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Everything posted by Urauloth

  1. Curious to hear people's thoughts on Raptors as well, because I really like the Vanguard minis and I'm considering expanding in that direction once I have some more Sacrosanct stuff.
  2. What's the general concensus on hounds and aetherwings? Considering a pack of hounds for rushing objectives, and/or hanging around my Castellant, but I haven't seen any discussion of aetherwings at all. Does anyone use them? Is that defensive move around a unit of Raptors useful?
  3. I wonder how "canon" the specific details of Nagash's mortal life are now. A significant number of backstories from the old world have been changed, and his origins, beyond the broad outlines, seem quite deliberately vague a lot of the time. He also doesn't really seem to remember being mortal (although as we're already discussing, it's clear that elements of that megalomaniac sorcerer lay heavy on the being we call Nagash now). This is a noteworthy comparison out of universe because they're both reductio ad absurdum extrapolations on aspects of Odin; the king of the gods in his golden hall who takes the souls of warriors to build an immortal army on the one hand, and on the other Hjaldrgegnir and Gapþrosnir - "the one in gaping frenzy", god of berserkers and lord of slaughter.
  4. I'm wordering if the incredible similarity between Evocators and Incantors isn't a potential problem. I know you can make an Incantor out of the Evocator kit that went up for pre-order today, but I'm not actually sure exactly what the difference is. I'm pretty sure if I looked a a bunch of them hanging out in close proximity I'd have to ask my opponent what was up. What are the distinguishing features of the knight? The voidstorm scroll and a greater number of flasks? If you look at Zeraphina, she has parchment on her staff like a Lord-Arcanum, and a different style or armour and robes (noteably she has a classic cuirass and pteruges like many other knight classes instead of the tabard-bib-things Evocators have over their torso and waist) but the guy on the magazine cover... I would assume he was an Evocator with a grandstave without having been told otherwise.
  5. How on earth did you all decide on your stormhost? I thought I was settled on my decision until I actually got the battletome, but now I'm really torn because I like the lore, colour schemes and modelling potential for about 4 of them and it's also hard to shake the idea of cooking up one a late-striking host from wholecloth. This is so much harder than I thought it would be! Anyway, I'm completely new to SCE, so I have a couple of noob questions if you don't mind. One of those is Judicators; Starting with Soul Wars etc, I already have Castigators, should I look into Judicators as well? I like the models and the longer range of their bows looks like it might be useful, but I've no idea how they're currently considered or how the two stack up. Olso on the subject of shooting, I know people were worried about longstrike Raptors being ruined by LOS! when it was first revealed, but since they deal MWs on unmodified 6s now, are they back on top of the sniping game? They look like a good investment, but I'm coming to the army from a place of never having used anything that shoots (Bloodbound, Deathrattle, Flesh-Eaters) so I might just be overawed at the idea of doing anything in the shooting phase at all.
  6. @DerZaubererThose orruks look really nice.
  7. Quietly weeping into my copy of The First Heretic. Anyway, yeah, rumours from Clickbait of Lost Souls are barely worth passing on in my experience. I'm not sure what to think about the Grimhailer being ETB, I hope he doesn't suffer for it in terms of detail. Hopefully he's fine, ETB kits are getting better all the time.
  8. The things I have, or the things I have that are like... built? Those would be very different lists. I've been in the hobby for a very long time, starting and stopping various things over the years. I left WHFB at one point, lost almost all my miniatures in a house-moving accident, restarted, switched projects a lot, you know how it is. I had to drop out of the hobby altogether except for reading for a few years due to bad health, and I'm still not "back" - I'm geting stuff assembled, and put a brush on a model for the first time in about 18 months last week, but I haven't finished anything since sometime in 2013. I'm also very slow. Here's what I have so far though: Blades of Khorne: Slaves to Darkness: Beasts of Chaos: Disciples of Tzeentch: Flesh-Eater Courts: Legions of Nagash / Nighthaunt: Skaven: Aelves: ...also the Shadespire warbands, and now the Sacrosant stuff from Soul Wars which I'm definitely going to expand into a full SCE collection. I haven't actually taken inventory like this before, it's interesting. I have quite a few minis spread just a little too thinly over a lot of factions. A lot of heroes and not enough units, etc. I should buckle down and fill out one of these collections into a proper finished army (and paint it)
  9. I have his page open right here (EN digital p.75) and it definitely says 2. What version and language is your battletome?
  10. 1. All the heroes and the Chainrasp horde. The Reapers are in a unit of 4 (they have a minimum size of 10 in matched play) and the Stalkers... aren't a very good unit. If you want Reapers, you'll need the full kit. On the other hand, Soul Wars is the only place you can get the Guardian and the mounted Knight right now, and the Executioner and Torment are useful (although the Torment and Chainghast kit is the best way to get the latter) 2. Yes, if they're nighthaunts. The tormented spirit set is a pretty good buy actually, Hosts are still great and Hexwraiths are used for one of the best battalions. The Knight of Shrouds is in the battletome with an updated warscroll. 3. They're always good, I think. They're an excellent unit.
