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Everything posted by Marcvs

  1. I love cards as game aids! They have really helped me with picking battle tactics for instance. If someone is curious, these (link is for the Order version) are created by a French wargaming channel (Wargame Arena TV) https://www.wargamearena.fr/_files/ugd/b2ad44_f72f3ed812a845cc9866131407ab86bd.pdf Here's an example:
  2. while I really like the idea, I think it should also go deeper as, IMHO, the Core Rules themselves should be slimmed down for the "casual battlepack". With new players (not just for their first game) I have been playing without heroic actions, monstruous rampages and most of the generic command abilities (only kept reroll charge and inpiring presence while reducing CP generation to 1 per turn). The only downside I have felt, also looking at the complaints in this thread, is that losing All out defense increases the lethality of the game even more 😅 the game also becomes (or goes back to being) less interactive without redeploy and unleash hell, but turns flow faster.
  3. Oh I like both changes as well, they make both options much less of an obvious pick over the rest (Nurgle banner pre correction was the only one affecting units other than the bearer). I was just curious to know if they were actual corrections or pre-release nerfs, as each of these would point to a different type of problem in their production process
  4. It's an interesting question and would be nice to know if these were actual corrections of misprints/typos and the like or deliberate "nerfs". Changing a "4+" to "5+" doesn't look like a clarification to me, same for the Nurgle banner thing honestly.
  5. I know that complaining about GW prices is like talking about the weather, but 35€ for this single sprue (sure, Ogor sized) feels like a lot
  6. from experience, the main obstacle to overcome and to consider in your pre-game thinking is the mortal wounds output from volcanic blood. Since most of your damage comes from melee attacks, you can count around 9MW suffered for every magmadroth that you take down in combat. So of course, softening up a magma with shooting and then going in for the kill might reduce the damage you take back. Other than that, magmadroths hit sufficiently hard, particularly so the Father with double activation, and are faster than your usual Fyresalyers experience, especially in combination with the movement rune. Unfortunately, being outdropped is very impactful on Prize of Gallet, but there isnt' much to do about it. The slight advantage is that going second is so very good in turn 2, that your opponent will have an important incentive not to double turn you even if (s)he has the chance. Oh and these redeemers will be useful to cap the objective in the first turn without overxposing your important stuff (hope you took Call for Aid as holy order ). How I think this is going to go: opponent's going to give you first turn then, assuming you don't overcommit immediately, bring the magmadroths towards the centre (as all objectives are very close anyway), kill the thing you used to cap the first activated objective and then see what happens with priority, keeping the fighty runefather screened for the counter charge. From there it will depend on initative, rolls, and decisions ofc.
  7. Not sure if he covered the spawn warscroll (not sure even in which book it is) but The Honest Wargamer just put out a video covering pretty much the entire book
  8. just as a heads up but you can't include in your list endless spells or invocation from other allegiances even if you ally in a caster/priest who can theoretically cast them (FAQ to the core rules under 27.1)
  9. AoS has been doing great at my club and in my community since the start of 3.0, winning back players who didn't like the state of the game in the tail of 2.0 and disgruntled 40k players. The threat I see looming on the horizon is that many players have been voicing concerns over the doubling of the GHB, both because it seems like a way to milk them for more cash and because most of them simply do not have the level of involvement in the game to keep up with the changes
  10. I'll take push-fit if it means dodging all that trim 😅
  11. I am not an authority and I don't know enough of the KO discussions so, honestly, I am not sure. Fly High is formulated similarly, but it also specifically mentions "(it can disengage)" referring to that rule. This is not the case for the Palladors, and the move is still not a retreat, that's why I would say they can shoot and charge afterwards.
  12. yes, because using "ride the wind aetheric" is instead of a retreat move so it is not itself a retreat.
  13. oh that's for sure what I gathered as well from the discussion -I am only a very casual player on the 40k side. But the specific point on "GERMANY BANS VOTANN" was slightly blown out of proportion, that's the only bit of context I wanted to add
  14. OT but I think that handful of German TOs were just using their standard approach "no FAQ no play" for a new Codex
  15. Personal feeling is that next "battlescroll" is just the end of the year points update. So the schedule would look like: GHB (summer) - battlescroll (autumn) - point updates (winter) - battlescroll (spring).
  16. while this is technically true (the teams are separate), I find it to be a bit formalistic. It's still the same company so unless you consider the amount of resources available to be endless, it might very well affect AoS if, just as an example, ToW ends up being very successful and the company decides it's better to invest there than into AoS. Or, it might also impact it in the simplest of ways, with an already relatively small community splitting up etc etc. So, I'd say a bit of nervousness is warranted from those who like AoS and its community.
  17. eh, I am not referring to the decision of buying the book -not really a choice if you play a given army. I am referring to building lists, planning your miniature purchases and then building and painting them.
  18. While I do undestand the feeling, I would be more ready to share it if we were talking of "grand unveils" or even "new releases". It's been quite a while that we haven't had one of those cool animation with voiceovers ("the bad moon spoke to me once" and the like) or anything more than pictures of miniatures and snippets of rules really. Coupled with the fact that new releases have been quite limited recently -ironically the larger one, Sylvaneth, went without leaks- my personal feeling is that not much is lost of the magic. So when I have to balance this limited negative to the social good of allowing customers to make better informed choices, I tend to favour the latter, at least as things stand.
  19. Your gut feeling is correct: no you can't. The reason is that after translocation the priest will be "more than 9" from all enemy units". This makes it impossible to be in range for curse, since tu use it you must be within 9" of the target enemy unit. (In addition: in your example the skink priest won't be able to use curse as allied units cannot take enhancements, but that could be solved by using a Stormcast priest)
  20. it's good that they retired the old Ogor Mawtribes start collective, because otherwise one might realize that you could get very close to a full 2000pts army for the price of one single kit...
  21. This is interesting in terms of different reactions. Around me (locally, not online, and very much a casual players context) everyone is pretty much happy with the fact that the game "feels" more balanced and that they don't need to tinker too much with their existing collections. AoS was on the verge of disappearing at my (small) club at the end of 2.0 and now our "relaxed" campaign has 10 players. So, while I share the disappointement for copy&paste books (boring!), it seems that the feeling might be different for (a portion of) less involved players.
  22. So... Repossessed ? Someone forgot to pay their monthly Coin Malleus!
  23. don't know if this has been posted already, but the warscroll for the new Khorne warband (or whatever is called) is out https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/ICcwEhEWSsNBimpW.pdf
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