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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Or to make some nice conversion! Knight questor body and left arm/weapon, with the Tempestor Hammer from the LCOD made a fine lord celestant on the tabletoday
  2. Look up what Roark talked about. He uses a mix of both first generation SCE and newer ones (vanguard raptors).
  3. What if you were to play against SCE with balistas waiting to scion drop ?
  4. Thanks for your reply mate! I'll be using Slayers for the first time this afternoon against a friend playing a Vampire Lord on Dragon Zombie, 2 Morghast Archais, 2x10 Zombies and a necro, 1 5man black Knights and 1 5man Blood knights. I'm thinking about using my libs as paired weapons one, since after all, I'll probably won't survive the first turn, at least, I should be doing maximum damage .
  5. Indeed, and thanks to you, I've discovered that crossbowmen could actually be very potent! Have you tried with an Hurricanum sandwiched between your blocs ? I did a 1000 points game against FEC, he ruined me because : - I started way too close, his spell granting him extra move made him make a 28 move, he blasted me with his screams to oblivion and in CQB. - I forgot that as an order general, my general has a Battleshock immunity. - I could not put my 2 blocs of Handgunners close enough to each other ( but then again who cares because I didn't have the Great company rules). BUT the stand and shout abilty made him dearly pay his charge, and the hurricanum was a great help toward that.
  6. I see. Aren't you afraid you might lose the game to objectives ? "And need very good placement and play to maximize shooting." Could you develop please ?
  7. Sniper Alley ? More seriously, what will you do if you encounter hordes ? Just asking, I'm not good enough to give any advice.
  8. Very nicely done unit(s). May I ask where did you buy the movement tray ? Cheers!
  9. Everything seems to be fine, rule wise, so where is it you played to your disadvantage ?
  10. So, I need your help my fellow Sigmarines! I'd like to use the Skyborne Slayers Battalion I posted earlier, Grand Alliance Order so my assassin can use the sword giving -3 rend, sword doing D6 on heroes and monster on my celestant. Do you think I'd have a wining chance against someone using : Tempest lords : - Lord Aquilor - Knight Incantor - 2 x 5 Vanguard Hunters - 5 sequitors - 2 Balistas + Lord Ordinator Deep Striking alongside 5 evocators. I'd either take first turn to destroy most of his army, then pray for his balistas to not destroy me too much, or I'd wait until he has deepstriked his balistas but I could wait three turn and lose to the objectives ...
  11. Hi guys, I'll be playing this saturday at 2000 points, a mixed order army, against a guy playing Legions of Nagash specifically I think he's going to play the Death March Battalion + Vampire lord on Dragon Zombie, at least one or two units of Blood Knights, and some Black Knights. The battleplan is straight forward, it's going to be MAGICAL SUPREMACY, : OBJECTIVES This battle is fought to control 2 objectives. Each is located on the centre line, 12" from the edge of the battlefield as shown on the map. SUPREMACY Add 2 to casting rolls for WIZARDS within 6" of any of the objective markers. GLORIOUS VICTORY Players score victory points for the following: • 1 victory point each time a WIZARD from their army successfully casts a spell within 6" of an objective marker • 1 victory point for unbinding or dispelling an endless spell • 2 victory points for slaying an enemy WIZARD that is within 6" of an objective marker • 1 victory point for each objective they control at the end of the battle So here's my list : Allegiance: Order - Mortal Realm: Ulgu LEADERS Celestial Hurricanum With Celestial Battlemage (380) - General - Command Trait : Inspiring Archmage (100) - Steed Loremaster (140) Anointed of Asuryan on Frostheart Phoenix (320) Battlemage on Pegasus (160) Assassin (80) - Artefact : Sword of Judgement UNITS 10 x Longbeards (100) - Great Axes & Shields 10 x Irondrakes (180) 20 x Freeguild Handgunners (200) 10 x Freeguild Handgunners (100) ENDLESS SPELLS / TERRAIN Balewind Vortex (40) Chronomantic Cogs (80) Emerald Lifeswarm (50) The Burning Head (30) TOTAL: 1960/2000 EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 0 WOUNDS: 93 LEADERS: 6/6 BATTLELINES: 3 (3+) BEHEMOTHS: 2/4 ARTILLERY: 0/4 ARTEFACTS: 1/1 ALLIES: 0/400 What do you think of it ? I madesome lists including 30 PG, some GG instead of Handgunner's, but points skyrocketed and I didn't have enough points left for wizards. I'd like to squeeze in a Stardrake for the +1 to cast, bu also very expensive and not a wizard! Since I'm very unlucky with rolls in general, I can't get rid of the Hurricanum, it's a very good investment for me, as well as the rerolls given by the Loremaster's spell. The burning head will be cast in my backyards, I'll be using to give myself rerolls of 1's for my shooting units. At first I had put a Knight Azyros, but the head makes me save 70points, wich can allow me to take an assassin to be able to one shot, I hope, his Vampire Lord on ZDragon. I'll be happy to hear your thoughts about that list.
  12. Sisters of the thorn for the defensive spell or Frost Phoenix for the to wound debuff
  13. Yeah, when I said universal battleline, I thought Order universal battleline, I thought it was a given. How does that work ? They're used as a meat shield ?
  14. Thanks guys! Ok so If I want my assassin to have an artefact of power, it's grand alliance order then I need to use!
  15. Skinks aren't universal battlelines anymore if I'm not mistaken.
  16. So, I'm trying to come up with a nice 1250 points list. That's why we usually play in the local GW. How about a Skyborne Slayers, using a shadowblade assassins as an ally since he's the only useful hero/unit I could find for 80 points and I own one. Also, If I follow his rule in the Grand Order BT, it says he has to be inside a unit, but not on a table, so that could be a good combo! What I don't get though, is that in the warscroll builder on W community, when I select him as an ally, it doesn't let it equip an artifact coming from the malign sorcery's list. I checked the BRB, it's not written allies can't equip artifacts per se.
  17. He would get more mileage of Glade Guards or Handgunner's to be fair
  18. Well, in the Stormcast Battle tome, there are only three battalions containing KEYWORDS so ... I suppose Celestial Vindicators would be better, unless you're willing to invest heavily in judicators.
  19. Glade guards ? Handgunners ? Free people's guard ?
  20. You make perfect sense, yet, I can't shake the idea that if we follow your vision of it, then there are only two/three battalions in wich there's a Keyword instead of a title, Cleansing Phalanx with EVOCATORS (so evo on dracolines are ok then ?), Grand Convocation (LORD ARCANUM) and Lords of the Storm (with LORD CELESTANT), I'm now offiacilly bummed
  21. Thanks Roark. So how do you play them ? Judicators holding objectives while libs participates in combat ?
  22. What do you mean ? It's written Lord Celestant on the warscroll, so unless there is a FAQ saying that only non mounted versions of LC can be included like for the Phoenix temple warscroll (no anointed on the phenixes) then it's good to go, right ?
  23. What would be a good complement to the Skyborne slayers ? BTW, do they count towards the number of units that can be used with Scions of the Storm ?
  24. No problem l'ami molette (french bad play on words on ami 'friend' and Mimolette, a french imitation of Edam dating from when Colbert forbade to import dutch cheeses Or you could just put some blutack, patafix between your ound and square bases or even look out for plastic3D made special round bases that can receive the squared ones! That way you could just switch over easily. Do not despair! Look out in specialized dtuch forums, you might have some older players who'd like to give it a go! And who knows, I might go to the Netherlands someday to visit, I could take my minis with me
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