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Everything posted by Charleston

  1. Big thank you and shoutout to @Predien for sending me the Pic! I guess I will post the project once I have the kits and start bashing them together
  2. Hi all! I am concidering a conversion of a Verminlord into Skarbrand. But before ordering the kits I would like to be sure that the scale matches. Can anyone who has both Models, of a bloodthirster and a Verminlord, please share a side by side picture for me? Thanks in advance!
  3. I somehow belive that GW wants FW to be unattractive. They could have moved a lot of stuff from main-gw into fw-area, but they never did. FW could be a company centered around Specialist Games or Resin Casting. They could expand and improve their process, maybe using 3D Prints for a Made-to-Order service. But instead it remained the "Luxury model line" that became more and more unattractive due to quality beeing contested by other shops/china, rules design and publication beeing a mess and so on. There is lot of wasted potential on FW products. But meanwhile I also belive they don´t want to move necessary ressources from GW to FW as they don´t want a decrease in GW´s value. So they accept FW stagnation as they avoid investment.
  4. Thanks! That slipped by. We actually reread the rules on this, but only found the "Each Wizzard may attempt to cast a single ES each turn" and we both forgott about the "No Spell may be attempted twice" Rule! As for the Marauders, also thanks! I wasn´t sure as the german wording sounds much like "Choose when building your army only", leaving "adding models during the game" quite open ended
  5. It depends all on your playstyle. 5 Warriors for 90 pts are great objective holders, but rather slowish. Marauders are versatile and can be fast on the charge. Knights are durable and fast as well, which works fine if you want to go for some objectives under the controll of your opponent. Similar for Chariots. I run a ruinbringer Battalion in my Despoilers lists for usual. Marauder Horseman are fast chaff or can be left to babysit an objective. Similar for the chariot. 2-3 DP´s with some monsters and a Sorcerer on Manticore are a great hammer, so Knights can be used to bind stuff (or mow somethng down from an objective with Glaives + Buffs)
  6. From my experience, mixing StD and BoK works, but StD like to stay on their own. It´s the same as with deamons and mortals, having StD beeing a third own category that mostly buffs itself. Despite of this StD can work nicely in BoK
  7. Had yesterday a great 2k game against a Troggoth-List. I played a ravagers list with a CL,CLoM,CSL as heroes, 30 Warriors with double handweapons, 10 Chosen, a Shrine and some Knights and a unit of Marauder Horseman. All Marked Nurgle and in the Plaguesworn Battalion. My opponent hat 2x3 Fellwater and 2x3 Rockgut Troggoth, a Trogg Hag, Mollog, a Dankhold and a Dankhold-Boss, a Fungoid Cave Shaman and two Endless Spells. We played on a 48"48 board with some scattered Graveyard terrain including terrain rules for all bigger pieces like statues and crypts. Unfortunaly I forgott to make any pictures. We played the Falling Stars Mission with 2 Objectives that drop at Turn 2, one in each territory. We decided to reduce the ammount of objectives dropplaces from 3 to 2 per territory as we played on 48"x48" and not 64"x48". I got to start due to having only 2 Drops with the list. Turn 1 I moved quite aggresively into the middle of the board to get out of the -2"-movement-bubble from the terrain piece. Also I wanted to move the Warriors as far as possible and position my CL on the Heroic Terrain for the bonus CP. The initial General was the CSL, who also had the "use a CA from the core rules for free"-Trait. My CLoM was placed by a terrain piece that granted some unbinds. Troggoths moved carefully forward, then he attempted to cast the big shrrom endless spell. I was able to unbind the first attempt with the CLoM, but then he recasted it with another wizzard with a casting roll of 12. The shroom was placed in my face, killed 3-4 Warriors and 1 Chosen and then remained there till the end of the game. Turn 2 I got the initiative again. The objective dropped right under my Warrior unit. The nasty Shroom-nuke-thing annihilated 3 more warriors