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Everything posted by GrimDork

  1. Oh, I do agree there are many reasons not to and many challenges to overcome with it. I don't know much about 3D printing tbh, but how are these problems currently managed by companies that sell files? But 3D printing is probably the future (I'm not just talking miniatures for wargaming). At some point, whether it's ten years or twenty or more, 3D printing will be much more mainstream. GW could lead the industry or eventually get overtaken by it.
  2. A part of me is surprised that GW don't try to be at the forefront of the 3D printing industry. Maybe we are talking 5 to 10 years as the technology comes along but GW could surely be making money at least by selling digital files, surely there would be a market for official versions. They could even sell resin & tools for 3D printing etc(all at GW marked up prices). They could have 3D printers in their stores to order online and collect from or print and wait service.
  3. That was where I was visiting! I love Bath, one of my favourite UK cities! I think I had the last Gutrippa Boss. Was going to get an Inquisitor for my brother but apparently they sold out on the Saturday in 6 minutes 😳 I didn't bother ordering one in as it's Salisbury store's anniversary this coming Saturday, which is closer for me. Likely the Inquisitor will sell out again but if I order from that branch will be closer to collect later. I noticed on eBay the inquisitor has been selling for £50-£60! I might have to order a couple for myself!
  4. The battle tactics I can make out, Assassins of the high tide, complete this BT if you destroy 2 units with idoneth deepkin unit during high tide. Revenge of the Namarti, complete this BT if you destroy a hero or monster with a namarti unit. Trapped in the undercurrents, complete this BT if you retreat and charge with 3 units. Predators of the deep, can’t read fully but see allopexes mentioned? Deny trespassers, can’t read but see mention of shipwreck? Isharann defence, can’t read but see ISHARANN keyword and something about holding objectives.
  5. On the app it is not clear at all, but on the spell lore page of the physical copies of the battletome it says “TECLIS knows all of the spells from the following table.”
  6. Thanks for the comments & likes everyone! I can't believe how quickly time passes, I could've sworn It was only a few months ago that I put up my last post here. Oh well, I have been slowly plugging away at my idoneth, got my first 10 thralls finished so here are some pics. I have 10 reavers & a soulrender in progress. For deepkin I have the following; Eidolon, Ahkelian King, Thrallmaster, 10 more thralls, 10 more reavers, 2 allopexes, 3 eels and a shipwreck so should keep me busy for a while. Thanks for looking.
  7. I notice from the list GW put out that this weekend is a store anniversary in a city I happen to be visiting for the day. I’ve never bothered with anniversary miniatures in the past but I quite fancy the Kruleboy and my brother likes the inquisitor. I just had a few questions. Are they limited stock or do they generally have enough to cover demand? (I’m going on Sunday, from your experience, will there be any left?) Can you buy more than one of each model? (I’m not a scalper, honest😂) Anyone know how much they are? (I’m guessing around £20?) Thanks!
  8. Yes, you could! A standard box of sentinels can make 10 bowmen (no leader), if you wanted to make a unit of 20 the kit allows you to. Same with wardens.
  9. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/02/15/the-new-idoneth-battletome-brings-extra-beefy-leviadons-to-the-battleline/ was not expecting to see Leviadons as battleline! I wonder if there will be a way of doing it for Allopexes? Probably be more useful than turtles.
  10. You could always grab 2! It's still the cheapest way of buying 10 wardens, 10 sentinels, 10 stone guard!
  11. Personally I love the idea of smaller games and would love it if it became more standard. I would prefer to collect more smaller armies than one larger army. I was quite excited for the meeting engagement format in GHB 2020 but nothing really has been said of it in the transition to 3rd.
  12. My apologies, I'm not fully clued up on FS (other than a passing interest in how they could be used for coalition).
  13. Unless I’ve missed it, nowhere does it say that you can only use each rune once per game? The MW on 6 to wound is the standard effect, you could use it every turn if you really wanted. The only thing that is once per game is each heroes auto enhancement of a rune. You could still auto enhance the same rune twice in a game, you’d just have to use a different hero’s heroic action to do it. I can see the movement boost rune getting auto enhanced a lot (if it’s any good). I agree it’s a bit lacklustre, but I think it’s best to see all the rules together till passing final judgement. My bigger interest/concern when it comes to FS is how it relates to using them in KO, Barak Thryng. So far it’s a nerf, as they won’t benefit from allegiance abilities/runes etc, it’s warscroll only which is not looking great 😕
  14. Should be fairly straightforward as the head is a completely separate piece. I’d love to put a fleet master head on him, tho I’d like to put a fleet master head on a lot of idoneth minis, I just like the fleet master’s hairdo! 😂
  15. Here you go! I don’t know why GW don’t have these as downloads on the product page?
  16. The newly revealed box ties into the narrative of Broken realms. Nagash isn’t happy with morathi giving souls to the idoneth in exchange for the support they gave in taking Har Kuron. I agree tho that fury of the deep doesn’t appear to fit anywhere, tho I’ve not read the lore pamphlet yet.
  17. It’s stunning! But I could see the IP dept at GW getting their big hammer out. Zilvren?! They’ve barely even tried to hide the what it’s based on.
  18. It’s weird they didn’t announce new tomes? Does make me wonder if there still could be new units for em later on.
  19. I got one from FLGS for 25% discount and was happy to pay that at the time, then Wayland Games were clearing stock a few months back at 50% off so I grabbed another! Overall discount on 2 was 37.5%, happy with that.
  20. I've always fancied a Morphan build, a bit sad they removed the warscroll battalions in 3rd (for matched play anyway). A Morphan namarti corps battalion would've been fun, especially like you say with using Rally.
  21. It would be fine with me if someone wanted to use the existing tome rather than the new warscrolls, but I think if that were the case I think I would have to insist they also don’t use the new Auric Flamekeeper hero. Fair enough if someone wants to wait for the new tome & allegiance abilities before using the new warscrolls, but that would include the new hero as he surely was also created with the new tome in mind. Just my 2cents.
  22. I wonder if the soulrenders bring back ability will become similar to or maybe an improved version of the rally command? Maybe on a 5+ instead of 6+?
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