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Everything posted by BaylorCorvette

  1. All ranged units need a 150% point increase then this will all make more sense, lol.
  2. Yeah I'm not a fan of being able to use "Unleash Hell" without the ranged unit actually being charged.
  3. Agreed. Maybe an in between would be something like if it "Hits" then you do not need to make a Wound roll, you go straight to Armor Saves. It will be interesting to see what AoS 3.0 looks like, it was already mentioned but saves are getting better but so are mortal wounds which kind of makes the whole armor save redundant. I do like the push for more elite units with the Heroic Actions and Monstrous Rampage and with the new coherency maybe we will see less hordes. We've seen hints at "defensible terrain", I really hope terrain get a nice make over to be more meaningful / impactful in the game.
  4. Well this is definitely the nail in the coffin for taking more than 5 man Blood Knight units. Unit coherency is seeing a fairly significant change for units with more than 5 models, needing to be within 1" of at least two other models from their unit. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/06/07/stormcast-eternals-in-the-new-edition-elite-versatile-champions-of-order/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=AoSFFStormcast7June21&utm_content=AoSFFStormcast7June21&fbclid=IwAR16ydj4ZVWjT86heOnJFOr9STbmXcrafL14vK965Xk4ZTEd1Sn2GkDiuPg
  5. I'm sure it will be clarified in 3.0. As is, kinda seems like they may change it to that. Also, Belladama's stock continues to go up. Bound Geminds? Yes please.
  6. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/06/04/how-age-of-sigmars-dominion-boxed-set-draws-on-40-years-of-warhammer-history/ Preorder date for Dominion will be announced tomorrow (bottom of article)
  7. There's a Command Trait in S2D Battletome that increases wounds characteristic by 2.
  8. Maybe, or maybe they are just clarifying that there isn't a risk at shooting an engaged unit vs a non engaged unit (as it is now in 2.0).
  9. This preview shows no new changes. However I would bet there is more to the Core Rules as it relates to Shooting than was is shown here. I expect there to be something different about shooting. However the note says there is not a penalty for shooting at an enemy unit while it is within 3" of another friendly unit. I was really hoping that there would be something that would change there.
  10. Well, when you look at the year, especially in the last couple of months it has been A LOT of AoS content or AoS related. GW has 40k stuff they need to get out before launch of AoS 3.0 and really this is the last week they have to do it. I think there is going to be two weeks of 3.0 information leading up to the release of AoS 3.0 that is likely end of this month. I know a lot of people are thinking the 26th is preorder however that wouldn't be great for release in the U.S. market since the 4th of July is the following Sunday and most if not all brick and mortar locations will be closed. I wouldn't be shocked if preorder is June 19th, meaning the next two weeks would be a focus on 3.0.
  11. Because GW has said before that there will be ways to generate more CPs in 3.0 and this past weekends unboxing video of Dominion said that Heroes, specifically Generals will have a larger role to play in your army. Maybe Generals get you more CPs or maybe Generals allow for charge reactions or something. But I definitely do not think it is a coincidence that recent books are getting updates that say model X counts as being a General in addition to the model you select to be your General. In regards to the Zombie discussion, I never really saw them as being a reliable damage dealer. Rather they could function in a couple of different ways. The first is cheap body count and the second is using their 6" activate and pile in. I think a unit of 20 could support another chaff line or even something more durable. The way this would function is that the enemy engages (or you engage) with another unit and then activate and pile in 6" with Zombies, this ensures that the enemy unit is now tied up in combat with a unit of zombies (that shouldn't have taken damage that round) plus something else. I see it as a possible sneaky way of buying time tying up an enemies key unit. Obviously Zombies are slow, so it will definitely take some planning to pull off successfully.
  12. I definitely think that if Command Points are more plentiful our book is a lot better off, since so much of the buffs revolve around Command Abilities. I HAVE to think that "generals" will play a role in some form or fashion in regards to command points.
  13. So am I the only one that thinks the wording of the Vengorian Lord's Command Ability "Festering Feast" is worded a little strange? I assume RAI you select a single unit to benefit from the CA, right? However, to me it sounds like if two different SBGL units destroy two different enemy units you can heal each SBGL D6. It just says the same unit cannot benefit from this more than once per phase.
  14. That is fine and all, however after the initial FAQ/Errata for a battletome it is rare that there is another one unless they make a large update for it. It is possible if 3.0 has enough big changes that they may do an FAQ/Errata for all of the factions. However I would not necessarily expect one.
  15. Thanks for creating this thread and compiling the questions in one place. Since I've had the battletome since Saturday I have read through everything in the OP and submitted an e-mail (from my personal e-mail and then a few days later from my work e-mail, lol) to GW. Hopefully with enough people e-mailing about the same issues they will be inclined to answer / clear up several things. I am curious though about the Riders of Ruin. If 3.0 comes out and makes retreats something that do not happen as a "normal movement" then they may ignore addressing this. I wouldn't expect the FAQ / Errata to come out for SBGL any sooner than the week of June 7, although June 14 more likely. However 3.0 is likely to launch end of June. GW may just end up delaying the SBGL FAQ / Errata until 3.0.