and 2 chosen. Ouch. I concidered moving back, but instead decided on full offensive. I was able to spawn 10 Marauders behind my opponent to try to take his Fungoid caveshaman down. I charged the hag and some fellwater Troggoth with the warriors, charged a dankgold with the remaining chosen, and repositioned my marauder horseriders as screen on the right side. With the CL CA I was able to kill the Dankhold with two activations. I repositioned a lot of stuff like Knights and Lord on Manticore. Remarkable roll: Fellwater Troggoth got activated, got 4 Wound rolls of six which would deal 12 Damage due to the Troggoth-Battalion. I save all of them. Meanwhile due to the Plaguetouched-Battalion one Fellwater-Troggoth dies. I score my point with the CSL. On troggoth Turn the Chosen get eradicated, as well as the marauder horsemen. His Shaman died in combat but was able to put the moon-endless-spell on the board. His objective spawned btw diagonally to mine. VP 2 : 2 Turn 3 I got the initiative again. Things went downhill this turn: I fail all spells and prayers, don´t do any really damage to the hag. The my Manticore-Lord spawned 10 more marauders and left them in the corner close to his VP. I charged into the Rockgut unit and killed them with the CLoM. On his turn the other unit of rockguts moved forward, the hag was able to put her curse on the warriors. He repositioned his Dankhold Trogboss to hold the objective and also put mollog and fellwater troggs on his objective. The hag killed more and more warriors. VP 5:5 Turn 4 went better, althrough I missed the spells again. I spawned a second unit of marauders close to his VP, the CL was able to charge the Hag. Manticorelord and Knights pushed closer to his objective, the marauder charged mollog in a way that allowed me to get the objective without pulling the Troggboss. The CL killed the hag and ascended to deamonhood, thanks to the "Add or substract 2 from the Eye-Table" Trait! Other than that, one unit of Marauders was wiped out, but the other managed to secure the Objective! On his turn he took back the objective and pushed further with the remaining rockguts, coming closer and closer to my objective. He also used the Loonshrine that didn´t do much until now, and respawened 2 Rockguts in the middle of the board. VP 13:9 for Slaves. Turn 5 I got once again the Initiative roll. The dark Gods blessed me with a game without nasty double turns. In fact, at any turn a double turn could flip the whole balance quite easy, so not having any of them was really in my favor. I moved the CLoM and DP back and charged the Rockguts to prevent them from taking my objective and winning the game. I annihilated the newly spawned ones, the others were so far away I couldn´t charge them and din´t recognize them as a threat to the objective. Troggoth surrendered at the beginning of his turn, as he didn´t saw a chance how to get the objectives. Score: 18:14 for StD. After calling the game, I insisted of looking what could be minmaxed out of his rockgut-movement and if there was a chance of turning the tides. In fact, by moving the Troggoth in a certain distance and by having a good charge, he could get the objective, as he needed only one model in range as the endless spell moon killed my CSL from the objective the turn before. We rolled the hypothethical charge for a 12, positioned the rockguts and...this could have change the outcome of the game into 18:19. All in all a fun game. 30 Warriors with 2 Hand Weapons and Mark of Nurgle + Aura didn´t shine as much as I hoped, but I was really really happy with the output of Chosen. During the game I had tons of saved wounds from the Warshrine, with multiple rolls of 3-4 sixes. Meanwhile my opponent had lucky rolls for W3 Damage values, dealing most of the time 3 Damage from the W3 sources. The game was fun, althrough I have to admit that I dislike Ravagers for beeing too complex. Keeping track of ranges, auras and stuff, beeing highly dependend on CP...well, it´s fun but exhaustive. The next lists will be 2-4 DP Despoilers again I guess. Plaguetouched Battalion worked quite well btw, but in general didn´t do much more than 10 MW´s over the course of the game. Short question: When I spawn MArauders, can I decide for a Mark of Chaos? Couldn´t find the correct solution for that.
