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  1. Interesting how you don't have to shoot with all your models in given unit now.
  2. The unit is definitely not a wizard. Only the model inside the unit. The unit is however not considered a wizard. When using a unit of sentinels, you can for instance only unbind within 30" of the high warden. You can't measure from any other model in that unit. Which you could if they were wizards. Note that this is different than the wording on Sisters of the Thorn. To me, it isn't clear how this interacts in this case.
  3. Shrine doesn't have to be setup in your deployment zone, just in your territory. Loreseeker doesn't have to be setup in your enemy territory, just not your own territory. So it will always be possible, even easy, to get the Loreseeker within 12" of the shrine.
  4. In none of the games I have had I have garrisoned a hero within it. I would only really do that vs 1-drop shootcast or vs OBR catapults. As you say it limits the movement of your hero, and to be the benefit is not great enough. If you run a loreseeker, I would deploy the shrine where you expect to use the loreseeker, so he can benefit from the re-roll casting/unbinding.
  5. Please do provide something, I'd love to hear what you find. Abilities should be understood as written, since if they are not it's super speculative and open for misinterpretation. A ton of abilities within Lumineth has abilities within abilities. These are not linked. It's a lore "feature" that provides several abilities. I'm not a fan that GW did it this way, but that's how they did. Here are two examples, just of the top of my mind: Sevireth, his "Spirit of the Wind" ability reads: At the end of the shooting phase, this model can make a normal move of 12" but cannot run (it can retreat). In addition, this model can retreat and still charge later in the same turn. That is two "abilities" within one ability seperate by a full stop. The "In addition, this model can retreat...", is not linked to what's before the full stop. Sevirith can retreat in the movement phase as well and still charge in the charge phase. It's not attached to the 12" after shooting phase move. Teclis "Discs of the Aelementiri" ability states: "In your hero phase, in addition to casting 1, 2 or up to 4 spells, this model can automatically dispel 1 endless spell (do not roll 2D6). In the enemy hero phase, this model can automatically unbind 1 enemy spell (do not roll 2D6)." That is two "abilities" within one ability. One provides him the ability to do something in his own hero phase, and something in the enemy's. In situations where the two sentences are related, then it has to say something like "in that way" or "that unit". Sevireth "Living Cyclone" is an example of that. Usually, GW starts the sentence with "In addition", when they are not related, but not always. It would have saved us this argument if they had though. Lone Agent is no different. One part says he can deploy >3" away from an enemy, another says he can take control of an objective if he is setup within 6" of an empty objective.
  6. The Loreseeker holds on to any objective he is set up on. So you can reposition him with Soulscream bridge and the holds it like he would at the setup he does at the beginning of the game.
  7. I would not swap out the hurricane boys. Having access to deny charges with your aetherwings is very, very strong.
  8. I think variants of that list is probably the best potential candiate to go 5-0 at a tournament. It has the possibility to win all matchups, but alas very fragile and delicate. So it's not an easy ride. I would argue still using the Umbral Spellportal for Teclis AoE, or have the option of both Solar Flare + Lambient Light turn 1, as that is good against a lot of the meta armies (Tz and Seraphon). I would also argue Geminids are miles better than Pendulum. Their ability is much stronger and the range allows you to setup the Loreseeker at a safer distance (also within Teclis +1 aura). I would also consider going 30 wardens and 30 sentinels to give you more board presence. I'm not sure which is better though.
  9. Perhaps the Loreseeker, that deepstrikes with an empowered endless spell could be interesting.
  10. How can you confirm that? Source? Part of the new LRL standard battletome?
  11. Hehe you are such a tease. Nobody knows your list so hard to really use what you are saying for any good.
  12. I figured as much, bridge lists are for the most part dead. Supporting Phoenix Guards has been the approach lately. Keen to hear what's been working for you though, getting tired of running the same builds and out of inspiration.
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