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Everything posted by Jymmy

  1. I would totally love a Warcry expansion centered in the chaos warbands at the style of necromunda, that would be nuts! edit: In that case, let´s see a chaos dwarf vs spiderfang! I´m in for the hype! If everyone wants the chorfs there will be a lot of nice spare spooders waiting for love!
  2. Sounds like they are releasing chaos spiders and giving spiderfang the middle finger (sorry for the sudden negativity, I think that I´m still recovering from the fact that they gave a better venom rule for the kruleboyz)
  3. 3:30am Spain time yay… (at least is Friday night I guess, let’s prepare some black ulgishian coffee)
  4. Don’t worry, you will eventually have the oportunity to buy the board separately as cheap as half the price of the dominion box!
  5. It’s me or the new underworlds board has a foil effect on it??
  6. The game is nice, the main problem is that nobody is playing it, so you are stuck with a pretty lackluster AI…
  7. I was building a CoS list and I want to include 3 stormcast units, but my army has 10 units so I can’t take the three as coalition because I’m not fullfiling the 1 out of 4 condition. Can I take one of the SC units as an ally instead of a coalition unit? (1 ally, 2 coalition) The ally counts as the minimum of a batallion?
  8. Ulgu is the first thing that comes to my mind when I see the base, but I might be “based” -badum tss
  9. GW is forcing the demonetization of the channels that make profit with warhammer animations so the only way to get access that kind of content is by joining their Warhammer + platform (hope I got it all right)
  10. I have the impression that these dragons are nowhere near the same size as a zombie dragon, they are probably more akin to drakes
  11. I do love the result, but I think that the bases are too bright compared to the miniatures, and stand out more in comparison. The problem may be with the nurgle´s rot, maybe you shold try darkening the "water" just a little bit...
  12. I also think that the change in the overall aesthetic is a mistake. Precisely the only think that I like in the box are the hobgrots, but because they are something fully new, and for thar reason, I find it comprehensible that they could be something exotic that stands out (also for their unknown origin). I find it harder to justify the rest of the range…
  13. A couple of questions: A non-spellcaster that receives the spell book artifact can use the army’s lore? i.e: a dreadlord using Aura of Glory from the Lore of Eagles. Second question: the flaming weapon generic spell can be used on the mount’s weapons? I’m not sure if there is a consensus in that matter…
  14. An unpopular opinion: I like the fact that there are no dragons in the Mortal Realms, as it makes them more unique (dragons are an staple in almost all fantasy settings). In fact, most of the Order Serpentis lore works around the idea that the dragons are almost extinct. This way they seem something rare and special.
  15. I have to say that I liked a lot more the previous turfs, with these it looks more like a meadow than a swamp, just my opinion.
  16. Please tell me that this is for a Cursed City expansion, gotta believe!!
  17. My experience thus far with the spider riders is that when they do alpha they usually crash and die immediately against whatever the enemy unit is… So at this point I don’t even consider it an option.
  18. We need an all mighty Spider God(beast), just please!
  19. Are you sure that you can’t make double 1+1d3 mortal wounds? They are not multiple abilities stacked but rules that modify the same one (spider venom)
  20. Came with this list: Grimscuttle tribes Warlord batallion Webspinner on A rok -General, healing spell, Amulet of 5+ save, grimscuttle trait Scuttlebosd on gigantic spooder -Black fang Madcap Shaman - Teleport spell 10 spider riders 5 spider riders Warlord Batallion Webspinner on A rok -Sneaky distraction, flaming sword spell, grimscuttle artifact Webspinner shaman - run & charge spell Madcap shaman -fight last spell 5 spider riders 5 spider riders Skitterstrand A rok A rok with warparty Endless: Scuttletide Araknacauldron Exactly 2000 points The idea is to advance one webspinner on araknarok at 12” of the other so both get +2 to cast and +3 of leadership for healing commands. The scuttleboss would be ready to be teleported into the biggest threat as a silver bullet (last game I played it destroyed a maw crusha in a single round lol). The 10 man spider squad would try to advance near the araknaroks so they can use the leadership, and also to benefit from a posible +10 cast from double mortals spell. The rest of the riders are for screening and objective grab. Would have liked more to use a fungoid or more webspinners than the madcaps, but the points are super thight…
  21. But to wound penalties are somewhat rare, so in the case of stabbas I think that it ends up being somewhat painful...
  22. I was thinking… in AoS you cannot stack modifiers, but in GG there is multiple abilities that gives the unit +2, that means that they are now nerfed and only receive +1? Some examples are the +2 saves of the Goobapalooza and the +2 wound of the stabbas.
  23. So if you have 5+ (4+ with shields) you can only use the CA when something has at least -1 rend, but what if you are fighting some liberators where only one guy has rend and the rest doesnt? You would benefit from the +2 save agaisnt ALL atacks both with and without rend? I’m not totally sure that it works thar way, as I find it a bit confusing...
  24. This give me chills from the amount of primaris vibes I’m receiving... I must be of the very few that prefers the old bulky stormcast to these... they look so flimsy that I don’t have the impression that a person can actually fit in that armour
  25. Want: Cursed City relaunch and expansions anouncement Expect: AoS 3.0 Don’t want: The Old World announcement (I still fear that the return of Fantasy will make people abandon AoS in its favor, dividing the consumer base and compromising the future of the game in the long run)
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