  8. Also the content of the Box was a good composition: Warriors with the new Guns are something even older players look to build, the Scythe is a nice unit build buth ways, Immortals and Praetorians are also great units one can´t du much wrong with, especially as from the same kits one can build lychguards or deathmarks as well. Also the Spider is a unit many people like to play nowadays. Triarch Stalkers are also buffed by the new Codex. The only "weaker" unit is the cool new flying cryptek kit.
  9. Any rumours about the price of the Christmas-Boxes already around?
  10. I can only second on what Kramer said! The Frostlord on SH doesn´t care much for synnergies with other BCR-Units and is ust the most aggressive brawler due to the frost spear. You can just add him up and have a fun time.
  11. Until now I didn´t noticed that the preview goes further behind the frame
  12. I don´t think so. The Blade is similar but the part beneath in the RE looks like a rough but down stick. Has a rather Gitmob-tainted flavor
  13. I would have a crazy suggestion: Do you see that Knife on the Chaos Warrior? Only Chaos Warrior so far that has such a Dagger in his Warscroll is the Hero-Option named Exalted Hero of Chaos. Some wild guesses: The Exalted hero can be maybe build from the new Warriors or Chosen Kit.
  14. I play Despoilers as default as I lack the marauders for a Ravagers list and the endless spells and lvl 2 casters for cabalists. My default loadout are 2 DP´s, one of them usuallly Khorne, other Nurgle, a Soul grinder and a Sorcerer on Manticore. As battleline I mostly rely on Knights and MArauder Horseman, often as Ruinbringers. Most important features are usually the 18" General Chaos Aura and the protection for the general. Beeing able to shut down LOS prevented some damage in multiple games. Also the Artifacts are nice: Additional CP´s with the Conquerors Cloak usually allow me to operate with all CA´s needed. Helm of many Eyes with the first Strike Sheningan makes the Sorcerer Lord on Manticore better as odds increase that he survives front line duty. Fighting first with 2-3 big models is a huge perk of such lists. In general I am a fan of the Artifacts of the Despoilers. Doombringer Blade for example is great to pick up the fight against big centerpiece models. Only downside is in my eyes the need for a DP Lord to take the Warlord Trait and the situational nature of the traits. Find the list I used in my last game against OBR attached in the spoiler below:
  15. A lot of pain. Jokes aside, most people rebase them using clippers and sanding paper to get the elevative part off the model and then they glue him on a round base.
  16. Thoose boxes are always interesting, as it is a product by GW that one can often see some concept behind: These Boxes are almost always done with buying an additional SC!-Box in mind, so the Hero Options are almost always different. It includes a mix of more common and rather seldom seen kits. There is variation between the years, so even if the same faction comes twice, it still appears interesting to get the box twice. Whoever does them, does a good job in my eyes.
  17. @Roark 's Post gives a good insight I can recommend, althrough I have a slighthly different approach: I use 5 with Lances and 5 with Enscrolled Weapons. Both have their perks and roles. In general I suggest you play with 5 ES and 5 lances for a time and find out what makes you most fun before assembling the others. Enscrolles Weapons don't have the "Wow, -2 Rend 2D on charge" Bonus, but their profile is quite Reliable and works great with the Mark of Slaanesh and Nurgle. They are fast, durable and their output ain´t bad at all. I like to use them to contest objectives that are more far out. Lances meanwhile are far worse when unbuffed, but each buff let´s them hit like a fright train. Biggest issue is the fact that you really really need the charge to get that better profile. I always use the following buffs: lord on DM or Karkadrak for his CA: It provides you with a Charge reroll. Also, it buffs your quite unreliable 4+ to hit into a 3+ to hit. Khorne general Aura provides a to hit reroll of ones and also lifts the wound toll to a 2+ Safe-Rerolls from oracular vision are a thing I always provide depending on how fight order is supposed to work out, but it is a buff always worth taking as soon as you charge. The Bloodstroker Buff is also worth concidering if you are into Khorne. If you want to go with Lances and other Gods I highly recommend the Deamonic Power of the Sorcerer or the Warshrine Buff for the rerolls. It´s not like Khorne is mandatory to make them work. Indeed, exploding hits with Slaanesh and additional Damage with Nurgle can really increase the damage output
  18. I wouldn´t be suprised if the Nurgle-Part of the Release was a 40k one. We already know their Codex will drop soon, as well as they spoiled a terrain piece for Nurgle recently (and a bit out of shedule, which actually makes me wonder if there was a sudden change in the shedule for the end of year due to corona). Nurgle currently lacks several hero models from the out of print dark imperium box. Also, at least one new (hero?) model is spoiled.
