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Everything posted by NinthMusketeer

  1. I agree. It really comes down to there being no simple way to fix it. Bear in mind that these rules are in addition to those that already exist; the complexity is added to what is already there. On top of that people will deal with many times more complex rulesets if they are part of the official rules than as house rules they encounter online (and justifiably so).
  2. Eh, objectives are still like ~75% of winning scenarios. Not only from VP directly but from battle tactics that are objective-based as well.
  3. Yup. And 52.5 actually (not counting heals of course). Use the kraken-eater extra artifact command trait to make that guy a wizard and he can cast mystic shield to buff durability further.
  4. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this; corporate interests could never weaponize misinformation to even half the degree of plain old foolishness.
  5. In my experience the moment the rules go past one page half the potential audience loses interest. I've considered a lot of different ideas but yet to find anything that wouldn't add at least another half-page of explanation. So much of it comes down to interaction with specific warscrolls. To use your wounds example, I could take that with my IRL splintered fang warband and give the AoS version a snake swarm with 5 wounds. The unit can return a slain one of those every round, which has a very different effect on a 5-wound model verses the normal 2. And that is just one example; for any bonus given there are an immense number of exploits and while the rules can be written to eliminate those it is most often such fixes that add the most complexity. But it's still a good concept, and I am certainly glad you suggested it. One never knows when the thread of an old idea may become relevant in the future, even in an entirely different game. It makes reading ideas always an interesting prospect for me (at least when they are thought out XD).
  6. To help myself not focus on the negative (an unfortunately persistent flaw of mine that keeps making save rolls despite my continued attacks against it), I can say that everyone I have met and talked to about the new edition likes it and feels it is an improvement. Literally every single person. There is universal agreement in my local community that regardless of its classic-GW-flaws 3rd edition is just really fun to play. Further; it is fun to play because of the core rules. I think that bodes very well for the future, doubly so when the biggest issues are not integral parts but exploits of specific options. Heroic recovery can be oppressive, but the concept of hero actions is fantastic. The amulet may be completely overpowered, but having a basic set of allegiance options anyone can draw from is great. An extra cp for going second may do next to nothing against double turns but it does address the inherent first-turn advantage in a manner both effective and interactive (seriously just skipping random initiative outright works fantastically now).
  7. I do think there is an important distinction to be made--much (if not all) of the defense for GW here comes from the fact that these content creators were making money off the IP. That is the key. Creating in-universe content and putting it out there for the community to enjoy becomes very different in both a moral and legal sense when it becomes a source of income.
  8. I am firmly on the side that the game needs more rend across the board, and always has. I bring it up all the time; more units deal MW via attacks/abilities than have rend -2 for better. Think about that. Ignoring armour entirely is more common than imposing a -2 penalty to the roll. Heroic recovery and amulet of destiny (and especially both put together) are also skewing things in favor of huge heroes. A 5+ ward can be thought of as 50% extra wounds; it takes 3 damage average to get 2 wounds through. It also means healing being worth 50% more. On a bravery 10 hero that amounts to, in a practical sense, healing 6 wounds a round. Vlord doesn't even need the amulet thanks to his 6+ native ward and healing d3 in the combat phase. It's a 3+/6+++ model that has no trouble healing ~8 wounds a round. Save stacking is just icing on the cake at that point.
  9. Shackles are game-breaking regardless of mode of play.
  10. Maybe get to the root of the problem and nerf Tzeentch allegiance abilities, but I am honest when I say I can understand people just assuming that is impossible for the foreseeable future.
  11. So either; -You believe that Stratigo does, in fact, know the salaries and stock options of GW employees. -Understand that isn't true and are claiming I am 'assuming' under unreasonable pretense. If I say the sky is blue, I am assuming that's true; after all I could be colorblind and not know it. But people acting in good faith know that isn't sound reasoning.
  12. That's how every fictional setting has been made ever. GW legitimately stole one thing; Moorcock's chaos star. But even the concept of Chaos that is so often called out at being lifted directly from Moocock is notably different to a degree that is rarely if ever faulted among other fictional settings. Personally I think it is like the Starcraft-40k connection; an urban legend that is so widely circulated no one stops to check if its true.
