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Koradrel of Chrace

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Posts posted by Koradrel of Chrace

  1. Has anyone put any thought yet into doing a theme board for this army?  I was originally thinking of doing crystalline gowths with a desert base, but with all of the stone outcroppings and plant life on the models we've seen I may have to rethink that.  It might wind up representing a more Ulthuan of old style board.

    @Thiagoma I agree that from an info perspective, it was a bit of a bust.  However, that Zenith Warden picture may wind up being my inspiration for my army's color scheme!

  2. And yet despite hiw aggravated the lot if us may be by the small tibits we've been given in lieu of solid info, we've managed twenty three pages of discussion so far.  There are armies with books out that have less than that.  So clearly, what GW is doing is working.  They know that a good chunk of the player base is starved for a "proper" elven army (and let's be honest, the Idoneth are cool, but proper elves they are not).

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    • Haha 1
  3. Both Tolkien and Moorcock sort of reinforced that whole "dieing Elder race" trope.  In Tolkien's work, the elves were already diminishing and preparing to travel to the west.  This colored a good chunk of early fantasy, especially Dungeons and Dragons.  However, as has been stated earlier, Moorcock's work is what really shaped Warhammer.  And Moorcock basically wrote the End Times before GW did.  Elric, his most famous character, was basically Teclis if Teclis had a soul-eating vampiric sword that empowered him instead of a staff, and he was basically the Phoenix King, but had to abandon the throne because he was forced to kill his lover, who was also his cousin.  Was it mentioned that Moorcock wrote Elric back in the 60's?  An amazing read though for any one who likes either of the fantasy Warhammer settings.

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  4. I've found that the Tidecaster's ability as a general let me dictate the pace of the game a bit more than the king, who tends to make turn 3 an all or nothing turn.  But that might just be how I'm wired, I used to play competitive MTG before coming to wargaming.  I like having "card advantage" if that term means anything to you.

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  5. You have the high points correct.  What you miss out on is that Malekith caused the civil war between High and Dark Elves, assassinating Bel Shanar because the Princes picked him over Malekith to be king.  He then butchered his way into the Shrine of Asuryan.  Afterwards his burns were so bad Morathi had a suit of armor magically forged to his wasted frame to give him strength.  Even after he eventually lost his first assualt on Ulthuan, which culminated in him sinking a huge chunk of the northern coast, he remained a huge threat to all of the good aligned races.  He was responsible for the Dwarf-Elf wars, dressing his warriors as High Elves and attacking Dwarven caravans.  When Tyrion and Teclis arise to oppose him is when things really kick off.

  6. @PiotrW You, my friend, have asked the question of questions.  Tyrion, Teclis, and Malekith (Malarion's original name) are three of the most impotant Elven characters in the Old World.  All three are descendants of Aenarion, the original Phoenix King of the Elves.  Your best bet is to look up the History of the Elves of Warhammer on youtube and settle in.  Unfortunately there is no quick answer to that question.  There have been entire trilogies written about these characters, with Malekith being on par with Nagash as one of the big bad guys of the setting.

  7. So, it took me a day or two to process this (and work was also murder the last two days).  So here goes my take.  I think this info dump points toward this being a very defensive unit.  I'm not sure if it'll be 3+,3+, -2 rend, but I do foresee it being a unit that makes opponents question if they want to actually charge it or not.  This also ties into @Acid_Nine's thoughts earlier on the models' appearance and how the spears are being held.  You probably wouldn't hold spears like that if you were attacking.  However, if you were bracing for a charge, that's exactly how you would would stand.

    On the subject of the spears versus swords, unless they do have the sunmetal enchantment as a one time bonus, I think it will be a nonissue.  If they can enchant the spears, I don't see why you couldn't enchant the swords as well.

    I really like the idea that units could potentially be Teclian or Tyrionic (and honestly, just those two words crack me up to no end).  The possibility of which of the Twins a unit is dedicated to changing how the unit functions is intriguing.  It also hints at different battalions that could exist.  Maybe a battalion made up of just units dedicated to each Twin, with the obligitory Mega Battalion combining the two?

    And finally, I really dig the new artwork of the Zenith Warden.  That may be my paint scheme right there.  Did anyone else notice that his pupils are red and the sclera is black?

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  8. I'm a descent painter, but my converting skills are horrible.  Still, the two plastic Chaos Duardin in the Warcry boxes gives me hope.

    Now, if they'd also come out with a Soulblight book I would be totally set...

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