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Everything posted by Charleston

  1. At first Glance a dice cup seems like the best solution. Actually using a mug or similar is also possible. Did it several times for hidden Agendas in Triumph and Trearchy Games and it was never a big issue in our group.
  2. I would be suprised as it is no studio preview there. Yet, it would be the perfect timing to announce all that models yet to come that have rules in the tome as the reviews from the content creators will come online the same day.
  3. I would not expect a high impact as it is tied to archaon. Althrough it is a nice mechanic as we can actually use it to deny doubleturns or actively fish for them
  4. The difference is only if you take like your whole StD army and play them as Nurgle Alligience, or if you add up a Lord of Chaos to your existing Nurgle Force. Nothing new here but still a great feature of out guys Cultists getting Marks would be neat actually.
  5. Whoever wrote the article was as excited about it as I am to quote: Mounted Horses! Let´s go
  6. 1. As many as you have Command Points to spend on 2. One is a timing restriction, the other a restriction on who may use it. If f.e. a model with "if this model is the general" in his CA is NOT your general, you can´t use the ability. So, otherwise, you are right: Non-Generals may user their CA´s if not stated otherwise in the CA itself. 3. He gains an additional ability unless stated otherwise by the aligience itself. And yes, theoreticaly you could also use the same ability multiple times on the same unit as long as the rule doesn´t forbid it, mostly seen with f.e. Volturnos within IDK. Feels weird but is ok.
  7. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/12/03/faction-focus-slaves-to-darknessgw-homepage-post-2/ Okay guys, a great article: -> There won´t be any cuts to StD as it seems. NONE. Marauders are explicitely in. Belakor is even depicted on the first page. Soul Grinders are mentioned in the Article. -> Main alligience Ability stays the same, but Auras are improved for general -> 4 Legions that grant a suballigience. One around Masses of Units that gives us 5 Warlord traits and allows to switch generals. One for Monsters and Princes. One for Sorcerers and one for the Everchosen
  8. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/12/03/faction-focus-slaves-to-darknessgw-homepage-post-2/ faction focus is up Bel´lakor still in the game? damn, they kept that damn glory or damnation table...spawndom is still on the table Mark of Khorne sounds neat, thou suprise: guess who is still on the table So far StD seems to have no cuts at all
  9. Add a pack of Wolves or Beasts and use them as untamed beasts. Should be the easiest way around.
  10. Despite the fact that the general talk about the meta dont help anyone about this case, I would suggest we try to focus on how the OP can actually manage to have an impact onto the game. First of all, all Slann lists are vunerable to their general dying as it mostly kills a lot of summoning potential here. Also, Mortal Wounds are important from my experience, as Seraphon often ignore Rend. Slaughterpriests and the Judgements of Khorne are a usefull thing, as they deny your enemy certain spots, deal Mortals in a quite reliable fashion and can´t be countered. Hexgorger Skulls, an Altar and a Bloodsecrator are together enough to make the enemy hate his own magic quite well. So does your WoK Bloodthirster. Also, try to deny him as much of the board as possible. Small units that keep their models spread just so he cannot put anything on the board within 9" could really cause him a headache. Bastilladons are sick units as they don´t die and therefore can stall every single game they are in, and they do horrific damage, especially against Daemons. They pretty much counter all your big hammers, the 30 Bloodletter blobb, the Wrath of Khorne Thirster and the Bloodcrushers. And there is just no real answer to them as they are tough with their 3+/4++ save. Only thing I can imagine is to tie them up so they can´t shoot, but this can be easily countered, too. All in all, the more I try to write this post in an optimistic fashion, thre more I have the feeling that your army simply has units that are by design weaker against his army. It´s just a bad case of loosing rock-paper-scissors. Some Khorne Mortal Units like Reivers would be a good cheap chaff to keep his charges at bay in the early game. Also Wrathmonger and Skullreaper are essential Khorne units that could help, dishing out tons of damage, even when dying. Yet, telling you to invest 100+$ is no good advice. Althrough, when you already want to convince other to start new armies, maybe just concider a second one to have some diversity. It´s not that he is unbeatable, you and your IJ friend just lack the tools to beat him. The only general advice I have is the fact, that by teleporting and spreading on the board, you can easier focus your army to remove his units from the game. Against any other army this could allow you to table the opponent around turn 3-4, but as he keeps summoning stuff, this is rather less usefull.