  13. Stop. You have no idea what that information is, and have no basis whatsoever for making this judgement. This is made up from your own assumptions, an extremely bad-faith argument. It reflects poorly on you and makes all of your arguments seem less legitimate by association, even if they are completely valid. Consider that.
  14. Well you see sir when a team of people put a lot of passion and effort into a project to create a work of art that is something which deserves to be protected. When a team of people put a lot of passion and effort into a project to create a work of art and they are GW employees that does not deserve protection. Simple!
  15. Some people understand that under the current system we have allowing indie creators to use a corporation's IP also means allowing corporations to use indie creator's IP. That's reality. It's not about defending poor victimized GW, it never was. It's about defending people equally regardless of who they are. There are a lot of people here saying 'IP laws shouldn't apply as strictly to indie developers drawing from large corporations' which is certainly something that can be discussed and debated but is also entirely non-sequitur. Because that isn't the system we have. Maybe the system should be changed, another great topic of discussion. But it still doesn't apply to what GW is doing in the real world right now. This is not directed at anyone specifically, but I think there is a notable degree of naivety towards how the world works at hand in this discussion. There is a lot of boiling down to 'corporations are evil oppressors, individuals are virtuous victims' which I think is a comforting belief to adopt for many people compared to a reality where blame cannot be so readily assigned. At the end of the day we all want Robin Hood. But we aren't going to get Robin Hood.
  16. Ultimately my point is that GW is acting exactly as it has been told to do. All corporations have been explicitly told to make money before anything else. Faulting them for doing it is pointless. It would be like complaining how ambulances don't respect traffic lights in an emergency, or bemoaning how buildings get wet when firefighters are suppressing fires. If we want corporations to not put profit above all else we need to stop telling them to put profit above all else. And don't try to feed me the 'but all politicians bad we have no choice' line because we all saw how that worked out in 2016.
  17. Let's say I'm an indie animator who has created my own setting and characters. I've got a very popular YouTube channel which is my source of income. But I'm still just some dude and his mates putting original animations together. Suddenly, Disney starts creating animations using my setting and characters. And they start making a considerable amount of money thanks to building off the popularity and appeal I generated. Everyone who says GW is in the wrong would logically support Disney in the above scenario. They are saying that I would be out of line in protecting my IP and asking Disney to stop making content based off it. But obviously that is not the side they would support because for so many it isn't about what is legal or even morally right, it's just about opposing a corporation because it's a corporation. Here's the thing; we live in democracies. We elect the people who write corporate law. If those laws say that corporations exist to make money without concern for morality then no ****** they are going to act the way they do, that is how we told them to behave.
  18. On the one hand it sucks, on the other hand when people are making thousands a month off someone else's IP...
  19. Man I'm envious, my FLGS only gets a tiny fraction of the GW product it's trying to order. The first shipment of (15) Dominion boxes didn't even make it to noon on Sunday.
  20. At the start of the round (read: before anyone's turn begins) the player going first gets 1 CP and the player going second gets 2 CP. Any other effects that occur at the start of the round also occur at this point. Then the game progresses to the first player's turn starting with their hero phase. The active player does all of their start-of-hero-phase stuff, including getting a CP for their general, followed by the non-active player's start-of-hero-phase stuff. This repeats with the second player's turn. In practical terms this means that when the first turn happens the first player will have 2 CP while the second player has 3, then they each get 1 more for the second turn before the count resets at the end of the round.
  21. Sad times, but I suppose humanity can only handle the raw sexuality exuded by this miniature to a certain degree. If FW cast too many of them we'd all turn into depraved Slaaneshites.
  22. There is an important caveat though; one cannot recast an endless spell the same turn it is removed. So it needs to be dispelled at the start of the enemy turn in anticipation of recasting it on one's next turn.
  23. Exactly; the inclusion of abilities that are too strong and/or too difficult to counterplay is the problem. And that problem extends across the whole game well beyond just anti-keyword abilities. It is GWs ineptitude at considering the mechanical & gameplay implications of rules which sees us having to deal with this problem over and over.
  24. Not to go full hippy, but have you considered looking at your sleep schedule & nutrition to make sure the brain is physically in decent shape? I ask this because if you managed WHFB fine it was way more of an effort to keep up with.
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