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Everything posted by zilberfrid

  1. Necromunda dwarves, but still, my first four squats wip
  2. They could. They could also dump the remainder of Cities after they take the humans out and reshuffle a few kits with some life in them. How many warscrolls are in more than one unit? As for why I think the Dawnbringer crusade will not have any nonhumans? - It would be easy to write. - Apart from Stormcast, no nonhumans with models are followers of Sigmar, and all Stormcast souls are harvested from humans. - I really dislike crusades, and they are not usually done with people wanting to have a peaceful conversation with people.
  3. I do love the idea of Cities as a cosmopolitan melting pot, but dawnbringers is just a tired old religious cliché, and I think the evasive answers about the rest is them not wanting to bear bad news.
  4. I haven't seen any reason to believe this crusade is inclusive in different species.
  5. For the hobby side of things, it's really slow. Books are constantly in and out of rotation. That's a detriment rather than a boon for people like me. I don't want to spend €50 a year on incomplete rules.
  6. It might well be for horus heresy (which is mostly just space marines, so should be easy to write), but the rules for their AoS stuff were awful. Many things were over 400 points, so couldn't be taken in a 2k army because they weren't keyworded, and their warscrolls were not updated.
  7. Yeah, I would be surprised if they make anything for AoS from 4th onward. Not terribly surprised, maybe it takes another edition for molds to wear out, break, get lots or just scrapped, but the pattern is quite clear. FW offers no benefit over GW, higher prices, harder to get, harder to work with, worse quality control, worse customer service and barely any attention to rules. They do make nice Necromunda models though, and GW mainly price jumps made infantry heroes about the same price. Not really worth the price, like all infantry heroes. They also sell nice Admech stuff from HH, but that's a space marine game, so far outside my interest.
  8. Like Dungeons and doggies? Or Cats and Catacombs?
  9. Well, Kharadron could get you a really original blood bowl team, or blood bowl could get you really dynamic Kharadron. Tsaangors, Lords of Change, Gaunt Summoners and Ogroid Thaumaturges are excellent monsters. Horrors are really easy to paint, and a box of blue horrors is a lot of practice material. Stormcast has excellent gryph creatures and their final iteration even has good humanoids And Ossiarch also exist. Kratakros is cool though. Get the Snotling Blood Bowl team, they are really fun to paint. Necromunda sets could sate your 40k desires, the game is awful* but most of the models are good. *About €120 in books before you even get to paint a model, with rules between all books (which admittedly are beautiful).
  10. That's just a sneaky way to get people to pay for three white dwarfs. Pay about as much as a tome, get less*! *If you aren't interested in the rest of the magazine
  11. No mega gargants, but I'm interested to see how these turn out: Considering barge went from this To this in rendering (Barrels and boxes are seperate stls)
  12. I like the Necromunda squats' design better, even though I think the content of the box seems disappointing. These space marine dwarves aren't my thing, but the heartkin and bikes seem nice
  13. Kharadron might not be a bad pick. Narr especially. Some antimagic stuff, none of their own magic, and steampunky contraptions to get to their prey. Also reasonable in headcount. Fyreslayers might also be a pick, with war altar instead of magmadroth. They have more priests.
  14. I wouldn't say it's an NPE generator, but I do agree it's a really effective way to hide balance problems to have another unbalancing randomizer as part of the rules.
  15. My July starts out strong, with two models at an average of 80% completion because I couldn't sleep, but it will get a lot worse from here on out. I have no weekends that are not planned to the brim until the end of July.
  16. I think the Necromunda dwarves are squarely between Kharadron and LoV Necromunda dwarves have an old timey space suit aesthetic, Kharadron an old timey diving suit, while Votann looks positively sci fi. Look at the backpacks especially, Necromunda is a lot less modern than Votann, but would fit right in with Kharadron I also thought the designs of Kharadron might have originally been designed for 40k, but then, the earlier Necromunda squats were this, which looks more like old squats
  17. Make it 4 to give infantry heroes a chance, and you have a deal.
  18. It is certainly a subassembly thing, nooks and crannies can get awkward.
  19. I was frankly a bit disappointed with the Ironclad, you don't have any options for customisation except the gun.
  20. They could give the scale something Aqshi artifact ability to most units. Start off with a ward save 4+ vs mortal wounds for all dwarves to signify their magic resistance, and go from there. Mortal Wound spam fixed, but another layer of complexity.
  21. The Necromunda dwarves really fit Kharadron well. I have a box of them now, but their base size is nonsense and they don't get the good Necromunda bases. I put him on a 25 mm though, because that's useful for me. Also, only 10 heads of 5 designs (only male) for 8 figures, few melee weapons. It isn't so hot for a Necromunda set.
  22. The problem is that GW has astronomically high prices in the miniature world, and delivers a product here that doesn't seem worth that. Look at Freeguild Handgunners. €32 for 10 (a 60% increase in the last four years). This doesn't reflect distribution, because it's just from a webshop. Now look at Warlord Landsknecht missiles. These are €29 for 30. Having painted both, the GW painter did a good job making them look like less like apes, while Warlord's offering paints up really easily.
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