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Mogwai Man

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Everything posted by Mogwai Man

  1. Behemoths being priced horribly and certain units (e.g. plague monks) being priced too cheaply reinforce the horde meta.
  2. Not phased out. That would mean the product line is being discontinued. Nobody knows if BCR and Gutbusters will merge or if they each get their own battletomes. Even if they get merged keywords can still make them play as separate sub-factions.
  3. It's not revolutionary, which was a strong word that GW used. Just another tool in the tool box.
  4. I would like to see Forgeworld come up with more alternative bits to use (i.e. stormcast eternal heads) than new models. I'm probably in the minority though.
  5. Behemoths should be more focused on being anti-horde. The Magmadroth is an example of a monster that has abilities to deal out mortal wounds against large unit sizes (Roaring Fyrestream, Volcanic Blood, Lashing Tail).
  6. Those are the obvious rivals to them. They'll still be trading punches within that weight class.
  7. Yes they are still available for use via the core rules of the game.
  8. I always see them in unit sizes of 10.
  9. I hope Morboys are buffed to be a more elite infantry option. They should be the equivalent to Savage Orc Big Un's of the world that was.
  10. Ardboys (160). Better than savage orruks and morboys. Brutes (180). Better than Big Stabbas. Gore-Gruntas (140). Better than Maniaks & Boarboys. You could ally in a unit or two of these options. Ironjawz heroes don't mesh well with bonesplitterz. Megaboss on foot (140) doesn't provide keyword synergy. Warchanter (80) doesn't provide keyword synergy. Weirdnob Shaman (120) is a worse caster than Bonesplitterz wizards. Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440) too expensive to ally. Gordrakk (580) too expensive to ally.
  11. Yeah I used to squeeze in a gargant but he isn't worth 160 points and he didn't receive a reduction from the GHB either. I'm just waiting for our update and I may just play Warcry until then if it's good. I don't want to have to assemble, paint, and play another army right now.
  12. I have the same issues. You can try adding an endless spell or two for mortal wound output but it isn't enough. Morboys are one of the worst dual wielding infantry units in the game. Big stabbas are our only good melee unit and they aren't meant to fight large unit sizes.
  13. You don't need the Ironjawz wizards. Add a 4th Wardokk and Savage Big Boss or Maniak Weirdnob instead. Your Morboy units need two Wardokks within 12 inches to gain +1 to wound rolls from Waaagh! Stomp. Unfortunately Morboys are a below average melee unit. They require a lot of set up to make them average or above average. The only melee unit that performs well are Big Stabbas. You could bring a behemoth in your army so when it dies your Morboys get +1 to hit via Power of the Beast Spirit. You could also change one unit of 30 Morboys into Arrowboys if you have the bits. Our units don't perform well in combat at a minimum size. But you could use them to capture an objective so it's feasible. The one lousy thing about the Kopp Rukk is that you're punished for rolling a double on a spell with a Wardokk via Savage Waaagh! Energy. Kunnin Rukk is our most viable way to play via Arrowboy spam (unfortunately).
  14. The point changes overall seem lackluster to me.
  15. So with these point changes. Is the Stormcast Eternal meta still the same?
  16. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1156668721064990/
  17. I'm not saying other builds aren't boring. I do think Kunnin Rukk is one of those boring builds though. That's just my opinion of it. I am fully aware boring and competitive are not the same adjective. My opinion on Bonesplitterz not being competitive (overall) remains unchanged.
  18. You can cite your anecdotal experience but that doesn't change how the faction is overall right now. For the most part Bonesplitterz doesn't compete. People can have success via a kunnin rukk but I think it's a boring way to play.
  19. No problem. I have 3000 points of this army and I am stuck waiting on the updated battletome.
  20. Bonesplitterz are not viable for competitive play right now. It's due to having an outdated battletome (2016). You will not beat someone playing a tier one faction. Those factions have better rules and Bonesplitterz are stuck re-rolling 1's. I have 3k worth of Bonesplitterz and I am stuck waiting on an updated battletome to be competitive against those factions. I still love the armies aesthetic which is why I bought them but they are not in a good place right now.
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