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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. I really like @KingBrodd's idea of skin changers or were-people as a destruction faction representing human worshippers for Destruction. That way you have humans and do not need to worry about boring regular human models.
  2. Every time I remember that thing was once Dorghar
  3. I feel like that Kragnos was the beginning of diversifying the Destruction faiths. Gorka Morka is the supreme god of the pantheon and the other gods will represent other forms of disaster. I can see a blizzard, volcano and famine god for the Mawtribes. A calamity god for Orruks. Maybe a god of drought and a god of storms?
  4. I might have made that up in my head but I have this vague recollection of them responding to the chat in the live feed saying something along the lines of the upcoming release focusing on humans but that does not mean you wouldn't be able to use the other units? But I might be misremembering.
  5. It is interesting as they both emphasized the focus on humans going forward with cities but if I remember they were pretty quick to imply that the Aelves and Duardin were still likely to be present without committing to it. It makes me think they might be the side getting an upgrade sprue... although if I had to guess I would say that the Aelves will get paired down to a single subfaction... my guess would be the remenants of the high elves namely the Phoniex Guard and Shadow Warriors but maybe with an upgrade sprue to make them feel less like part of WHFB.
  6. So I am trying not to look into any of the posts and I am going to add my own guesses based entirely off of my own hopes. I will post a faction, a unit, and terrain based on maps and symbols. None of this is based on anything other than my own hopes and if i had to guess I think that these will actually be paired and release similarly to Killteam with an upgraded unit and a completely new/remade unit. So if that is the case at least half my terrain picks will be wrong and of course so will most of my units. Dread Fang's Tower - I think that this is going to be a new Soul Blight unit. I am going to say with the theme of Warcry being focused on expanding the idea of what the mortal realms looks like I will guess these will be mortal thralls... somewhere between a zombie and free guild unit. The terrain will be a creepy tower some small scatter terrain and with a rule update for simple siege mechanics. Kraktoof Gulch - It is going to be Orruk Warclans and I think we will see a new Kruelboyz unit. Gnashtoof riders which we have been clambering for since the reveal of the hero unit. The terrain will be based around mangroves with some rules around difficult terrain and water. Skinslough Fen - Clearly Nurgle. It is obviously going to be Rotmire Creed... but for more fun lets say it is an update for Pestigors! Terrain again obviously the gnarlwood but lets say a more diseased variant with a theme of infectious lands! Spinecrawler Webs - Gloomspite Spiderfang... It is finally happening and they will include a Scuttleboss and therefore gloomspite will overtake Slaves to Darkness as the best line. The terrian will be rocky and covered with webs... like Shelobs lair. Great Stinkhorn - Gloomspite Gitz again! Return of the Sourbreath Troggoth lead by a Troggoth Hag! Fungal forrest with rules for growth as it pops up along the battlefield effecting strategies. Tainted Wound - S2D Horns of Hashut or Legionaries... ruins and rules for heroes featuring the Marshal! Ven Talax's Path - No clue... lets say Ossiarchs. Finally getting those archers and living the Tomb King dream of firing bones from a bow? Terrain come on we need more cool skeletal structure terrain! Rules for tax returns paid in bones Wyrdlights - Obviously Disciples of Tzeentch. Lets get our Kairic cavalry! Clearly cool mutating lands with rules for mutations forcing models into becoming chaos spawn! Eaterpits - Gnoblar Ogor Mawtribes! New Maneaters with a spin of accessories from accross the mortal realms. Terrain will be ship docks and the introduction of something that will lead towards naval skirmish play. Bonus - The pyramids are for a Seraphon release that will wrap up the edition of Warcry with Oxyotl and a band of chamelon skink specialists! Those are my poor attempts at guesses and I am excited that I will be wrong and we instead that we will get more Slaves to Darkness units!
  7. I think of it as proof that Games Workshop have determined on using Chaos Dwarves, but are building to them slowly. I honestly think that the success or failure of squats will be a large determining factor on if they want to invest on a dwarven faction of an older army that had struggled in the past but with a dedicated and loyal following. I can see it going three ways: First chaos dwarves get a full release and continued support. Second chaos dwarves get a small release like Fyreslayers, Harelequins or Daughters of Khaine and get slowly built up with minor releases. Third and final option they become a subfaction for S2D with a hero an optional battleline and a Hellcannon.
  8. And with that my heart shreds into a million pieces as the dream of plastic Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes being released with this codex shatter... HH you are my last hope! Of course I expect people to use the new Ogroids to fill that niche within 30k.