  11. Glaivewraiths are really kind of depressing when you hold them up next to Bladegheists, huh. The revenants do everything the stalkers do, but more reliably, with better stats, and faster, and they're not even that much more expensive. Ouch. I'm not sure what we're meant to do with stalkers, honestly. I really want them to be salvageable because I like the minis so much, but they're a terrible investment in points. On the other hand, I got my Grimghasts today and I couldn't be happier with them. Amazing models, really good unit. Maybe my favourite lore, too. The calculating precise assassin and orchestrator of murderous plots who never gets blood on his own hands being punished with unlife as a blind berserker is my favourite take on Nagash's sense of justice; it is a genuinely ironic punishment, and he's punishing genuine misdeeds, but punishing "you did some murders" with "eternity of indiscriminate murders" is... well. Who am I to gainsay Nagash's wisdom? Speaking of lore, I'm not very satisfied with the Bladegheists. I think there's a plenty of mileage in vengeful ghosts that are worked up in a thrashing frenzy because they drowned or died of premature burials, don't get me wrong. I just don't think that meshes well with the masked, sword-wielding elite of the army - these look like miniature Shroud Knights and act as their bodyguards, and I was kinda hoping that, like the Dreadblades, they'd be linked to them in some way. I guess you can always write your own lore for your army's unit and so on, but still. Also kinda disappointed that Hexwraiths and the other pre-battletome haunts don't seem to have curses. Are there no new Hexwraiths being created? Is being a Hexwraith actually a blast? It's kinda hard to tell. A final note: that timeline piece about the Deepkin accidentally releasing nighthaunts from a dungeon Nagash had stuck them in, and now they hate the living and undead that are loyal to Nagash? I'm sure that's just a throwaway snippet, but wow, I really want to know more about these guys. A horde of foul-tempered renegade spectres indiscriminately haunting the place up is so damn cool it would sway me to theme my army around that snippet if I wasn't so invested in running a couple of the named characters.
  12. Yeah, this is probably what I want most in all of Warhammer.
  13. My guess is that's part of the side of a chariot.
  14. I uh... don't think that's legal.
  15. ...I'd missed that this was army-wide and not just for the cavalry batallion. (they do it on a 9+ instead, re-reading the leaks). That really does brighten the outlook for glaivewraiths quite a bit.
  16. Stormstrike is £25 instead of £40 for all four ETB troop kits... really glad I waited on getting those now. e; the cover art is really damn good, too. I think they're just not a very good unit, unfortunately. I'm going to use them anyway because of how much I love the minis but I don't expect fantastic results. I was hoping one of the batallions would perk them up, but it doesn't look that way.
  17. You mean you don't all have different avatars and usernames on all the forums you post on so your enemies can't keep track of you..? I think it's quite likely we'll see more SC sets soon, maybe during upcoming 40k release cycles (we've seen that happen before). I haven't heard any rumours, though, that's idle speculation.
  18. I really can't wait to read this but for some reason I can't get my ebook from the BL website. Is anyone else having this problem? All I can get is a 404 from the download link.
  19. Really like the look of the Chainguard, especially with one of the relic lanterns. Apart from moving huge chainrasp hordes around the board, that is, which I don't relish the prospect of. e; I really want to make one of my starter set grimghasts into a cairn wraith, but I'm honestly not sure how I'd go about distinguishing it from a regular grimghast. It's not like its armament would even change significantly. I could give it a scythe blade from somewhere else, and maybe the mask from the cairn wraith model?
  20. Yeah, the Beatlord doesn't have to be the general now, but it still has to kill an enemy itself in order to activate its command ablity. That's still a big improvement, of course, and I can definitely see running a couple of them being worth it.
  21. Bladegheists? These look incredible. I wonder if we'll see a 5 or 10 model kit for these... they have a minimum unit size of 5.
  22. The Tauralon's face is absolutely horrifying. For my money it's a scarier beast than most of the monsters of chaos out there. It's a really good model, too, great pose, fantastic wings. I'm mad about that because I'm going to have to buy one now. I think I like the Dracoline? I want to see it in the flesh, so to speak. I'm glad there are more fantastical monsters in Age of Sigmar though. Unique creature designs is something that helps make a house a home, so to speak, when it comes to fantasy settings.
  23. I think it's pretty certain the KoS will get a warscroll overhaul when the battletome drops. He might just get the same command ability as the mounted version (I hope not, for variety) but if he doesn't then at the very least the wording will be changed to reflect the way command points work now.
  24. Maybe he's early access at the event, and going on general release later? ...please?
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