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Everything posted by zilberfrid

  1. I do get that. I must admit to having painted about 80% of all the models the players in my group use (as well as all the monsters and terrain). I get not wanting to get into a game/faction that ultimately doesn't have a long life. It's what burned me on AoS, because I am entirely unconvinced CoS has longevity (though I am one Ironclad and a battletome away from a 2k points Kharadron army). For me, mini agnostic games just solve that issue. Osprey isn't going to fold easily, and even if, I get to use everything I have in another miniature agnostic game. Looking at Frostgrave, I'm also confident that I'd be able to get into a different skirmish game within, say, two hours if I am somewhere a different game is played. I don't mind losing the first few games as long as I'm learning.
  2. I don't really care about the table at Mantic HQ, as I'm not going to visit it, but tables in the GW shop can be quite inviting to play on. If they go further in requiring players to provide the terrain, this will dissolve, of course. I have 15 trees, some 12 rock formations, 4 meter of walls, a stepped temple and quite a few other things like fountains, a village, a bridge and a lot of statues. It took me about 50 euro's, which is about enough for the GW temple and three GW trees.
  3. I get what you mean, but do think having a few options is a good idea. When I start a new TTRPG campaign, I settle for a system. I make/choose a setting, implement a few houserules when needed, and we set about to play. When the campaign is coming to a close, I test a few systems in one shots, then settle on a new one. Overall, my current campaign runs for two years, and will probably end at around 2.5 years. The next one will be Pathfinder 2. We're currently running a Rangers campaign, as well as a Frostgrave one. The current Frostgrave campaign isn't played that much, so we'll start a new, more narrative one soonish in Frostgrave 2 (though we could change to Frostgrave 2 without issue). Let's say we amuse ourselves with the current games for a year in total. We can then choose to do a new Rangers game (there are a lot of scenarios), try to find another cooperative wargame, or decide cooperative wargaming isn't our thing. Any way you slice it, we'll have mini's. Enough for a skirmish game, not quite enough for a bigger one, though (through our own collections and kickstarters), we'll have enough lads and ladies to round everything out up to the size of full fledged AoS armies. Keeping with miniature agnostic games will let us use all of them, and costs are low enough that I can have multiple for the price of what I have in battletome +GHB+AoS Skirmish rules (which I purchased, but they are bad). As for spaces? I have had some talk about running a Rangers game in a game store, but well, 2020. When everything is back to normal, they are happy to try it out with a few people, and Frostgrave is already played there. You don't need that much space if you want to play at home, any kitchen table will do.
  4. More than with CPU's, with miniatures, be the change you want to happen. If you never try any games other than GW games, you're not helping those other games grow. Mantic did a thing, but I don't know people that play their games. The Frostgrave environment isn't tiny, but it's not that big either. Oathmark suffers from the release date of April of the year of Nurgle (making in-person games harder), and Frostgrave 2 from the release date this August. Frostgrave 1 was well received, but it's his first game and it shows in places. Rangers, however, could grow quite well because it has a solo option. Recent Renedra castings are good, I have old ones which have poor quality, but the Frostgrave line and Warlord Landsknechts require less cleanup than the GW sets I have and are detailed to a good point in my painting ability. Miniature kickstarters fund almost instantly, and could be great drivers for the multitude of miniature agnostic games available. 3d printers also make quite a few options widely available, and they'll have less of a scale issue because you can choose that scale (as long as the shape is right). This makes stocking and shipping non-factors. Overall, I think the time is right for people to pick and choose any game they like. You have to, you know, just do so.
  5. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/08/06/waaagh-ere-come-da-black-orcs/ for the Orcs https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/08/03/blood-bowl-new-season-sighted/ for Freeguild The Orc is already armed well, though the human needs a bit of help. GW isn't going to give us any other new Freeguild sculpts any time soon, so this is what we'll get.
  6. Well, after a while all the models are finished. Then what? Actually play the game? That's not for me.
  7. If you're up for a lot of terrain building, Rangers of Shadowdeep is a miniature based solo/coop game. That would put your minis to work quite nicely!
  8. I'd wait for pricing first, but as someone who still plans to use some Mechanicus terrain for my skyport, I say go for it if it fits your aesthetic and budget!
  9. I have already made up my mind, it will be an Ironclad, called the Chekhov. It will, of course, have a great sky cannon.
  10. There is one sad thing about them, they are 68 euro per 10. Inquisitors would also work if you have a bit of steampunk/magitech/etc in your city: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NL/Inquisitor-Greyfax-2018 https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NL/Grey-Knights-Inquisitor-with-Inferno-Pistol-Power-Sword https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NL/Crusaders https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NL/Ordo-Xenos-Lord-Inquisitor-Kyria-Draxus-2020 (though changing the right arm)
  11. I've also seen them as greatswords. They are excellent sculpts, but I don't know what scale they are in (Kairic humans? Sisters of Battle humans? Freeguild Guard humans?). Could also easily be Executioners, and would be a better Freeguild General than the Freeguild General. In the included picture, I can't tell whether it's an AoS or 40k unit!
  12. About the looks being different, I think Mantic did a better job of it than GW: These three are from the same set, the same size of a mega gargant, and the three of them are the price of one mega gargant.
  13. I know, and used bricklink, bits sites, and a bits exchange facebook group. I even currently have 20 guardsmen packed that will start a new career as zombies (I wanted to type new life, but that isn't right). I enjoy building LEGO when I'm with friends, and painting minis when I'm alone. The group of friends I build Lego with lives quite a ways away, so that plastic stays in its boxes. If LEGO ever restarts Castle though, I might hop back in (last castle set was 7 years ago).
  14. I don't think adult fan of legos is that that much bigger than the whole of Warhammer (I'd say between 2-5 times the size), but I may be wrong. On one hand, LEGO fans have more variety in colour, on the other hand, a given brick will fit in architecture, space, castle (RIP) and microscale, while an Ogre arm will fit Ogres, and that's about it.
  15. I'd sooner like the Disposessed to be able to get the Marine keyword than ogres.
  16. zilberfrid