  16. I am cautiously optimistic about 3.0. With 2.0 is was basically taking a game platform that was a joke and making a real game out of it. What 3.0 SHOULD be is taking what I feel is a fairly decent Core Rules and modifying them but not dramatically. For instance, we have a real problem with the shooting meta right now and there is a lot of mortal wounds from magic which usually requires line of site. A way to help tone it down without actually "nerfing" the warscrolls / abilities is to add in more scenery, create rules that block line of sight and perhaps adopt a mechanic similar to 40k when it comes to targeting Heroes. My fear is that if the rumors about charge reactions is true, it might end up making shooting even better in AoS, and frankly that is the last thing we need.
  17. Yes I believe that is correct. One thing to consider is that Skeletons and Zombies have built in regeneration too, although it isn't as easy as it once was in LoN. The lack of shooting on our end or defense against shooting does suck, but I'm hoping 3.0 changes to help defend against shooting. Either more terrain, or terrain rules that block LoS, or a rule similar to 40k when it comes to trying to target a Hero.
  18. While not a game in the next week or two, my next game is a local 3 day tournament second Saturday in June. My current plan is to run Kastelai Dynasty with the Dolorous Guard Battalion allied in. I will likely be taking Prince Vhordrai, Coven Throne, 2-3 units of Blood Knights and some Dire Wolves. I fully realize that there is probably a greater than 99% chance that the Dolorous Guard Battalion will be gone in the next month or two, so I figured I'd take the opportunity to use it before it is gone. I haven't spent a great deal of time list building outside of this since I am fully expecting 3.0 to change things up. However my tentative plan for tournaments is likely going to by Vyrkos almost always using Belladamma Volga, from there I will plug in different units. The first list in Vyrkos I want to try out is an Alpha strike / hyper aggressive list. The idea is to run COGs, the Alpha strike will be a unit of 20 Grave Guard with Great Weapons popping up out of the Grave, a unit of Varghiests deep striking near them and a Hero with the Driven by Deathstench Command Trait to give free re-rolls to help ensure the Alpha Strike happens. Ideally Belladamma is also giving exploding 6s with Under a Killing Moon. Depending on placement some Blood Knights might charge as well, otherwise they are the second wave. Then have some Dire Wolves act as chaff, body guard for Bellademma or grab objectives. Question is if I want a VLoZD, Radaukar or a Vengorian Lord.
  19. I assume you are going to be putting the Coven Throne CA on Prince Vhordrai? With this list I would seriously consider dropping the Coven Throne in favor for more Vargheists or some Dire Wolves / other units to sit on objectives while you push with Vhordrai, Mannfred and Vargheists, you'd probably get more out of it. But a non stop Vargheist deep striking list sounds fun.
  20. The Dolorous Guard until they are removed in a month or two 😂 I have mixed feelings. I see merit of a 10 man unit of Blood Knights, it also means that they can take some casualties before their damage drops off. However I keep coming back to that 1" range on their weapons. So infuriating. If the Riders of Ruin gets an Errata and/or changes with 3.0 to let them charge after they use the ability then I'd be more inclined to take a block of 10 since they would be extremely difficult to lock down.
  21. Well, you don't get to pick them so you get what you get. However, in SBGL I would be happy with any of them. Re-roll Wound rolls is probably the least preferred though since there are currently less minuses to wound versus to hit. The other thing is, SBGL seriously lacks re-rolls on things. I do not know if this is a sign of things to to come for new books or if it is just for our book. But coming from a Khorne army that uses a lot of StD units, I am used to getting a TON of re-rolls.
  22. I like it. I think Vyrkos will likely be the most competitive of the Bloodlines / Dynasties. I've spent a little time coming up with a list that works on an initial Alpha strike having Grave Guard with great weapons pop up out of the grave, a unit of Varghiests deep strike all supported by Belladamma and her exploding 6's to hit. She casts COGs and also have a Vengorian Lord charge up with Driven by Deathstentch Command Trait to give an aura of re-roll charges. That is the initial strike and then supported by a unit or two of Blood Knights to be the second wave of attacks. Some dire wolves to screen or grab objectives.
  23. Honestly I'd drop Soulsnare Shackles and get the triumph. At 1960 points you will likely get the triumph almost every time. You have two spell casters. Prince Vhordrai is always going to be casting his warscroll spell or pinions and the Vengorian Lords warscroll spell is decent, but fishing for the double cast of amaranthine orb is good. So at almost no point would I even consider casting Soulsnare Shackles. But any of the triumphs would be fantastic on Blood Knights or your Heroes. I've got one Kastelai list I will run in a tournament in June and I've spent only a small amount of time list building other lists. I just don't really want to see what 3.0 is going to do with the meta and core rules. If charge reactions are actually a thing, then getting extra pile in distance could be huge.
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