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Everything posted by Rune

  1. First attempt at making a TE list. It'll be without KO for now. Please shred the list apart :D. I know things might change soon with the FAQ coming but.. having fun here. List Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar - City: Tempest's Eye LEADERS Freeguild General on Griffon (320) - Greathammer - Artefact : Zephyrite Banner Nomad Prince (120) - General - Command Trait : Hawk-eyed - Artefact : Patrician's Helm Sorceress (90) - City Role : General's Adjutant (Must be 6 wounds or less) UNITS 30 x Sisters of the Watch (480) 30 x Phoenix Guard/Greatswords (420) 5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100) 5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100) 5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100) 10 x Bleakswords (90) - City Role : Honoured Retinue (Must be 5-20 models) BATTALIONS Aetherguard Windrunners (120) ENDLESS SPELLS / TERRAIN / COMMAND POINTS Lauchon the Soulseeker (60) If I'm forced to go first, I'll be able to get in range for shooting with the Launchon, which will likely land due to the sorceress sacrificing a bleaksword. The unit will be buffed and deal 35 wounds after save (assuming +4). Killing a big chunk of what's in range. The PG (or Greatswords) together with the Prince and Sorceress will follow after. With the +3 movement on turn one they won't be far behind. At the least they can get a counter charge, if the opponent gets a double turn (which is why I am considering Greatswords over PG for the increased damage output). The sisters will get the overwatch off and hopefully survive with the +4 save on turn 1. If I go second, that's probably a benefit to this list overall. Units Bleakswords are just their for the sacrifice, retinue and bubblewrap around the sorceress/Nomad prince. Pistoliers are there for the objective game and distraction. PG are there because they are awesome. Could also consider greatswords as their damage output is insane. Prince is there for +1hit buff on sisters and good survivability Griffon is there to have a decent large threat.
  2. I'm saying that "800 points less on the table" is not the right thing to say. I'm not saying that a Hallowheart list spends 800 (even though that's most likely like 500 points) on models to get advantage of the faction rules. That's by no means comparable to say they are not on the table. But I keep derailing this topic so I will skip out. Sorry for doing that, just felt as it was the right thing to cortect what I thought was an incorrect statement.
  3. I'm saying that "800 points less on the table" is not the right thing to say. I'm not saying that a Hallowheart list spends 800 on models to get advantage of the faction rules. That's by no means comparable to say they are not on the table.
  4. I won't get into an argument about which city is best, as I have no clue. I've not had the opportunity to play enough games at all. I think it's also a bit pointless to compare cities as there are so much diversity in the armies that can be made. Which is, to my knowledge, unlike many other factions. For someone to know they would have to have played or gathered statistics from games with each city, with multiplie lists, and against the meta armies. I don't know how many people in this little community has done that already. I'm sure a few have. I would love to try a game against you, so that I could see the weakness of my own Hallowheart list. It's been doing wonderfully in the few games I have had. I haven't lost once, which is something considering I just got into AoS. Perhaps it speaks more to my opponents though! Hah. For the point about being 800 points less in models I think that's a pretty wild exaggeration. How'd you get to that? The typical Hallowheart list I have seen brings about 250-300 points in endless spells and 4-5 heroes. Wound count albeit low armour save is something like 130.
  5. I don't think it's fair to consider it as a "Tempest Eye will beat Hallowheart", which is not a point you (Tidings) initially brought up, but I don't see much use in having that conversation, unless if TE starts dominating the meta. It's pretty common knowledge that shooting is a counter to Hallowheart. So in that sort of Mets Hallowheart will struggle. I don't know enough about the meta if that is the case.
  6. Man I forgot the mortals on the wound roll. Gosh. Well, that changes it and you are absolutely right. The sisters deal a lot more damage. Only benefit of going with freeguild is the number of drops. If you don't go first a crawler can take out 1/3 of your sisters, but even then, the damage against save 3 is only 3 damage less than the freeguild package. And if a crawler takes out your sisters, that means you don't have to worry about your mages as much. So it might be brilliant that you only have the sisters to use! Edit: I could see you starve for command points. There is a 50% chance you only have 2 command points first turn, so you can't use Arcane Channeling, Volley & your nomad prince command ability. If you have to choose between re-roll 1s and +1 hit I suggest you go with +1 hit..
