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Everything posted by Talas

  1. Well, at least they say that The Hunt is over...
  2. Heads-up! Immortis Guard and Necropolis Stalkers are now battleline if general is a Mortisan.
  3. Agreed, I don't play any of those armies but it was pretty good.
  4. Those rats are amazing, probably the best models of the whole Skaven range.
  5. Aren't VIG badges very limited? They were like only 250 last time I checked years ago and those weren't available to the public, only to Premium attendants.
  6. I'm really enjoying a local Path to Glory campaign. I'm yet to win my first game but the organizer told us to write a narrative after every game and that's what's making the difference for me. Even if I lose, the fact that my Lord Celestant could make a 10" charge to finish a Megaboss was amazing. And I was so close to winning that game but a single grot escaped...
  7. New Battlescroll with a completely new rule: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/03/14/will-you-become-predator-or-prey-in-the-latest-warhammer-age-of-sigmar-battlescroll-update/
  8. An article about the new Kragnos book just went up and the author confirms his book was supposed to come out a year ago. I wonder how much stuff is still in the queue... https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/02/18/black-library-celebration-2022-david-guymer-sets-kragnos-loose-on-the-mortal-realms/
  9. This is the Top 8 for the 2022 LVO: James O’Brien (Stormcast Eternals – Dragons with Gardus) Jeremy LeFebvre (Cities of Sigmar - Phoenicium with Assassins) Gavin Grigar (Cities of Sigmar – Living City with Dragons and Fulminators) Jiwan Noah Singh (Ironjawz - 2 Mawkrushas) Mrigank Jha (Stormcast Eternals - Annihilators with Raptors) Russ Tanner (Ogor Mawtribes - Bloodgullet with Yetis) Nate Tretanelli (Nighthaunt - Emerald Host with Nagash) Levan Sichinava (Soulblight Gravelords) Source with some extra things from Discord: https://www.goonhammer.com/lvo-day-2-the-field-narrows/
  10. I understand some people don't like the priority roll so I ask first before playing a casual game, but my most boring games have always been "you-go-I-go". Yes, with the roll there's a chance that a player gets destroyed, but there's the chance to make a comeback too, and there's also the chance for the game to be "you-go-I-go" anyway. The priority roll is great and I hope it stays with some tweaks to get more people on board with it.
  11. It's funny that you mention Legion as a example, it reminds me that I used to play Star Wars: X-Wing a lot a few years ago. That game was number 2 in sales of miniatures just behind 40k and now after its 2nd edition, COVID, the lack of new ships, and the move from FFG to AMG, the local scene just disappeared and it's barely alive online (vassal or TTS). It can happen to any system.
  12. I'm still having fun and I can pay. The day I can't pay, I'd play with what I have. The day I start not having fun, I'd stop playing for a while. There are so many hobbies and so little time, why would you stay with something you don't like?
  13. Is it just me or they didn't mention The Old World at all?
  14. Is it just me or do people get more angry than usual when losing againts Stormcasts? I have a Bonereaper army too and in the height of the Petrifex OP ability, people were much more gracious when losing back then.
  15. Well, the Stormcasts weren't posterboys for a good chunk of 2nd edition... so who knows, there's still a bunch of chambers closed.
  16. 40k is going to do six months seasons for competitive rules, do you think they could do the same with AoS? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/12/28/warhammer-40000-seasons-are-going-to-change-the-way-you-conquer-the-galaxy/ Frankly, this sounds like something they can do in a "subscription" format, so they are very likely going to push it. But there's also the "no enough data" thing they do with AoS, so who knows...
  17. When the Shadow and Pain box was announced, did they show all the new units that came afterward?
  18. Is it just me or those are some pretty conservative changes?
  19. Much better than only one hero each, thank you!
  20. I think all of them are from The Honest Wargamer, Rob also said that Kragnos is going up in points to 800.
  21. What's the consensus on lances or swords for Stormdrake Guard?
  22. More rumors from 4chan. I don't know what to think anymore...
  23. Rob from TheHonestWargamer just said in today's stream that Kragnos is gaining a Ward, coming with the winter FAQ/dataslate.
  24. The owner of my FLGS just got an email from his GW provider saying that there's going to be AoS and 40k battleforces, but they don't know which factions and that he should order NOW because they are not going to make many... does anyone has a clue about this or at least the factions?
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