  11. Leaks usually come with the preorder as the content creators get then to release their content. Previews are running this weeks. A thing I tought about, ist that maybe GW will restructure Battlelines for StD. I belive all Cultist-Units will be unconditional Chaos Battlelines. Meanwhile I also belive that Knights and Chariots will either loose Battleline-Status, or may become conditional Battleline, beeing tied to a certain Warlord. I couldn´t imagine GW to change Warriors, therefore I am quite trustworthy that they will remain unconditional battlelines, too. I also like the fact that GW mentions damned legions in the video, which means some "tribes"-rules as other factions get. Havin Chosen to stay around is something I´d rather not expected, but actually I am fine with it. This opens up some small odds for a plastic kit at a later point. Edit: My Bets on Units: Heroes: Archaon -> Profile reworked, will get some new focus in the Lore again Lord of Chaos -> confirmed to stay and new profile with flail and the new CA is already known. Great thing Lord of Chaos on Manticore ->I would bet on a manticore upgrade, paired with a new CA Lord of Chaos on daemonic Mount ->I belive this one will be gone and replaced by the new one Lord of Chaos on Karkadrak ->Announced to come and to have some charge sheningans Sorcerer Lord -> Will stay as our main Wizzard and also a valid plastic kit. Finaly having our own Spell Lore makes them great. I hope their custom spell remains, althrough I am not sure for the Foresight-Reroll-Rule. Sorcerer Lord on Manticore ->Also Upgrades to Mount here. In general I belive we will get a tribe with a wizzard focus so we can upgrade our Sorcerer to T2 Sorcerer Lord on Horse -> Will most propably be cut as there is no sculpt yet. May also get a new Sculpts which can be assembled into a Lord on daemonic Mount, which is rather less likely. Darkoath Warqueen ->I could imagine some minor buff Darkoath Warchief ->Really requires some rework as the whole "Heroslayer" concept doesn´t work out great Gaunt Summoner -> I highly belive he will be included as T2 wizzard with his own Spell Lore. Summoning will be propably cut away. Daemon Prince -> I see him to get some new Ability. Maybe the old Battalion of 4 DP´s will have a comeback. Exalted Hero of Chaos -> My bet is that he will disappear in silence. Battlelines: Knights -> I expect some buffs. Aligning the Charge Bonus to -2 Rend and 2 Damage as in CoS is quite possible. I hope they keep their Shield against MW´s. May become a conditional battleline, tied to the new hero. May stay unchanged. Warriors -> I see the Halberd and Greatblade go, having two Handweapons beeing changed somehow. I hope shields stay awesome. Will for sure stay unconditional battlelines. Chariots -> I belive if Knights change to conditional Battlelines, Chariots will do so, too. Maybe they will give some minor upgrade to Chariots, althrough the Unit is actually fine. Gorebeast Chariots -> Here I could imagine GW to attempt some changes. A streamline of the charge ability is possible. I belive they are at risk of loosing battleline status. Corvus Cabal -> May get some minor buff to make them on pair with the other tribes. Either unconditional Battleline, or Battleline with Darkoath Warlord. Unmade -> May stay the way they are. Either unconditional Battleline, or Battleline with Darkoath Warlord. Untamed Beasts -> Will propably stay the same. A better meele Profile for the beast would´ve been awesome. Either unconditional Battleline, or Battleline with Darkoath Warlord. Iron Golem ->I also do not see much changes here, maybe the Ogor to punch with a new profile. Either unconditional Battleline, or Battleline with Darkoath Warlord. Cypher Lords -> Rather unchanged. Either unconditional Battleline, or Battleline with Darkoath Warlord. Splintered Fang -> Are actually a quite a badass unit right now so I rather do not see changes here. Maybe heal 1 serpent for each single serpent caller in the unit, but thats it. Either unconditional Battleline, or Battleline with Darkoath Warlord. Spire Tyrants ->Either unconditional Battleline, or Battleline with Darkoath Warlord. Profile still has to be revealed Flame Cabal Thingy -> Maybe we will get them revealed this weekend as I really hope that the Tome will have all new Warscrolls inside. Varanguard -> Propably stay Battleline with Archaon as General. I see some major rework to the profile incoming. Marauders -> See them axed and replaced by cultists Marauders on Horses -> The weird one, as