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Everything posted by Riavan

  1. They havnt said that I don't think. I imagine they will slowly come out. Like kill team or necromunda. I think they said the rule book will include rules for the other factions they listed though.
  2. Tbh I think we won't get darkoath till warcry has finished all it's releases. I really need to restrain myself to not run out and buy a chaos knight army.
  3. It's clearly going to be skeleton jack, king of the pumpkin patch. I too hope it's a new aos oc. Don't need more old world links. Make new stuff.
  4. Thing is I feel it's kind of expensive even for gw terrain. Kill team base set came with more than this and was cheaper. Also have zero interest in buying a smaller box of endless spells for a similar price as the last one? What's with that.
  5. Check eBay man. Sometimes it's cheaper to buy from the UK with Royal mail.
  6. But then it's harder to have terrain entirely comprised of bird dogs.
  7. Guys. Why is nobody speaking about the extreme injustice of the birddog statues only being in the most expensive terrain kit!!!??!??????!!?!????!!!!
  8. I hope we get humans more like the art from the corebooks in each realm. I think having the old empire style humans in aos would be really boring and also kind of doubt gw would want that now.
  9. Interesting. Still looks different to the current set The bell symbol is a bit old Warhammer isn't it?
  10. I wonder if it will come with chaos themed scenery or the sigmar stuff we have seen.
  11. Yeah skaven have a few old models in need of updates too. I was surprised there wasn't new versions of the metal and finecast skyre models at the very least. Tbh I would probably buy a seraphon army in a heartbeat if they updated those old models.
  12. I think it's either a weird angle of a maw crusha or one of the many conversions I've seen in white dwarf of a megaboss x warcrusha megaboss.
  13. Trade mark law is the only one which has to be protected or they can lose the right. It makes sense to me what gw are doing. (I'm an IP specialist). Trade mark = protects brands or "badges of origin" Copyright = protects artistic work. Copyright protects the expression, not the idea though. Which is a whole thing in and of itself. Patents = inventions Designs = shape of products. Usually the shape of like a chair or phone etc. There is an overlap with copyright here. But designs usually are required when things are industrially applied (mass made). But judges will bend copyright often to cover this. Plant breeders rights = plant varieties
  14. I'd say all of them are part of darkoath. We will probably get a dark oath release after warcry is finished.
  15. Thanks Looks kinda like a bloodthirster but could be undead I guess.
  16. Man the terrain looks cool. I can't wait to put nurgle symbols all over it. Also all those warbands will look great in green. Also looking forward to the chaos knight kit (or kits?). I don't know if it just needs an upgrade sprue in each box of the imp knights or not. I guess painting a few big mechy boys will let me use my demons from aos as soup with them in a 40k army.
  17. I wonder how good that spell will look without the amazing paint job which is giving it far more texture and detail than the model itself.
  18. It looks weird. I guess fixable with green stuff and a different base though.
  19. That's what I'm concerned about. If gw let everyone (chaos gods) use every model it can make strategies and synergies and etc, hard to keep on top of. It's also unfair to all the tiny armies. On the other hand it will sell more models and I want it.
  20. Yeah depends on how they price the squig loonboss. But doesn't seem like amazing value for the gitz.
  21. The discount being unbalanced though means it's a bit less great if you just want the gitz.
  22. Hopefully all squig army for the gitz. I want to buy half of it on eBay 😛
  23. I think it's likely darkoath was planned for a release this year but they ended up making warcry as part of that release. I really hope darkoath are like slaves and can work on any chaos god army. I'm a bit concerned they might cut that part out.
  24. I think it's an interesting concept tto be broken that chaos means it has to be somewhat aligned with the current chaos gods. The chaos gods don't care for each other most of the time. It wouldn't be so strange to have one that wants to remove all of them forever. Order doesn't have everyone aligned with sigmar.
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