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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. Weeks could mean this week and next... It doesn't... but it could.... 😰
  2. Clearly it is new Dawnbringer Crusades... obviously their foolish attempt at establishing settlements across the realms failed they converted to Chaos. Now we can return to the real narrative of the great powers fighting once again. Do not worry order players, Seraphon and Stormcast are safely locked away in heaven while the rest of the realms party. Sigmar's in His heavenβ€” All's right with the world! Even though order has been largely defeated, Slaanesh requested to keep the chains... 😏
  3. It is almost as if releasing a Xenos Army is worth the attention as opposed to "these particular Marines are Burgundy and sure think the Emperor is swell... but also they are grim and gritty as you can tell from these heroic illustrations". I just wish that we got similar love for the mutant sea people abandoned by their god... I personally feel like their is lots to unpack there. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  4. Are those the new models today? I feel like we are through the Eldar reveals and I am hoping for something new for AOS before we get caught up in the Chaos Space Marine cycle.
  5. Honestly points do not have intrinsic value so to me it is less an issue of what amount of points we play and more the physical size of the army. A good example is that 40k also uses 2000 point armies but overall army sizes seem to be significantly larger. I am happy that each edition GW seems to raise the points but through powercreep alone the points invariably slide down again resulting in even elite armies beginning to feel like hordes at the end of an edition. My solution would be to keep the game points value at 2000 but upon the release of an edition increase the points of every unit further so that we are essentially still playing '2000 point' games and then they can add further granularity to the point value as the edition goes along. In terms of a more immediate solution: Yes I prefer smaller scale games, but it still feels like the game balance has been created with 2000 points in mind.
  6. GW's new strategy, pretend to remove nightrunners from store the rerelease them as classic sculpts and eventually sell out of the models and only then will we get a Skaven update. 😩
  7. I use all my models in D&D I will say that the LOTR mini game is a better scale for most purposes but I love using my Chaos warriors as generic baddies. The full metal armour allows me to claim that they are pretty much any human sized fantasy creature or an undead variant but they are completely armoured and helmeted making them pretty much generic villains. But many of my friends also use them for their evil player character. I still have to get around to my SCE but I know that they will be a popular choice for the same reason although their big base sizes will always be an issue.
  8. So I have been looking into other game systems and this is the exact push I needed. I am not leaving AOS but I am definitely not going to be getting a new army or really adding anything more significant to my existing armies... Maybe one or two units when big releases come out, but overall I am pretty happy with my armies. In essence they have finally priced me out... a number of years back πŸ˜… So the real question is what is the better game system between SW: Legion and Marvel Crisis Protocol? As much as I would rather support a smaller IP my friends are interested in the bigger more familiar game systems. My top pick would be Armada but pre-painted models (even knowing I can repaint them) feels a little like sacrilege. The positive news is that now I can point to this increase to get out of the pressure to avoid my friends getting me into 40k. Also wasn't Warhammer + going to be the companies saving grace? πŸ˜‰ Maybe if they cut down on those productions they can balance their books? (Note: I am being overly facetious but this hobby has been very pricey for me and this increase is still not a happy time)
  9. Yeah I am truly excited for this one. I also don't see the complaint about small scale sieges. We can always have Bugman in his brewery adn the the SCE trying to stage an intervention by any means necessary!
  10. I dunno Knights of the Moot and Vampirate Halflings are my top picks.
  11. I would love that, the only issue is that I couldn't post here because I'd probably have to sign an NDA... But my end goal would be to get on the Middle Earth team and develop an internal rules system for the first age and never be able to release any of it because the licence does not seem to cover the Silmarillion... and I hope the Tolkien estate never permits it. 😊 Although maybe I could drop cryptic hints like, "it rhymes with Flitters and Peas"
  12. I really wish that the releases for boxed games and AOS had more synergy for times like this. I know that not every army can get a full scale release each edition, but it would be so cool if they could balance that out with related game sytems. Like if they looked ahead at an edition and knew that Stormcast, Slaves to Darkness, Soulblight and Orruk Warclans were getting major model releases in the first year but they also had planned releases for Sylvaneth, Beasts of Chaos, Flesh Eaters and Ogors as well they could have them get some love in their other systems. They could release an underworlds box of Ogors and FEC with a plastic butcher and Vhargulf, allowing them to also get the traditional additional hero down the line. Then they could make a warcry box featuring a unit of Kurnothi Fauns fighting Centigors on top of their traditional lone hero with the book. This way the lighter releases do not feel so forgotten when their books release. They could also further divide the labour somewhat, let the boxed games cover a specific focus in terms of subfaction for each army. Warcry and Underworlds have given us so many great Darkoath/Cultist units and that can be the focus of those systems to represent Chaos before they don their armour. Furthermore, we can get some much needed love for overlooked subfactions like Spiderfang, Bonesplitterz and they can easily stake their claim for cities of sigmar subfactions quite easily. I know it would never happen but it would make the release of an army or even a road map so much more exciting than seeing your army knowing to not expect really anything unless one of these systems seemingly randomly takes interest in your army.