  7. I haven't played against OBR yet, but if they have crawlers they might be able to pick out a wizard or two in their first turn. Curious to see how it goes when I play them though.
  8. You're in the wrong topic if you want to discuss Hallowheart. But.. Are you making a list specifically only for OBR? I think your list will be quite good against OBR. I personally use Handgunners and Crossbowmen as that is what I got, but also as they deal more damage per point cost (only really Crossbowmen does, at the loss of the overwatch). If I had sisters I would love to try a list with those. Using sisters you need a nomad prince to get the battlelines or get the battlelines elsewhere which means you'll have more drops. For instance your list here has 7 drops and the one I'm running has just 5. I don't know how important that as as I'm a newer player, but I guess it's sort of meaningful. Consider using the artifact Agloraxi Prism to defend one Battlemage from the crawlers. Also curious as to why you have ignite weapons on essentially 3 mages? Your game plan is to bridge only the sisters and Prince and walk up the board with everything else? Why not bridge everything? Hope you don't mind me asking!
  9. Sorry I don't have Warhammer TV any longer so can't find it without subscription. As far as I remember it is discussed in this YouTube video:
  10. Think about what you want your list to do. Is it to stomp people or try out gimmicky fun things. Or is it perhaps a bit of both. I'm not very experienced, but I'd say that your list is probably not competitive, but perhaps it's what you want to use to have a fun time! If you want to be competitive. Think about what is going to happen on turn 1. What will you buff with what and which spells will you use. Imitate that you are playing a game. Think it over step by step. Think about how you will beat the meta armies. Look at each unit and consider their role. What can unfortunately happen is that you have 9 drops. So likely you will not decide who starts. So against anything that can get to you, they will on turn one. And then you will have a hard time recovering the board with only slow units. You could get a Soulscream bridge in there to help out. Also, keep in mind the Hurricanum will not give your sorceress +1 to cast. So you are taking her for the warscroll spell (which is a good spell), but for a cost. Also, you have essentially picked sear wounds 3 times and roaming wildfire 3 times (while you also have chain lightning which has the same effect). You realise that you can only use one of the same spells per round right? I'd definitely get more diversity, the other spells are just as good if not better (warding brand is nuts, elemental cyclone too). Also you are not benefitting from our buffed endless spells.
  11. I would say you can change its direction as it is a new "set up".
  12. Right, which is great. You also said "it will hit everything it passes over to the portal and then once it is set up anything within 1” of that". Which sounds like you would say it damages everything within 1" on the other side of the portal when it it set up again. I'm just not so sure of that, and would like to hear what others think and why you think it works like that. The pendulum spell specifically states that it damages "...each other unit that is within 1" of it at the end of its move.". And the portal reads "If a predatory endless spell finishes a move within 6" of an umbral spellportal model, remove it from the battlefield and set it up again ...". So it seems for the pendulum to travel across the spell portal the move needs to end on the initial side of the portal, so it will damage everything within 1" on the initial side. Maybe it's intended to work otherwise but from the wording isn't that what it says?
  13. The spellportal reads that if the predatory spell ends it's move within 6" then remove it from the battlefield and set it up again. I would argue that means Pendulum for instance will not pass over any units when it travels through the portal as it is removed and set up again. I would also argue that the pendulum ends its move on the initial point of the portal so it will not damage units within 1" on the other side. However, in regards to this point I'm a bit more uncertain
  14. No problem. To get bonuses to dispel endless spells it needs to state that specifically. For instance, check "famed spell hunter" command trait for Hallowheart. https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Age_of_Sigmar/Tactics/Order/Cities_of_Sigmar#City_Allegiance:_Hallowheart_.28Aqshy.29
  15. To dispel it's only the value required to cast that you have to beat. Furthermore, in case you didn't know - dispelling a spell uses a cast not an unbind.
