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Everything posted by GrimDork

  1. I love your enthusiasm! Thanks for the sharing your thoughts.
  2. I'm liking the reavers new stat line, 2 attacks without the different fire modes just seems easier and will probably balance out through the course of a game. Especially with how the fire mode selection was model based rather than unit based. It might be a subtle nerf to reaver spam armies especially when unleashing hell, but I think it's a good call.
  3. Unless there are cards detailing allegiance abilities etc for the 2 factions? Like the ones we got in dominion?
  4. Yes, you can definitely varnish with Matt or satin, then go over areas with a gloss varnish (like ardcoat). Normally best to do this with brush to avoid over spray. Or alternatively you could gloss the whole model, then Matt down the areas you don’t want shiny. 100% yes. If I’m painting a freehand (like a marine shoulder pad), I will gloss the area first, then paint my design. If I make a mistake, and need to remove paint I can without fear of damaging the paint underneath. You can firmly rub off the layer with kitchen towel. Some techniques are best with varnishing between steps, stuff like pin washing and oils etc. I personally use an airbrush (as I find I get better control), I do a coat of Vallejo gloss, then a coat of testers dullcote. Depending on the mini I might re-gloss some areas by hand.
  5. Would definitely recommend as well. I also like that the batreps are not usually longer than an hour. I like the overhead view with voiceover/banner text to describe what's happening. Also, worth checking out SEWargaming. Some of their videos are longer, but they've done some path to glory campaigns which are under an hour. I enjoy the banter on these as well.
  6. Definitely looks like a new Avatar & Maugen Ra in there. As well as a dark elder Wych or possibly Witch Elf?
  7. Thanks for this! I'll probably pick up the new box mainly for the deepkin, but was wondering how well the FS could fit with KO, rather than sell the FS half.
  8. The description of the thrallmaster says Sounds like he will have a choice of stances in combat phase, much like the thralls sweeping blows ability. From this description, I wonder if thralls will lose their warscroll ability and instead get a similar buff from a CA from the thrallmaster? Or maybe get a buffed version of their warscroll ability?
  9. I’m actually ok with the box contents. Obviously depending on the price, it seems like great value. I really don’t mind having more thralls, reavers and an extra shark. Currently I don’t have any fyreslayers, the box seems like an ok starting point. Of course I’d like to see more releases (especially for deepkin), but that doesn’t take away from what is in the box and it’s value.
  10. Ancient’s back! Can’t be too long now for what we’re all waiting for.
  11. I doubt we’ll be getting any new SC boxes. I thought the vanguard boxes were their replacement.
  12. The next post of deathwatch vs GSC comments are a good read, so many “where did the ancient go?”. GW’s replies are pretty funny.
  13. Yeah, I was hoping for another early one tbh. Wasn’t sure if there wouldn’t be any regular articles today, with it being a bank holiday in the UK, but think the Saturday reveal had dropped by now?
  14. Looks like they’ve taken it off their Instagram feed now. Was there 5 minutes ago, someone jumped the gun.
  15. What time did the Eldar/Chaos reveal drop the other day? just wondering if we can expect the AoS reveal at a similar time?
  16. Are you asking about their clothing or their performance?
  17. Sad, but probably true. I will likely get the upcoming AoS box, to add to my idoneth and maybe add some coalition fyreslayers to my KO. What do people expect to see in the new box?
  18. Really glad to see someone paint these up in Illiatha scheme. That’s definitely what I plan on doing if/when I get round to picking them up. Lovely job.
  19. Thanks, I don’t normally bother checking Wayland as prices rarely beat Dark Sphere! Just ordered another one!
  20. I remember back in the late 90's/early 00's, GW did have a clearance section (I'm not sure if that was just my local branch doing their own thing?). It was mainly blister packs (some boxed stuff tho) of metal minis that were going OOP. I remember picking up a chaos dwarf on lammasu, gorthor beast lord on chariot, azazel and a load of gorkamorka minis for dirt cheap. One of my biggest regrets was not getting the WHQ '95 on sale, I remember a load of them on the shelf, all sealed and shiny for like £30. If I knew then what I know now I would've bought 10 of them and put em in the loft! I understand why GW don't do sales as it would discourage people from ever buying things at full price.
  21. It's worth noting that the second edition AoS app is still available to download (don't know for how long that will be the case). The majority of those warscrolls are still current, until those battletomes receive an update. I personally prefer the format of the earlier app and will continue to use it as reference for free for as long as I can.
  22. Speed of Hysh only works on LUMINETH REALM-LORDS 🙁
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