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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. Here I was thinking his name is far too close to Sigmar's surname Heldenhammer
  2. oh that's got a checkerboard pattern on it, that's an original O&G throwback yea?
  3. Not entirely sure when they added it, before COVID at least? For better or worse it is hanging out away from where you're drawn to look for sure 😅 Yeah I'm not saying this is a cure-all or even a bandaid solution, just that if GW spent money implementing this then at some level *someone* is using that data; other sites can use it to plan future content. I would hope warcom operates in a similar logical way.
  4. Everyone else is thumbs-upping the AOS articles right? Drive some engagement, MAYBE having actual web traffic patterns will get us more articles.
  5. okay but actually... Ironweld war machine?? Today's fin also reminds me of the Gorechosen headdress a little. The RE page itself says "How are you all getting to grips with your new Leagues of Votann armies? Nobody could have guessed the Rumour Engine would be revealing the return of the Kin all those months ago – just like nobody will guess what this is:" which makes me want to say IDONETH because they already got a book and why would anyone guess an army that already came out...
  6. Fantasy writers find another word challenge please... this feels like the third time this month I've seen cabal in reference to some magical group in AOS.
  7. I thought so too until I watched the preview video, I think it might be too much Imperial greebles. Especially the brand in its flank
  8. I'm sure this is the plan and it even makes sense lorewise, but I do like OBR not having any ranged aside from siege and magic. There is also the missed opportunity for crossbonemen XD
  9. The map is still only showing the Old World of the Old World though... are they sure they want to go all the way down to the Southlands with how big a project even that small part of the map sounds? Hopefully they hired more people to expand TOW and didn't move people from other teams onto it.
  10. With the Stormcast new book and with new Annihilators I suggested the ghur battlemage from COS to help with charge and run rolls. if Lumineth needs/wants that on slower troops, take a look https://wahapedia.ru/aos3/factions/cities-of-sigmar/Battlemage @JackStreicher did NOT know about foam rubbing colors off dangit, magnets it is
  11. Hi folks, I'm considering branching out into a small Lumineth force with their new book. I'd love to have a unit of Wardens but I'm worried about their pikes! A few questions: 1. how common is getting new sprues with bent or warped pikes? 2. how difficult is it to snip the pikes off sprues? (and I guess by extension, how difficult is gluing them?) 3. is magnet or foam best for maintaining the pikes in storage?
  12. Good news!! It looks like Necrons are mainly about circles and orbs, and not other geometric shapes like the Seraphon 👀
  13. Yeah the only pain point is I would have far too many Vindictors, then only half a unit of both Vanquishers and Vigilors. But Bastian. And the dragons. And the chariot. And the terrain...
  14. reminds me of the Old One puzzles from Total Warhammer 2... The edge of the picture does seem more Necron, however I think the blade could be Seraphon
  15. I could use most of the Stormcast, and was actually looking forward to being able to get some K.O and Sylvaneth to try out. But yeah, ~1200 USD for a sub that I'd only use about half of isn't great
  16. edit: nvm, found it. I've had the best luck typing "Broken realms fiction" in google for direct links to warcom
  17. feet claws might be similar but their hands, arms, and back are not? they have larger forearms, 3 fingers not 4, and these have heavier back scales. They were always going to look similar since these come out of skink spawning pools just like their regular siblings. These still look very distinct though. They look fantastic, and I would bet money that they're Coalesced that got slightly change by Ghur, or are even simply a different spawning than the Underworlds chameleon. My money is on the former due to the inclusion of spikes on the head and the whole Lifequake thing. edit: Baron had a better answer, I forgot the second model shown had no horn spikes lol
  18. here's hoping you get a decent amount of new lore and art added to the book...
  19. Forgive me if I missed your sarcasm but I'm not so sure people who focus on the meta have a healthy approach to the hobby either; especially since it involves buying more things to follow it
  20. If they're doing AOS in flippin MTG then we better be getting an AOS Total War...
  21. Kinda weird they threw all 9 editions of 40k into one article, I thought they'd do a couple a day leading up to the 35th which must definitely be announcing 10e
  22. Had to look up the Kraith rule but great article congrats on the 100! from a fellow underdog
  23. Perhaps it's time to check back in with the revealed names of the next 3 Warcry boxes? 1. Sundered Fate 2. Bloodhunt 3. Nightmare Quest 2 and 3 sound like they could easily have a Death half; vampire troupe and the embodiment of FEC respectively? 👀
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