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Everything posted by NkfPanda

  1. Question fellow fishy boiz: for Biovoltaic Blast do I roll the dice and then choose where to allocate mortal wounds afterwords to anyone within 3 of my Morrsarr guard or do I have to choose units first before rolling my 3+. It is worded in the battletome to me that I choose how to allocate wounds after rolling which is much more powerful. Thanks!
  2. That is intense spending relative to a lot of tabletop gamers. My main hobbies for the last 7 ish years have been Brazilian Jiu jitsu and even more so Muay Thai which are very inexpensive compared to Triathlons and Golf but these are comparing apples to oranges. I just got back into the hobby about 1.5 years ago and my friends think I am crazy for the $ I have spent. I know value is in the eye of the beholder but god dayummm these plastic toys are getting cow-azy.
  3. Most people I know who have invested in recasts have also invested hundreds to thousands in GW products and continue to buy new GW plastics every year; they may just want an incredibly overpriced item(s) that may be of the same or better quality from Forgeworld in a recast. Many individuals who put a ton of money into their little plastic toys from GW also supplement some of it with recasts but whatever you say :P. Do you have a grading system of how immoral it is? Like is it equivalent to downloading movies off the internet bad or charging $100 for a loaf of bread immoral?
  4. Does anyone have any idea or thoughts on when the next General's Handbook will be? I am looking at possibly doing a Cities army since I am passing on the Lumineth but before I jump in I want to hash out some lists :p.
  5. That’s a solid deadlift yourself at 250 my friend! Especially for a tabletop gamer.
  6. Amen to Squats aka Kharadron Overlords. It is funny I would love a Kharadron Overlords style army in 40k but in AOS I want nothing more than real mountain dwarves. I play both games and enjoy both quite a bit but it is weird because I love Fantasy much more than Sci Fi but I enjoy the fleshed out 40k universe so much more than the AOS setting but I enjoy the old WHFB setting much more than both (AOS the game is my favourite to play though). I recently read Court of the Blind King and really loved it and it was the first time besides the short stories that I enjoyed the AOS setting. I am really hoping for something like Soulblight later this year! As for why all the complains at the latest short story; some people are mad at the writing but complaining overall are a bunch of Space Marine playing Neckbeards.
  7. I was hoping to do a Lumineth themed army painted in the colours of Rohan but I really wanted a centrepiece model I would be proud of and I don't think the Roided up cow and that face on Teclis is going to do it so I am waiting for something in the future like Shadow Elves too @JackStreicher
  8. Part of me wants to get the "it's in the box" BOX and make an army painted like Riders of Rohan with warm and earthy colours or go straight of Wood Elves with the paint scheme 😁. I think that those who said to wait until we see other paint schemes were onto something!
  9. I really like the Lumineth Range so far minus the Hammerers which have grown on me a bit but solid stuff! The Teclis model however....oh god :/. I would have to be "hammered" myself to buy that model. The only reason it gets played is because the rules are incredible otherwise it goes into the ghosted pile. But I am loving what GW has done with AOS and model design personally but I can see why other people do not like it as tastes very (except Teclis he uggggllllyyy). On the plus side of not liking the Big Bad Wizard for Lumineth I decided to not purchase the army and focus on getting better with my Deepkin and purchased some more eels and an Eidolon which will hopefully get better in the future battletome (whenever that may be).
  10. Give me a true beer drinking, fully clothed, axe wielding and grudge bearing mountain dwarf any day in a new and supported battle tome and I would be fine with that. Look of Lord of the Rings Iron Hills Dwarves.
  11. @Kadeton Thanks for the reply fellow wielder of the Fatties. I just love the Irongut models and they are so good at controlling the centre of the board. But the 4 frostlords does seem scarrrry. I like the variety of having the iron guts as well but I might just give that a try!
  12. Good morning, I currently have an Eurlbad Battalion I am using but I am thinking of changing it up to throw in some Iron Guts/Frost Sabres. I was wondering what everyone thought of this list for competitive play? Thanks! LEADERS Frostlord on Stonehorn (400) Frostlord on Stonehorn (400) Frostlord on Stonehorn (400) Icebrow Hunter (120) UNITS 8 x Ironguts (440) 2 x Frost Sabres (40) 2 x Frost Sabres (40) 2 x Frost Sabres (40) BATTALIONS Skal (100)
  13. Hey fellow fishy bois! I have recently read Court of the Blind King and it has reinvigorated my love of deepkin who I have been struggling to have a desire to play. I was thinking about allying in some Sylvaneth and was wondering if anyone can give me pointers on effectively using them. I am not sure If I want to go battalion or to just add a Treelord and Branchwraith.
  14. @Clan's Cynic I feel the exact same way regarding having no interest in the Lumineth models but I think they are great! I was thinking if these normal-esque elves can come back maaaaaybe we can get dwarves that aren't naked or float in the sky. I love AOS but I wish I could have some mountain living, grudge bearing stunties that aren't part of COS.
  15. @Still-young Ok gotcha thanks! I thought it was a dude with black eyes and a moustache lol. My eyes are deceiving me. I even thought he may have had wings and been some sort of version of Malekith but a sneaky easter egg. Sigh I thought I was Sherlock Holmes when in fact I am Paul Blart.
  16. Hello amigos! Does anyone have any idea who the guy is to the right of Teclis? Just curious 😛
  17. You must be life of the party when you aren't on forums correcting people. LOL as will the rest of the non neck beard world. Hopefully we will have some more Hysh Aelves soon as I can only play with my eels so much haha.
  18. This! I was waiting for Seraphon to get some new models (new badass toad anyone?) but the thought of Bretonnians makes me so happy haha. This would be an instant buy from me as long as the models were cool. Now if there was an awesome Tyrion/Teclis model on the scale of Morathi I will be a Happy Panda.
  19. @PraetorDragoon You just made me picture a Seraphon army with Bulbasaurs running around. Thank you for this image.
  20. @zilberfrid Because he likes the colour? Let the man express positive thoughts/ideas without someone trying to debate why he likes a colour haha. On a side note I am soooo curious about this faction but I am much more excited about the Seraphon update. Hoping for new Slann!
  21. Anyone excited for the Rumours of upcoming Seraphon?! I have been waiting patiently to start a Seraphon force for a new Battletome and new Slann model hopefully.
  22. Does anyone else think the OBR look like Lord Garmadon from Ninjago LOL!
  23. I am curious as well. I purchased a bunch of Gloomspite cheap and I am waiting for the new battleforce this christmas season and if it is good I am going to build a force. Is there anyway to do a squig based army competitive? I was thinking 2 15 man squads of bounderz, a few min squads of herds and grots and a couple Manglers with magic support. I am fairly new and play Deepkin at the moment and bounderz are like Goblin Eels haha.
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