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Everything posted by Orphen1991

  1. Thank you very much for your reply, Is the incarnate so strong? Glutos Is my to buy list, Simply I really love the model so I'll get It After synessa. Slaangor are incredible models, such a shame they are no good.
  2. Hi all, I'm recently coming back with AoS and specifically I want to finish my HoS army, Paint all the stuff I have and such. Although I've no idea where to start with the list, I've seen that we play a lot of mortals, like archers, sigvald and seekers. What about out other choices? Is Synessa or Dexcessa good? The keeper are Always a must have? Daemonettes and chariots only for summon? Do you have and all around good list? In my meta there Is Kharadron, Stormcast, Idoneth, Nurgle, Ossiarch and Flesh eater. Thank you
  3. Do you recall what kind of lumineth list he was playing? I think that in the magic side we are not even a match for them, although I see some kind of hope in a full shooting list.
  4. Double WLC seems really strong, how do you play them? Do you use MMWP or even the battalion? Can't wait for your batrep especially against such a strong army as Seraphon. I've read that even Thanquol seems interesting besides the expensive cost and I'm planning to buy it in the near future.
  5. Sorry, I was talking about the last one, which use some of my favorite units: stormfiends, jezzails and the hell pit. The last one is exactly the reason I want to run a clan moulder list, double hell pit is a really big and scary threat, but yeah rat Ogres actually needs a serious improvement.
  6. Hi guys, pretty new with skaven but I've been collecting and building a lot of stuff during this months. Actually I've seen the list used by @Gwendar in his blog and I like it a lot, there's some kind of improvement for that? Anyway seems that Masterclan is the best clan to go for competitive skaven, but I'm wondering if there's room even for moulder clan
  7. Hi all guys, I want to start a Tzeentch army but I'm not sure what to buy and where to start, I surely know I want something mixed between Tzaangor (on disc and on foot) and other Demons of Tzeentch. I suppose I should start from a Tzaangor Shaman as a leader, the Host Arcanum as coven and maybe Tzaangor coven as battalion (so 1 unit of 20/30 Tzaangor, 1 of Enlighted and 1 of Skyfire) but from them? What should I add? Any suggestion for a fun and pretty solid list?
  8. Mmm ok so what would you add to the list? Maybe more grot and/or fanatics for more damage? I simply love the endless spell so I like have so many choice into the list.
  9. Nice, thank you very much. I'm not searching too much powerful, just something to actually play with my friends and have fun (and gitz seems reeeally fun to play).
  10. Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz Mortal Realm: GhurLeadersSkragrott, The Loonking (220)- General- Lore of the Moonclans: The Hand of GorkWebspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider(280)- Artefact: Gryph-feather Charm - Lore of the Spiderfangs: Sneaky DistractionWebspinner Shaman (80)- Lore of the Spiderfangs: Gift of da Spider GodFungoid Cave-Shaman (90)- Lore of the Moonclans: The Great Green SpiteFungoid Cave-Shaman (90)- Lore of the Moonclans: Itchy NuisanceBattleline40 x Stabbas (260)- Stabbas & Moon Shields40 x Stabbas (260)- Stabbas & Moon Shields20 x Stabbas (130)- Stabbas & Moon ShieldsUnits6 x Rockgut Troggoths (280)Endless Spells / TerrainAethervoid Pendulum (50)Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)Malevolent Maelstrom (10)Malevolent Moon (40)Purple Sun of Shyish (50)Quicksilver Swords (30)Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron (40)Scuttletide (30)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 156 Good day fellow grot fan, after nurgle and slaanesh my next army will be a gloomspite gitz one, but I've some doubt how to play this little ******. The list I'm building right now is the one up there (which I found a few pages ago, thanks to @GlitzFan). My friends meta consist of: Stormcast (balista and stuff), Deepkin (not the mono eel version but still very strong), Kharadron, Legion of Nagash; should I modify in some way the list or I should at least compete with them? Thanks in advice for all the suggestions
  11. Hi all, new member of destruction here, trying to do a beginner list of gloomspite for 1k pnt. My initial idea was this: Skragrott, The loonking Loonsboss Webspinner shaman on Arachnarok spider 20 shootas 40 stabbas I really love the Arachnarok spider model and I want at least one (if not two) in my next 2k list, but I've seen on the gw site that the big fellow spider is out of stock right now, anyone know how much time it wil take to be available again (I also see that even the DoK chariot is out of stock for at least one month now, maybe even more, and this make me think that for the spider I'll have to wait even more). Thank you for any suggestion. Ps: sorry for my english, I'm italian
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