  13. It is simple, if I wishlist every possible fantasy trope I will eventually get one right. @Carnelian I love Warcy, I love Mordheim... I hope that Dana Howl's prediction proves true! The thing is I like the setting of Warcry being in the Eightpoints... So if they made this a story about a city in the Allpoints before it fell that would make me so happy!
  14. This was an extremely moving post, thank you so much for sharing! It was precisely the type of inspiring words I need right now. I am very happy to have you on here with us... especially as all Idoneth players clearly have awesome taste!
  15. I demand that we get an exclusive release of the magazine featuring Beastclaw Raiders vs Lumineth Moose Temple (Alarith with fancier horns)!
  16. I don't know Bloodshed is pretty mischievous and Be'Lakor is in Slaves to Darkness... I still think you are right but in general I feel like the Warcom writers just use random adjectives hahaha.
  17. I feel like Skaven with an emphasis on Eshin releases seems likely, and they will be paired with Sylvanth who will likely get a new hero and possibly a new unit. I really thought the era of beasts would be a good time to develop the Kurnothi but I guess we will have to wait. 😣
  18. Sorry, I was focusing on primarily new armies and refreshes... if we are talking about which forces need expansions well then I might be asking for a little bit more πŸ˜‰ Although to the chagrin of pretty much everyone, I really want Tyrion to become the adoptive God of Idoneth... In general I want them to explore the notion of faith in more interesting and dynamic ways. Have war cults equally dedicated to Morathi, Grimnir and GorkaMorka but secretly worshipping Khonre. Give Destruction more primeval godbeasts as animistic gods of destruction! Give us narratives that begin to touch on the scope of the epic poetry of Homer, Valmiki OR Vyasa.
  19. I feel like we will see the rest of the Corsiars tomorrow to round out the month but then we might get something for AOS the following Monday. All I want are some Chaos Dwarves, Silent People, Kurnothi Aelves, Vampirates, Malerion on a skateboard, Halfling Knights riding ponycorns, and range refreshes for Skaven and Seraphon... is that too much to ask?
  20. Ouch, that is hilariously harsh! I do hope it is something Fyreslayer related but I feel like it could be Firewarriors, Avatar of Khaine rules preview, or a host of other 40k things that I do not know anything about. I also want that Chaos Eldar box so badly but I can't afford to buy into it right now. 😭 Maybe I will be surprised and be in a good place when Ogors or Slaves to Darkness get revisited. Although, it seems like it might just be a plastic butcher for Ogors, and I have enough chaos knights and warriors... so I will probably skip over most of the S2D too unless we get plastic Chosen or a cool new hero.
  21. I don't know what everyone is on about that Yhetee is plenty lanky just with more musclemass and some sports gear. I would assume that using that as a template for the design we can assume the AOS ones are going to be a little leaner and not have to wear regulation Blood Bowl protective gear.
  22. I like the models, try and get them for cheap and mostly play friendly games where balance is not an issue.
  23. I have seen the future, one day there will be a single army with no internal balance and the ability to run Coalition units of Space Marines. Pretty soon one by one each unit will be squatted until only the coalition remains. That is how we will get the new game system Age of Guilliman... you see Horusy Heresy provides too many non-space marine options. But in reality, I think it is not too hard to see why people suspect that the Dark version of Lumineth might be a soup army. As it will lead to an army led by dual gods in opposition to the gods of light/magic. Like the evidence is not directly textual or rumoured, as much as a sneaking suspicion that it would lead to a proper narrative and gameplay foil to the Lumineth.
  24. Isn't a major plot point in 40k the banning of certain technologies like networked artificial intelligence... maybe make all imperium books physical and let all Chaos, Xenos and AOS armies get digital books 🀩
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