I actually see GW to keep them around. Belakor -> Propably will be stomped ito beeing a DP kit only, having the Warscroll beeing dropped from the App and Store. A big comeback, as awesome as it would be, seems rather unlikely. Althrough he IS the only named Character Chaos offers beside of Archaon right now. Slambo -> I see a cut here. Units: Chosen -> Are indirectly confirmed to stay around. I could see them to have some changes to their Aura and price. Chaos Warshrine -> Out only Priest will have a good time I belive. The custom Prayer may be upgraded and I belive there will be quite a lot of prayers to choose from. Either 6 unaligned or maybe even 1-3 per god. Maybe a buff to the meele capability Chaotic Beasts (Furies and Raptoryx)-> Will be included but I rather don´t belive them to get any love. Furies are quite usefull for the objective game right now but Raptoryx have to compete against Corvus Cabal for the spot of cheap chaff. Chaos Warhounds -> May be included. Would be rather a suprise as they are well placed within BoC. Monsters: Slaughterbrutes ->Will be included. I wish they would rework the Profile for them. At least the Mortal Wound rule as it is requires a rework as it is badly worded. I belive they may get an additional Mark of Khorne now if desired. Mutalith Vortex Beasts->Same as Slaughterbrutes. May have a rework and will get the option to get the Tzeentch Keyword. Chimera ->May be included as through Warcry. I do not see a rework of the Warscroll as likely here. Jabberslythe ->I belive we won´t get them. Soul Grinder -> The big unknown one. I wouldn´t wonder if GW cuts them from AoS, althrough I also really can imagine them to add the Soul Grinder into the army and to keep it to pick one of the Marks of Chaos. Althrough I rather doubt a rework of the scroll beside the claw ability, which is one of the last "silly" AoS 0.1 Rules leftover as Nagashs Grip was. Chaos Gargants -> Possible. They are still listed to exist under GA Chaos in the Shop and I would wonder why GW would keep them there if there is no tome to use them. The kit is around so free cashgrab for gw and a nice unit for us players. Coackatrice -> Hopefully stays a BoC Unit~ I dislike the Kit and see no overlap here Catshpinx-> Will come, hopefully the Warscroll is in the Tome Ogroid Brute Thing ->as Catsphinx Formoid Crusher -> See the two above. Allies: My bets go on Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh, as also Beasts of Chaos. Skaven is the only thing that seems weird as they do not follow directly the Pantheon of the Chaos Gods.
  12. Yeah, you are right..man, it was already a pain getting him on 32mm with all that green stuff 😮
  13. It may be a similar release strech like with shadowspear, having thoose kits in multipart to come at a later date so they can sell off old stock of warriors and knights before the release somewhere later 2020. I assume they don´t want to upset people who bought the battleforce last year, or started in general a S2D army somewhere in the near past edit: Btw, Chosen are about to stay
  14. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/12/02/kit-focus-start-collecting-slaves-to-darknessgw-homepage-post-1/#gallery-4 Chosen are in the image below, so may be assumed to survive the book
  15. @JackStreicher in your hate infused rage (may the dark deities bless your for it) against the manticore you forgot the Lord on Manticore and also the Lord on Daemonic Mount. Soul Grinder will either be also included or cut from AoS I belive.
  16. Well, a DP was until now an amazing Model to pick on his own. Would wonder if it changes
  17. The changes to the LoC are interesting. They removed the Conversion Rule, which is no supprise, as there were a lot of questions about what happens when you transform him into the DP or Spawn. The Daemonic Blade rule will be mourned for as it was a funny little gamble and made the unit even more interesting. In exchange the output remains solid, the mortal wounds look usefull and the new Command Ability, that allows to fight twice, makes the whole army already punch at a higher level.
  18. Depending on what the portents for the next weeks will be I think I will give them also a shot. Having at least 3 should be fine. edit: News are up in the Rumours thread. Endless Spells seem to be some neat Spikey Bits which will look nicer on the table as on the picture I guess. Also, Marks of Chaos are confirmed to stay. Looks like there is an additional new Mark, calles "Absoluto" in spanish, which may mean unmarked.
