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Everything posted by AverageBoss

  1. The GS at least has some drawbacks. Not the most stellar spell option anymore (especially given its range). Can't fit in battalions, increasing your drops. The summon is really the only ability he has of note, and wont have much impact beyond that (compare to the abilities of other options we have like the Sorcerer Lord, which are tremendous force multipliers). Extremely fragile and super vulnerable to alpha strikes (not good with the target he paints on himself). If you play him too conservatively to counter a potential alpha, he and his summon wont amount to much during the game. There are certainly arguments to be made of simply taking the unit of Pinks to start with plus an ES, vs the GS. Disk version probably needs a points increase though.
  2. I like that Acolytes with glaives keep their shields now. We are going to be waiting a long time for a streamlined Tzaangor scroll still though it seems. Still 4 different attack sequences for a unit with shields, 3 for a unit with dual blades.
  3. The rule specifically says each time a model is killed, add 1 to the roll. So my interpretation is that you add 1 each time a model is killed. If the rule works per your interpretations, then it is one of the sloppiest written rules in a long time, when a simple: "Until your next Hero Phase, add 1 to Chang-Gift rolls on the target unit." would have sufficed.
  4. You roll dice one at a time, as both abilities trigger as each individual model is removed. So the first will spawn a Tzaangor on a 6 2nd on a 5+ 3rd on a 4+ 4th on a 3+ 5th on a 2+ 6th onward will automatically create a Tzaangor. (1s only auto fail on hits, wounds, and saves specifically). Also worth noting that with the above, the 2nd casualty onward will auto fight before death.
  5. This. Tzeentch has close to 40 total model kits to draw on. Not unit choices, model kits.
  6. I still think Flamers and Horrors are mostly fine on their own. Its outside stuff (like free subfaction bonuses, Endless spells, and battalions that bump them way over curve). Only real changes I would do to them directly would be making the Horror banner heal D3, instead of D6. And a little snippet that Pinks cannot be brought back if no pinks are left in the unit.
  7. Shield Tzaangors still have 4. Sword + shield, 2 weapon mutants (since the dual blades have to be rolled separate from the singles due to different hit values), greatblades, beaks. Deal weapon tzaangors have 3.
  8. As with just about every tome with subfactions, the the vast majority of the problems with DoT are certain OP subfactions with no drawbacks, and/or op battalions creating an easy plug and play 1 drop list that take advantage of the strengths that gives you including taking advantage of AoS turn mechanics.
  9. The teleport, and lock in combat are not native warscroll abilities. They come from outside the warscroll optional abilities that not everyone will take. So looking at just the warscroll, you get 100 wounds at a 6+ save for 400 points. Clanrats have 80 wounds at a 5+ for the same points. Chaos Warriors have 40 wounds at a 4+ with reroll on all saves, and a 5+ to ignore mortals.
  10. I dont think Pinks are worth 250 or 350 at all. There are tougher units out there already for the same points cost. Nobody had a problem when they were 180. Now that they have been overall nerfed, and had a price increase, people are suddenly do? It much more the new special rules they have access to (rend cult, change host, duplicitous, easy plug and play 1 drop option) than them themselves. GS is interesting. Because he paints such a large target on his head, that against alphas, or if you play him too conservatively to compensate, he is a colossal waste of points. People using him will also not be running a 1 drop. His biggest contribution to a game is his summon. He lacks other support abilities or buffs, and his native spell is decidedly meh (especially for how close it forces you to get). There are honestly many instances where you are better off just taking the Pink Horrors, and using the 40 extra points on an endless spell.
  11. Its because the current rules for DD state that the chosen result cannot be rerolled or modified, and battleshock modifiers are modifiers.
  12. Also, the Tzaangor shaman (or the Great Bray Shaman via the Tzeentch battalion), have access to the Beast of Chaos endless spells. And Archaon can also cast the Hedonite endless spells. We we have access to a dozen endless spells, without resorting to allies.
  13. Dusting my 7th/8th ed Ogres off and making some additions. Looking at this atm, just need to decide on a big name. Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes - Mawtribe: None Slaughtermaster (140) - General - Trait: Gastromancer - Artefact: Wizardflesh Apron Tyrant (160) - Artefact: Gruesome Trophy Rack 12 x Ogor Gluttons (400) - Pairs of Clubs or Blades 12 x Ogor Gluttons (400) - Pairs of Clubs or Blades 8 x Ironguts (440) 4 x Leadbelchers (160) 4 x Leadbelchers (160) Goremand (140) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 175
  14. I wonder what you would think of the durability of a buffed stardrake? Effectively a 1+ save. Built in rerolls. Bounces mortals at the attacker when rerolls succeed. Access to healing. Its a really overcosted and totally non-competitive piece. But its certainly got the cabbage beat on durability.
  15. It protects against rend. With the setup he would have a 2+ against ranged, a 0+ against melee against most targets, and a 2+ in melee vs. Monsters and Flyers. You are forced to reroll 4+ in all instances though.
  16. You will want 4 boxes of Blue and Brimstone horrors for your pinks, and a Tzaangor Shaman for your enlightened. You will want another arcanite wizard to tag along with your foot Tzaangors. As a cheap expansion option (and if you like the models) you might also consider the StD SC box, as all those units can be marked Tzeentch and used in the army.
  17. When this response was given (almost 2 years ago), they were modified 6s. But right now, yes, unmodified 6s.
  18. The same thing has been done in multiple Stormcast tomes (including the current), the Nighthaunt tome, and I am more than certain elsewhere.
  19. Between the 6 lore spells they can choose from, Infernal Gateway, Mystic Shield, Arcane Bolt, the Endless spells in your list, and Realm spells, they should have plenty to cast. And yes, while 6 spell on the opponents side will not be that common, 4 is very common. And Mastery of Magic applies to unbinding rolls too, which is pretty huge. And spell casting can be good for spell castings sake. Spells like Curse of Rust of Banishment can swing games, and a LoC is more likely to get those off than anyone else.
  20. You can take a LoC to start, or you can take 3 other casters for his cost and go magic heavy in that way. I think both routes are viable, and I personally will be trying out the latter first. They both get 2 spells. They both get 2 dispells. They can both auto stop an Endless Spell. They both benefit from mastery of magic. They can provide decent support fire and ping damage with rods. And they can do all of this covering two completely different areas of the table. Not to mention the wonders of redundancy when things go wrong, or when one dies earlier than expected. I don't think its particularly scary (but neither are the 30 blues or 9 screamers you could summon over the same time period or longer for the same number of points), but I do think they are impactful and can get work done. I personally am looking forward to a potential 16 spells a turn with my initial list and summoning two birds to the table.
  21. You are potentially summoning 760 points worth of units in the first two to three turns of the game. This is vs. summoning 300-380 points worth of units for the same effort in the same amount of time. I don't think it makes our summoning bad, it just makes it different. Its trading long term flexibility for short term punch. Do you want a rifle with attachments, or a rocket launcher? They serve different roles but do the jobs they were made for well.
  22. This was also oddly the case in the previous book. They are modeled with the shield. But they do not use it.
  23. Another note is to be wary of Alphas on Gaunt Summoners. They are very squishy, and have a tremendous target painted on them. They can be an amazing game changer, or a colossal waste of points.
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