  19. Oh, look! I don´t know how I missed that one. In that case, the Box is pretty pretty Sweet. I guess my Ghostclaws will be expanded by a Horde of Infantery.
  20. I am the only one confused by the Aleguzzler in the Ogor pack? Iirc Ogors can´t ally them. Is this another planless product constellation or could be an update incoming? Edit: Don´t get me wrong: I love the sculpt and would love to field one of these bad boys. The box looks awesome
  21. Khorne Alligience provides with Goretide a really nasty way of buffing the Lord on Manticore in one big bad evil blender with "Hew the Foe" and one Mortal Khorne Artifact. I imagine a Bloodstoker to be really really nasty when leashing up a unit of marauders to sprint across the board
  22. Yeah, she´s the one who puts other damsels in distress
  23. Of course! Althrough the Image is one I found online and I don´t know the exact bag, I´ve got a similar one I found recommended in another Thread Online. I don´t know if you are living in Germany, if not, try looking at Amazon for an (Overlock) sewing machine bag. I can´t recommend enough to use a bag with an LWD that is a little bigger than the case (33x36x26,5 is about the minimum, 34x37x27 should be perfect match). Also, if you have any connections to people who can sew, concider asking them i they could tailor one for your needs. It is a quite easy project, even for beginners. My Bag if "push fit" in terms of spending a very painfull and frustrating evening trying to push the bag around the kvissle box. It works, but is really not the most comfy work. https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Carry-Overlock-Sewing-Machines-Gritzner/dp/B01N65POJL/ref=sr_1_11?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=gritzner+bag&qid=1605257745&sr=8-11 If you find a good one that is a bit too high, concider using a foam tray to transport additional minis.
  24. To be honest, I actually really wonder why there are point values for legends units around, as from what I recall GW clearly said that Legends Compendiums were ment for Open and Narrative Play and won´t get any point support. Edit: Found it. It´s in the DE Compendium on page 2: This is where the Warhammer Legends Compendiums come in. They give us a place to publish rules that allow you to play games with your older miniatures. The rules are designed to be definitive, and will only be updated when we change the Warhammer Age of Sigmarcore rules. This means that Legends units are not designed for matched play (as they won’t, for example, have yearly points updates) Also, comparing the DE Compendium to the other compendiums is a bit of an issue. We do not know what exacly happened in the GW HQ, propably the worker of GW who was about to make cool fine detailed Compendiums for all armies was told to do so in his free time and not as offical work. In the end there were only three other real compendiums: Heroes of the Old World, Skaven and Beastman. All of thoose mentioned were made with a neat new layout in HD Resolution and contained no point values. They contained warscrolls for all units. Then, on 01/03/2019 they dumped all the other "Compendiums", which were the old 1st ED AoS Transition Rules PDFs with a crappy resolution, many squated "counts as" unit-lists. They even lacked the "Warhammer Legends" Into-Page. But thoose had the point values included that GW provided when trying to save the format with the GHB release. We are talking about 4-5 year old point values which were a first draft of what power can be, and I assume these were never updated again. Now, if we really desire point values, we could grab some old GHB books and check them. Or ask around if anyone has the crappy low hd res compendium of the dark aelves on their hdd and if that person is willing to share. But at this point...it would be easier to just houserule it or use these models as proxies. Edit2: Sorry, in my pitty about GW dropping Legends I overlooked that you had all information I provided you on this topic already. Yet, my advice remains to ask people who are around since earlier AoS Days and who have the old handbook around
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