    Order allies

    Correct. There are also armies where you can add a few things from outside the army at a certain ratio, like Stormcast and (depending on subfaction) Sylvaneth or Kharadron in Cities of Sigmar that do get some allegiance ability. I think it was possible to have only 25% in unit number and some 5-10% in points value from the original warscrolls in something like Tempest's Eye (Cities). Do note that not every army can get everything of the Order keyword as allies, Stormcasts are an exception for this.
  17. My local (non-GW) game store does discount boxes a bit, so I prefer going there. I don't buy rulebooks though.
  18. Well, I'm not sure how much I'd pay for them, but to me they are terrain. I do know how much I'd pay for them. 5€ for a set of coasters with nice designs seems fair.
  19. The bad thing is that I do kind of want one for my still unfinished Kharadron bar.
  20. There are lots of companies making minis at a cheaper price. GW just has momentum. There's simply a store that caters to the product, and lots of players so you can easily find a game. The game mechanically fits an image they want to paint with their models, and this works for them. This differentiation is bigger than with other games I've read. They do have high quality in their recent sculpts, but it's not overwhelming compared to recent Renedra castings. I consider consistency and balance more important than that differentiation, so I play different games. I also prefer human shaped humans to the higher detailing of GW's recent stuff, so except for a few select sets I prefer different vendors.
  21. I'd make the timbers of Ghyran houses sprout new branches, pave the streets of Shyish in skulls (essentially just Warhammer style), make Aqshy houses from nonflammable materials and make metal houses inthat realm.
  22. Games workshop hasn't released a single model for the subfactions in CoS since the start of AoS (except for an already discontinued one). They haven't made any commitment to the faction except for the battletome (and now Warcry rules in a White dwarf, not even a card pack). Named characters are not inherently more powerful, in fact, they are less versatile, because they can't have command traits or artifacts.
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