  9. Just wanted to add as it ties to AOS in the loosest possible way but this art makes me want to build a pure demon army. Although this might be the most sensible solution in terms of building my Chaos Knights into a full 40k faction while sticking primarily to AoS:
  10. This is going to make a fun model for DoK and Seraphon.
  11. Overall: Some fantastic reveals but I doubt I will grab anything personally. The sculpts just keep getting better and better from GW and I am surprised at how much I would love to paint everything revealed. Warcry: This is a fantastic set! I think that I lean towards the swamp folk despite my love of Hashut. The terrain is especially fantastic! I am also excited to hear it is not a full reworking of the rules as I love Warcry. I do not know if I will dip in on this set though as sadly the terrain does not suit the setting of my own armies… but it is a very tempting box. I only have so much in terms of budget and I am still trying to decide between Chosen and Ogroids for my Slaves to Darkness. Still I am thinking about it and I am also leaning towards expanding my Chaos Knight box with Deathguard so the Nurgle swamp folk might find some extra use... Necromunda: Okay I have always been interested in this system but Vehicles make it a million times more compelling! All I can say for this machine is DOPE! Underworlds: Thinking of adding some Witch Hunters to my SCE. It would be thematic and fun but also I typically do not love regular humans in fantasy… but they also have some doggos, so I think I can make an exception! BloodBowl: The Amazonians are neat, might be good for some customization but by Blood Bowl Standards feel a little plain/underwhelming… I guess they are fine but I wanted something more outrageous even within their own theme. I do hope some people add them into a seraph army as allies. Killteam: Just like Warcry absolutely love the reveal but do not know if I will be grabbing it. Tau are my favourite army in terms of Lore and Kroot are the best part of Tau that aren’t mechs! The Imperial Navy are amazing I would make an army of them with an emphasis on Fighter Squads.. but I am not interested in Astra Militarum and I feel that is where these models will default. But maybe I can get them and chaosify them a little and theme them as Chaos Cultists and as the pilots of my Chaos Knights? Still a cool set that I likely will skip out on. I do like that they hinted at something more with the floors… is this going to connect to a Space Hulk game?
  12. I keep thinking Warcry would be such an amazing setting to reintroduce Oxyotl and a retinue of Chameleon Skinks and maybe a Kroxigor!
  13. As someone that likes both the hobby and game, I do feel like it is slow. but I think the pace is being dictated by outside factors and they are churning out the battle tomes with the hopes of getting some big releases out the door at a later date. I also think that a new 40K edition does not necessarily mean a slow down for AOS. 40k got a lot of focus when AOS 2.0 came out. If anything I feel like 40k will be in a similar situation to AOS at the beginning of a new edition. A lot of focus and releases for the starter armies and then a slight slow down as they update some of the more modern ranges into the new edition with tomes and a single hero/unit... however, I also feel like we are not as close to 10 edition as people think even if GW is prepping for it. In other words I feel like 40k will slow down in preparation for a new edition while AOS and HH get a little more love in the meantime. Slaves to Darkness will kick off a renewed focus on AOS for a while and we will get something unexpected... like an all female Brettonian themed valkyrie halflings on sky ponies army... or Malerion... I mean both are pretty heavily hinted at.
  14. Khorne is my least favourite of the Chaos gods but I think that is because it is the most simplistic and popular. I think any army can be made interesting with a cool theme though and Khorngors will make it all worth it in the end for me! I want all my Monotheist Beasts lol This is a bit worrying and I feel like GW is doubling down on Space Marines yet again. I do think that the increased presence of Chaos in 40k is great and if the rumours are true and we get Tyranids at least Xenos will still be included... But if GW loves Space Marines so much why not make it Spikey Space Marines and give us Chaos Space Marines or Empererors Children vs Tyranids? Or if you need a more visually heroic faction (acknowledging that there are no real heroes in 40k), give us a more visually heroic Xenos army such as Tau, Squats or Eldar. Now that is what I am talking about! Lets get Some Gholemkind clashing with some Pesitgors!
  15. I think for ever leak they should just say that they have cancelled the model and will instead release a new Primaris Lieutenant instead... I would instantly turn on the leakers.
