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Everything posted by zamerion

  1. Any comments on twitch about if all the warcry bands will be in the book? I ask especially for scions of the flame
  2. seeing that tyrants are in the chaos battletome, Do you think scions of the flame will be too? there is an exhibition this weekend and they could show it: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/10/01/upcoming-events-and-conventions/ be inspired by cabinets packed full of incredible models, including some unreleased ones!
  3. Can anyone watch it?i really need to know if scions of the flame are in this book
  4. we don't have to rely on spikibits either XD
  5. spikybits said November 8 is red date. Maybe sisters.. or maybe new necromunda box.
  6. I read in spikybits that November 8 is a red date. It could be for the sisters, but those dates are usually for secondary games box .. so.. new necromunda box? whatever it is, and if the red date is true, the undead should be released before.. And there is still a week for marines, and another for the eldar campaign.. (marines are confirmed in october) A few crazy months : /
  7. what do you think is better? -stabba or stabba with spear? -squig hopper or boingrot? -Horde list ( for example : leader, squig hopper , 5 shootas, 7 stabba with net) or more elite list with stabbas with shields, more hoppers/boingrots and squigs? tomorrow I have a game and I have to assemble the miniatures 😖
  8. Do you think that the heads from the unamed will be separated? or they will come attached to the body
  9. 🤨 hahaha Iron golems have a ogor and dwarf, and a leader different from the others. Untamed beasts have a lion/dog? a tamer, the leader, and champions different from the "basic troop" Fangs have a elf, champions, leader, snakes and "basic troops" all very differents. Corvus cabal have the leader girl, the winged, 2 champions in different positions and "the basic troop" In this band I only see very different the boss, maybe a champion jumping (very similar) and one a little bigger than the others, The rest iI see them very similar
  10. The strange thing about this band is that it has little variety, it does not have pets, nor very different miniatures
  11. the stories have returned: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/07/08/tales-of-forbidden-power-root-and-stem/ Maybe to prepare the ground for the fest news UOps. ninjed
  12. they did 2 weeks before and 1 after with apocalypse a daily preview. They did 16 days before with Kill team last year. And they did near one month before with contrast paints XD Normally all GW games have 2 weeks of previews.
  13. Maybe was a mistake. But if people will be able to buy it in the event, others should be able to pre-order it at least. So if the preorder is on 20th, I dont understand why they have not started doing previews as with other games
  14. Its a great week (im going to buy wood elves team) but seriously I am very disappointed that there is no warcry news..
  15. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/07/07/coming-soon-something-for-everyone/ No warcry... But sylvaneth, blood bowl team, etc
  16. Looking at warcom, preorders for Killteam, was on 21th, with launch on 28. But the first article about KT was on 5th, with an article each day. I expect and wish something similar for warcry. With the first article in 5/6 hours.
  17. In warcry you take you aos models and use them for the smaller game... There are 9 not chaos bands rules at the beginning of the game. And sure they get more
  18. there are people who are already receiving badges with web orders pre-order 13?
  19. I'm with you. Also people are saying that on the 23rd there is some revelation about Marines. The weird thing is that warcry is not 2 weeks pre-order. And a single week to talk about 15 bands, lore, and gameplay, it is not long
  20. I hope so. I was just looking for information about warcry, and what do i get? more marines! 😅 it only seems strange to me that a major release like marines, is shown before warcry (I hope it goes on pre-orders on the 13th)
  21. with the announcement of new marines, maybe warcry will be delayed?
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