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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. I also second Beliman and say I collect them for the art and lore. Humble has had 1 or 2 bundles of them I got, and I preordered the Great Parch map before release The ebook versions afaik are slightly cheaper too, unlike other GW books. And honestly, you can basically pick and choose what you even want to buy! If you only like Destruction you can pick out the supplements that involve Destro and that's all. That being said, I have played a game and it's VERY fun & simple to follow. I may not play another game but I know I'll be buying any bundles I see in the future.
  2. "" ...or at least that's what it always feels like, especially for AOS
  3. I am mostly hoping that those 4 new Warcry sets that GW pushed out will still have the correct cards in them for 2.0 or else they just wasted a metric S ton of paper and ink for nothing...
  4. There's so many different ways GW can expand Gravelords/vampires, and they love their character model releases. I would be flabberghasted if there were no new vamps at all for CC.
  5. I'll throw GW a bone and say I don't think they'll increase the reprint. I do think that the expansions will be about 20$ more than they should be, and they'll have a "bundle deal" for the reprint + whatever expansion(s) they put out with it.
  6. Ahhh okay, my bad! I even read your message twice 😅
  7. I am tempted to take her off your hands even though I don't have any other lumineth...
  8. 1- Salamanders. Honestly all Seraphon non-plastic monsters but Salamanders have been my favorite since I saw their stupid metal faces 2- Clanrats, as a new sword/spear/sling kit. Skaven really truly need so many kits, and I think updated clanrats at the least would go a long way. 3- Liberators or Judicators, as a new mixed gender unit. I know anything Stormcast will be contentious, I think the two poster battleline deserve to reflect the diversity of Stormcast in the lore.
  9. That perked my ears up for sure! it could easily be a riff off the hyper-paranoia of Witch Hunters (irl mole people conspiracy + in universe "skaven aren't real"), there could very easily be mole people in the Mortal Realms. I would not think they'd be corrupted or Chaos-aligned though... they just love diggin! Can confirm mole people can't be Silent People: "Moles do communicate and 'chatter' with each other through chirps, snorts, guttural noises, and high-pitched squeals. Some mole species also are known to wheeze." Seems likely this is GW winking at us about the WH warband. The guy is more 'traditional' WH aesthetic with a trusty dog, and the girl has a new WH aesthetic with a Mustori. Doesn't look like she's got aelf ears either, so I'd bet even more she's an AOSified WH.
  10. This sounds like it should be really good?? And while the main character is being called a villain, I hope we get more insight into some 'regular' Ossiarch too.
  11. Liberators, Judis, Chariots, Fulms, and especially Annihilators have all still been taken in non-spam lists already though? Vanquishers MIGHT see more play as Galatian Veterans since they don't need a 2" range but they also require 10 models to use their music/banner abilities...which means you're required to use at least 1 reinforcement on them to make them viable. It's a big point investment for not a great return. Vigilors is also a heavy Might; their points are so close to Judicators that they could easily be passed over because they have less range and don't do mortals on their bows. If I wanted to shoot at 18" I'd probably take Castigators since they do D3 damage now.
  12. Dragon change is necessary, TV change is weird... will this even change which holy command people take?
  13. I was so concerned about the capes I didn't even notice that rock wow.. really good to hear it's so easy to swap the weapons though. I love spears but I agree that chariots are better with bows. Big shame the bow is so much worse than the spear
  14. oooh even better! So you did not glue the riders to the chariot or glue the passenger's weapon?
  15. Anyone painted a Chariot yet? I keep forgetting they exist... If so, how was it? Did you feel like you needed to paint the riders separate before gluing them?
  16. Finalized points are out, still no changes for SCE. Maybe a Battlescroll update (and hopefully not just nerfs)
  17. Hand/Smoke Grenade for Witch Hunter warband is my first guess
  18. This SEEMS to be what they wanted to get across with 3.0 -- that the Age of Sigmar is only a small reconquest/liberation of the realms and the rest is still Chaos-held. So wasteland is what GW is saying the Realms are covered in..? That seems...lazy and placeholdery especially when Warcry designs are them leaning into less mutative Chaos worship. It makes a little sense in that Chaos has held these places for at least 1000 years, but doesn't really help make an interesting setting if all the land is (Chaos) wastes. I'd think the Realms themselves, being literal magic, would retain their own vibe. Just need to be cleansed/purified/etc.
  19. Oh okay, that's what confused me: I thought the digital points were the same thing that got printed with this GHB.
  20. Oh really? why the hell would they have printed non-changes then...
  21. points points points https://preview.redd.it/emnutmty17691.jpg?width=1389&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f8b69e885f64af0b1c763f28d68b2d2e7cc0ac5 https://preview.redd.it/leva1v2z17691.jpg?width=1295&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea217aa3230f4ce0f8dc3652ce2b24a17ea7807b edit: not sure how things changed except Knight-Judicator going up. Points still seem too high across the board for our heroes...
  22. An indescribably huge THANK YOU to all of you who made sure Stormcast weren't Fantasy-Marines 👑
  23. Ya know I had this exact thought when I saw my first announcement about Warhammer Horror 😂 "Wait, what the hell have you been writing this whole time?" since 40k's setting especially relies on the inherent horror that the infamous blurb sets up. I am also hoping they're using this as an opportunity to reach across the spectrum of what Horror is and can be in Warhammer. Hell, I could see an entire (cerebral) horror novella taking place from the POV of a Stormcast going through successive Reforgings. I do have my own question about Soul Wars: at what point did you think of the "Cat Queen" girl, and was there pushback on how you wrote the Stormcast interacting with her? I knew I was going to love the book based on that chapter alone. The intro about the Black Pyramid was phenomenal, but Something as small as Stormcast letting this tiny girl and her cat retinue wander around catacombs because their boss doesn't mind cracked me UP.
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