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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. Pretty sure you did? I remember my Lizardmen's Special Spawnings adding a points costs per unit to use the subfaction bonuses. I imagine other armies had similar additions. Won't disagree on the rest of the pre-game, but I remember picking subfactions as being a core part of building any Warhammer army list. PS- 40k seems less complicated because you've memorized the roll and weapon (and possibly vehicle) tables 😜 I haven't played in a DECADE and I can still tell you a Lasgun is/was a 24" Rapid Fire/str 3/ap 0 gun used by BS 3 troopers.
  2. yeah I think my guess is on K.O for the spring Order tome at this point, especially with Drekki coming out
  3. is this your own writing or a synopsis of GW's 3.0 lore?
  4. Yea it seems I'm going to need to make some more room 👀 been waiting for this since I was ~18 and saw our new Knights were derpy.
  5. Yeah it's just very funny that we have an ongoing discussion here about standardizing rules for Matched so comp can have another ruleset on top, and GW already has something that's named what said comp ruleset could be.
  6. oh wow, maybe this rumor IS the Bloodhunt vampires? I've heard there are no REs for Bloodbowl
  7. Organised Play huh 🤔 Sounds like a premium ruleset for competitive players... a way to put extra rules on top of a more casual Matched Play ruleset... hmmmm
  8. my stance on this part is that we were told to be hyped for "The Era of the Beast" -- so are we really being ungrateful when basically all of the Beast-factions have gotten pittances? S2D got more beasts than BOC like... we can only hope we see the damn Centurion Marshall in the new BOC book I guess? Seraphon are looking like the only (existing) beastly faction that's going to see a real release after Kruleboyz got introduced. "Due to unforseen delays we are sorry to announce the Era of the Beast has been less beastly than we were hoping" feels like such an easy thing to say. I don't think wanting serious communication is being petty or asking for too much.
  9. this is a bit and I guess confirms the conquistadore vibe that some art and armor has put forth. things like this make up for it though, hoping to see more. there's gotta be duardin or aelven saints right? hell give us a nighthaunt of a saint that came back after the necroquake.
  10. anyone else get the Thunderstrike battlebox? I've heard some people getting duplicate sprues, and I was wondering if you had an issue, was it easy to tell? I took my sprues out to make sure I had all the bases and bodies but didn't think to check for duplicates!
  11. yeah Chaos Chosen, Varanguard, and I'd say even the regular Chaos Warriors are all equivalent units for Stormcast. Heck, the regular Warriors even have more MW defense than Stormcast do...
  12. Yeah that's basically it--30k sells on the premise that you're already invested enough in 40k and/or you're a Marines fan. You like 40k? You'll probably be interested in 30k. TOW sells on the premise of being not-AOS, with factions that are not-AOS, with bases that are not-AOS. You dislike AOS? TOW is for you. You like AOS but miss WHF? TOW is for you. You only played Total Warhammer? TOW is for you. Just feels like completely different selling points, and TOW's points are why some of us are wary of what its support means for AOS. GW putting their foot down about the End Times is at least a small consolation prize so far.
  13. this is one of those times where we can't use 40k as an example: of course 30k didn't split the 40k audience, because so many people are already into Marines it was inevitable 30k's Marine Civil War would sell like gangbusters.
  14. if you cut the ? and everything after it you will remove the facebook tracker not only do they suck in general but they make URLs terrible https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/01/18/celebrate-40-years-of-warhammer-with-a-year-long-showcase-of-seminal-miniatures/
  15. it will probably stay then if this is significant. I've been in camp "Redo All The Artillery" so maybe my disappointment is getting in the way helstorms feel too anchored to WHF for the team to not redesign a rocket carriage for AOS is where I'm coming from, but I agree it makes zero sense to put all this effort in (and literal new bases) for nothing.
  16. I want to agree with you so badly... and then there's this guy How are you gonna keep him around after a range refresh? Or NOT make new artillery for Cities? Kind of leads me to believe they updated the pictures for TOW rather than being a permanent Cities fixture.
  17. the aelf drop seems to be IDK and DOK start collecting boxes
  18. you joke but watch the only difference be that the official model is smiling
  19. alternating? 😳you're too good to us! hope the surgery recovery is going well. can we assume the dropbox link in your signature post is current whenever you update?
  20. 100% this, Castigators being a solid (if niche) way to help spend your last ~200 points is such a good move. I may not be a complete fan of the Soul Wars versions but by Sigmar the way their crossbows work is such a fun idea
  21. Glad to see they finally agreed that hero points were way too high in the book... I'll probably mess around with trying to get to 2k this weekend. Sequitors and Liberators matching points now makes a lot of sense to me. I was going to paste the changes directly here but with the addition of base sizes to the spreadsheet it wasn't working out: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Ugb15RoC5uAQIMWi.pdf
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