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Everything posted by Andelion

  1. Thanks buddy! I'm hoping that the 2 x 40 clanrats goes some way to ticking off that battleline and then I can throw in some other stuff like another cannon or another bell. I miss the Orcs and Goblins theme of an army that is a bit random but if everything goes your way it can be pretty nasty! Plus I just love the skaven books.
  2. Hey guys, I've just grabbed what I think could be a decent start for a skaven army off someone, I've always been attracted by skaven since playing orcs and goblins in WFB. I must admit that I don't massivey know what I'm doing but can anyone give me some advice as to how this stuff coulld generally fair and what woudl be decent to add? I like the look of random but risky stuff like doomwheels but I'm also fairly competitive. This is what is coming my way: 80 clanrats Thanquol and Boneripper Grey seer on screaming bell Warp lightning cannon Skritch Spiteclaw 20 Stormvermin, Warp grinder team Warp thrower Island of blood chieftain Thanks!
  3. Played my first game of AOS this weekend at 1k using slaves to darkness and I loved it. Had Belakor, a Daemon prince, chaos lord on karkadrak, ten chaos warriors and five chaos knights. Classic start collecting box force. Ran despoilers and had a great time. Although it really felt like the Lance knights had to make their charge to be useful and even then were not amazing. The warriors feel like they should be a unit of 15 but are quite points heavy. Faced an ogors list and found it really difficult to shift that stonehorn dude. Lost every priority roll and although the game was close for a long time I was eventually tabled. Now for the stupid question. Apologies in advance. I'd love to add some tzeentch stuff to my army (shooting and magic) as I expand it. Is the only way to do that through allies? I see a lot of stuff about tzeentch casually adding slaves to darkness stuff into forces but I'm honestly not sure how it works.
  4. This debate on loadouts comes at the right time for me as I'm assembling a Daemon prince for my despoilers. Running at least one. Is the axe or the sword better? Or should the sword of judgement be considered? I could magnetise but the joint is a bit of a pain.
  5. Crazy noob question guys. I used to play orcs and goblins back in the day and I'm looking to start AOS with the Gloomspite Gitz. I've always loved a varied army but I understand that's often not possible in AOS for a decent competitive army. I love arachnarok spiders, squigs and trolls. Is it possible to run a mixed force that is actually decent? Just got gifted the squig and troll boxset and all the fw squig stuff. Any help would be really appreciated. Any decent guides for the army?
  6. Excellent! Is it easy to run a mixed army with them under a grand alliance?
  7. I'm new to AOS (long time 30k horus heresy player) and I really want to start chaos dwarves with the hope I can mix with the new slaves to darkness cavalry and warriors. What would be good stuff to pick up first?
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