  16. @StokieRich, @relic456, @arcian, appreciate you guys being so friendly. The community is honestly really awesome, both locally and on here. I'm a new player, with limited time to actually play (something like a game a month). So some of the most enjoyment I find is theory crafting with peers between games. The mods have spoken so I'm going to leave out answering anything else (yikes so hard to hold back though). @scurvydog, wow cheers! Very thorough answer. Thanks for taking the time to write all that up. I'll keep those pointers in mind during the game. @relic456, we are playing with 2000 points and yeah exactly looking for tips in regards to Petrifex. Imagine I could deal 25 damage after saves (+3) to your units on turn one. What would you feel the worst about loosing? Based on the tips, and on finishing the 1d4 page on OBR I'm thinking that if he has a Harvester that should die first. If he has one crawler I would also deal with that. But if he has two crawlers I would probably leave them and put the wounds into the Mortek Guard. My list runs something like this, but I usually mix it up a bit: Hurricanum Knight Inventor Battlemage Battlemage or sorceress 40 freeguild guard 30 Handgunners 20 Crossbowmen 5 Pistoliers Battalion Comet, bridge, geminids, Shackles I don't have a ton of options as I've only been in the hobby for a couple of months, but I wouldn't mind an excuse to buy new units :). I'm not building the list specially for OBR, but keen to make some changes so it doesn't just fold to OBR. Considering a spellportal for instance, to nuke the guards more.
  17. Anyone played against OBR and got some tips my way? I'm scared thinking of the two crawlers killing my mages or low bravery units. Running Freeguild units and am heavy on shooting.
  18. I'm going up against an OBR player with two crawlers as Hallowheart. Please give me tips on how to beat you guys! I'm very scared of the crawlers, as I'm running weak mages and low bravery Freeguild units. My army is heavy on shooting and magic, while being guarded with a wall of 40 guards. Usually I Soulscream bridge the entire blob in and take out a few key units on turn one. Any suggestions on what I can do to counter them? Should I run with a unit of deepstriking Shadow warriors, or perhaps prismatic palisade? Also, how many drops is a typical OBR army?
  19. Wicked tool! Good job on keeping frequent updates. Specially when they are so massive. Initially I had two suggestions, but then I checked your coming soon and saw that it's already on its way. That's so great. When they are there I will definitely use this tool. A tiny mispositioning of the Freeguild Handgunners Crack shot and Steady aim which is listed under Combat instead of Shooting. Looking forward to track progress on this!
  20. Definitely a help you know what you are up against :). I ran 3 mages in one game, and after one got sniped I wasn't really benefitting from the arcane channeling. Love a prime is in there. Considering that he is, and that you are only running 3 mages I would consider Hammerhal instead. I want a decent number of models there too, so I don't consider the chariot an option. But I am going to consider the Aetherwings, thanks for the idea!
  21. I do agree with you that Hallowheart is weak at playing the objective game. The bridge helps some. I've got a unit of Pistoliers to help out a bit more. I think we have to win by doing significant work on their units the first two turns. Though my point was that we can do significant things with the wizards already on turn one. Definitely for sure significant enough to justify running Hallowheart. I've only had 3 games as Hallowheart. However, all games I've been able to substantially swing the game turn one. Regardless if I went first or second. My list runs 4 wizards, 30 Handgunners and 20 Crossbowmen (as well as 40 guards, a freeguild General, a pack of Pistoliers and a bunch of endless spells). Just my take so far!
  22. There are some pretty awesome defensive spells, as well as a couple of endless spells you want to use that turn. Bridge + geminids + perhaps Balewind Vortex + perhaps comet. Then there are warding brand, crystal aegis, ignite weapons as well as Pha's Protection and Shield of Thorns from your battlemages. That's 9 good spells on turn one if you are forced to go first.
  23. If you have Warhammer TV there is a pretty recent game with a guy playing Hallowheart. He tabled his opponent on turn two
  24. Damn I read that wrong entirely. Warding brand though is absolutely insane on a block of 40 guards protecting your mages and gunners after you have Soulscream bridged them in.
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