  16. What an amazing looking model... please, please don't be covered in cables and power armour! Magnus can fit into AOS but Mortarion seems less capable of making the jump which makes me sad as he is one of my favourite demonic models
  17. I would be so down for this, Undivided is my favourite form of chaos and I think a unit of Ogor sized heavies, the soulgrinder and our Furries would make a fantastic base for an undived demon force. I think that if they gave Raptoryx' the demonic keyword we'd really be in a good spot.
  18. Getting the gang back together for some Critters and Keys 2.0-- Pets of Sigmar!
  19. I hope it is a regular dog but with AOS flair like a cool witch hunter hat and Kharadron jetpack... so a balloon I guess.
  20. I am now leaning towards Death Guard as we are setting our narrative on a sector full of junk worlds, my friend is building a Genestealer Army of Scrapers and another friend is going Orks... I am now thinking that I will make my army the former 'protectors' of the sector and ruling elite that got infected with a demonic virus while in their closed hermetic and authoritarian positions, and caused the sector to fall even further into chaos ruin. Kind of like a science fiction version of the Masque of the Red Death. Now they are sickly enforcers that use massive machines to impose their will. Good catch on the Nurgle Symbol it is pretty subtle and easy to miss if it is the case. I would love this to be Chorfs, Nighthaunt or Kruel Boyz but I think the Nurgle guess makes a ton of sense considering the symbology. Alternatively we are getting World Eaters soon and it could be tied to that release. I really want to see a large Unicorn designed as an adversary to the Mindstealer Sphiranx. I still feel that Unicorns are treated as positive figures in most mythologies and I would love if that was reflected in the game in an interesting way. I feel like a unicorn unit could invert the Sphrianx's negative effects on enemies with buffs on allies. I just don't know what army it would work with, maybe Sylvaneth and it could be a type of spite?
  21. Sorry that I do not have a specific list, but I think a dream army for me would be to make a city of of sigmar army and its deathly counterpart for a narrative setting where each unit has a 1/1 representation... Plus 10 points if it was Brettonians with FEC!
  22. One hundred percent of my Negative Player experience comes from opponents. Even in the old Warhammer Fantasy days against the most tedious gunline and magic phase armies the opponent could make all the difference in the world. I remember people explaining how each action worked and painting a picture of their noble high elf archers and spell casters or playing with someone talking about the most recent episode of the Simpsons while tossing dice and making my dwindling army not seem like the worst experience of all time. Alternatively I have played fun matches where the opponent is so obnoxious hanging over my shoulder while measuring or asking to see my rule book at the top of the game and then silently looking something up without telling me and taking like 15 minutes when I typically know the army well enough to tell them... but that would ruin their 'strategy'. Power gaming and certain army builds are of course an example of this. I really want to play Lumineth, but I would go for a fluffy and purely Tyrionic force emphasizing martial prowess and not leaning to heavily into the magic and shooting phases. But army building and power gaming are still dictated by the opponent. No one told anyone to skip over the cool thrall units to build eel spam lists and no one told anyone to make a Gunline Lumineth army. I do not have any issue with the latter group and I have fallen into the trap against certain opponents where I felt I really needed to win and sometimes someone is just having an off day. But for me the Negative Player experience is still entirely dictated by my opponent.
  23. I make my own maps I typically use online resources. There are lots of map makers for various game systems and they all have different levels of customization. For my own purposes I like to essentially make a Risk board so it is not too complicated. Even though this is not the most customizable I actually like this one the most: https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/ I typically choose 8-12 states to represent the realms and the Eight Points/Chaotic Realms or I come up with a state/nation for each army in my friend group and build a setting from there. This site auto generates the map which actually works really well for my purposes but might not be perfect for others. In terms of the realms I typically always imagine a nexus spot or a place with a cluster of realm gates... but the reality is I am just coming up with a world of my own. Here is a test map I made based around one of my own settings:
  24. For me it will be based on price, I want to go Dark Mech but HH is such a good deal and pretty much gives me a 2000 point CSM army that I can use in HH and 40k and I will be able to pick up a few more purchases for my Slaves to Darkness army for proxy purposes such as Ogroids... 😎 p.s. I added a the kind of base text of my army to your narrative campaign thread as per your request a little while back! I think that they have shown that Warcry is expanding beyond just Chaos but I also assume it was probably a decision that was made with an eye towards transition. I assume that there was some debate about keeping it purely a chaos focused game and narrative but they realized how successful Kill Team was and how many people played Warcry beyond Chaos armies and decided to move in that direction. Still I think the future of Warcry is bright just going off of it's science fiction counterpart. 😁
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