggest that they need special treatment and unfair help to get a job. This is absolutely racist.

    If I were from a minority and got the job just because company wanted to implement leftist ideologies I would feel ashamed and humiliated.

    I never said anyone should be fired, just that they should be more inclusive with hiring policies if they want to truly reflect their statements. 

    • Like 1
  18. If GW is taking the notion of diversity seriously it is something that they need to institute in hiring policies and creative decisions. The representation of BIPOC individuals in the games and narratives is important but it is important to have that reflected in the company as well. If they hire more diverse writers, designers and management it will likely be reflected in the game as a whole and encourage more people to enter into the hobby. 

    I find it ridiculous that people are arguing that women in the military lack a historical precedent but are okay with magic, demons and trolls. Female soldiers have existed in history,  so it is a little embarrassing that slightly better representation than what has existed in history or contemporary society is where people's incredulity begins and ends. 😅

    • Thanks 2
  19. 1 hour ago, Coyote said:

    There’s 5 Chaos gods #5 is the Great Horned Rat, thank you 🐀🐀

    I was only referring to the Great One's pathetic little underlings... they are the ones that need some assistance to bolster their meagre ranks. 

  20. I keep stating to my friends that I think GW could easily represent different races within the four god specific factions: 

    Khorne - Duardin, a tough heavily armoured unit with low mobility or an artillery piece would work well with khorne.
    Slaanesh - Aelves, I personally want Malerion to fall to temptation, but I am cool with plain ol' Slaanesh worshipers too.
    Tzeentch - Beasts, Tzaangor already fill this role
    Nurgle - Skaven, once again this role is filled already by Clan Pestilens, but they could be fleshed out within Maggotkin a little better.

    This would need some work from lore writers and would need some more fleshing out ruleswise, but it would make the followers of each god feel more unique and provide more variety in terms of differentiating playstyle. Although I would be sad if they tried to imply that the different races couldn't worship the god of their choosing.

    Although as a Slaves to Darkness player, I really want a return of the Hellcannon manned by Chaos Duardin. And I really want to be able to use it in my undivided army. Considering the awesome bound demon concepts in 40k I think this would look stunning with modern sculpting and in plastic.

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  21. 43 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    One thing I'd like to see in AoS3 is the introduction of a "minimum damage" rule like some things in 40k---e.g., "this D6 damage weapon does at least 3 damage." Or for something like the new Blast rules, where units above X number of models automatically take the maximum number of hits/damage.

    Also, get rid of drops as a first turn deciding factor. It's a terrible mechanic that only limits army creativity. Battalions are already insanely good.

    I feel like 40K 9th ed seems to have taken some lessons from AOS, so I am sure it goes both ways and we will get some of the transferable 40k rules.

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