  19. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/12/01/coming-soon-chaos-cults-ogre-teams-war-in-rohan-and-more/ They are coming Someone spanish here? I am curious what thoose changes to the Lord of Chaos are. 3 Profiles now, I assume 2 modes for the lance but I am not sure. Also, as expected, Warcry-Warbands with twice the Sprues per Box are coming. To be honest I am a little bit shocked looking at this copy pasta looking box art. Can anyone who has one of thoose kits confirm if they are monopose or can be built in a different fashion? To the Endless Spells. They look a bit dull on the first glance, but I am quite sure they look amazing on the table. This Spikey Metal design tends to look underwhelming on the stand-alone pictures in general. Meanwhile, I like the Icon and the deamon spitting fire edit: Lord of Chaos seems still to have the Mark of Chaos Big relief
  20. I actually find it quite cool that GW brings with Katakross and St Katharines Triumph a somehow new kind of unit: A Group of Models/Heroes that form a one model squad with an defensive nature. Sort of huge defensive "monster" /" big thing". It is a new element that adds a lot to the games. Beeing overenthusiastic I belive you can compare it to the first time cavalery was introduced :D. I hope to see more of this over the course of time. Also I love the fact that we got the catapults. GW could release more altillery in my opinion as they proved to have damn cool ideas around for thoose Also: Estimated 7-8h to Slaves to Darkness news. I am quite eager, especially as this will be a huge release in terms of kits. Seems like GW strategy is to have the stores full of new stuff for christmas shopping. We should propably get already a first glance at all new models today, including S2D Endless Spells and the Warcry kits. Latter one are a cool thing as we still do not know if thoose are repackages w/o cards, bigger sizes kits, new sprues or whatever. Nevertheless: Choo Choo, the Hype-Steam-Train is approaching from Greywater Fastness. End Station: Eightpoints and the Throne of the Everchosen! Choo Choo!
  21. Naaah, too much around Slaanesh and Nurgle, not enough Khorne and Tzeentch
  22. Yeah but no. The runes on it are Necron by design. There was a whole short campaign about Admech steeling Blackstone from Necrons to use it as a psychic amplifier or damper. This is also why the stone is broken and has several carvings: Necron can restore and heal this stuff up, other races can´t. It will be some sort of warp resonator, for whatever case.
  23. That is currently a funny spot we are in with the StD things We know StD are coming, we know we will have some new minis and we know due to the leaks that GW hasn´t announced all new things yet. The design of the SC!-Box also allows the conclusion of a Multipart-Kit to the Singlepose-Kits to come somewhere 2020. Yet the leaked list is only due to end of 2019, so we do not know what will come 2020 or when it will do so. The Warcry Monsters can be assumed to be StD Units, too. We also know they will all come 2020. We may assume that the StD Book will have Warscrolls for all this Warcry related stuff. At this point, we might also ask if the two missing Warcry Warbands will be included. If yes, this could also mean that there will be warscrolls for other new stuff, too. If not, it would be another case of gw ruining a tome by making X additional sheets required, a situation that bugs me already in 40k~ All in all I really look forward to the December Announcements. Seeing how GW proceeded with Sisters, a similar approach to StD may be used too: GW Announcing the models to be released soon in the tome and giving us also a previes to a delayed release wave, showing us models and warscrolls in the meantime. This leaves the question: How big will the StD release be? We know about Warriors, Knights, Lord on Lizzard, Ogroid, Rock throwing troll thing, Catsphinx and 2 missing warbands. We also know through leaks about some rerelease of Warcry Warbands. This would be quite a big release, yet it seems that gw still holds something open in the back
  24. I actually am rather sceptical of the DT, but nevertheless I saw in this thread already some nice suggestion in how to deal with it on the board in terms of strategy, which I missed in the last thread. Thanks for that! I have the feeling that the mobility of an army and availability of screens is also a big factor in how much one can prepare to handle the DT. While seeing comparsions to 40k there are additional aspects to 40k that make the balancing different: AoS is much more focused around movement and positioning that 40k. Take alone the fact that AoS has this absurd 3" deadzone for meele which allows several positioning sheningans, compared to 1" in 40k. Having 2 turns in a row to move and charge in a game in that positioning is A and O is simply a mighty bonus which can flip games as we see in this thread. Whenever to the good or bad.
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