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Everything posted by Liquidsteel

  1. The White Dwarf preview for May has Undead vs Lumineth battle report on the front page. I half expect this to be changed to Soulblight vs Lumineth upon release, they just don't want to confirm anything yet.
  2. Hopefully it's Mortals on the charge, as impact hits.
  3. Yeah its a shame. I feel it was an oversight in the DoK rule and they were presented with an opportunity to curb the power of Hagg Narr slightly and took it. Or it could be a conscious design decision and we'll see similar things come out of future releases also. On a positive note I'm expecting a full new book for Nighthaunt by the end of the year, which should hopefully build on some of the positives coming out of BR Belakor. If the rumours for AoS 3.0 dropping this year are also true, it could mean a good shake up and power boost for Nighthaunt overall.
  4. Devoted Disciple doesn't replace Fanatical Faith, it upgrades it. Just like Empowering Excruciation upgrades Deathless Spirits. All of us here want it to work the way you say, but based on the DoK FAQ I don't think the argument holds up.
  5. I can't remember the names, but the DoK 6+ FNP that goes to a 5+ from Hagg Narr only works on regular wounds. Mortals only get the 6+ And I believe it was addressed in the FAQ to confirm that. Edit - yep it's Devoted Disciples and Fanatical Faith. Improves the 6+ FNP to a 5+ but only for regular wounds and FAQd to confirm.
  6. I believe they were always Battleline for the Soulblight allegiance, so nothing has changed?
  7. I voted yes, and share the same sentiment as many others. Mortal Wounds should be saved for things like Spells, Magic Weapons and/or niche abilities like an elite unit or monsters. The problem has arisen that with Mortal Wounds literally being a dime a dozen for some armies, the response has been to throw DPR/After Saves on to everything. I would love to see the interaction change to better armour saves and more rend, you can go up to rend -5 or so. The flip side here is that the power creep then reflects what's occurring in 40k, with invulns. I appreciate it's tricky to balance and I'm far too underqualified to fix it, but something has to be done. The absolute worst offenders in all of this, are ranged Mortal Wounds from Shooting, looking at you Lumineth Sentinels. Ignoring the key mechanic of look out sir from 3/4's of the board away is a terrible design.
  8. @LordRhulak I feel like the skin could use a light dry brush to pick out the folds of the skin etc. Same with the base.
  9. Warscroll builder lists extra CP from battalions by the way, so if you buy a CP and take a battalion it will say you have 2 extra CP. It doesn't mean they were purchased.
  10. Bats could have the Deepkin Forgotten Nightmares trait or something similar. Must be targetted if the closest unit, or perhaps heroes cannot be targetted if within x" of a bat swarm. Effectively a ranged body guard rule.
  11. I've played vs KO and Tz (Eternal Conflagration) using Blisterskin Royal Mordants list with 1 Mounted Terrorgheist and a 9 blob of Flayers. The "best" KO list is higher drops than you so you decide turn order, whilst Tzeentch will be lower drops so they decide. In both instances, you can be relatively safe turn 1 as you can hide your heroes and big hammer unit around your Eye of Hysh wearer, putting them at -2 and -1 to hit vs ranged attacks respectively. I have seen my Archregent tank 6 flamers and then heal up to full. If they go for your turn one you can more than likely survive, then push out. Against Hosts Duplicitous, you can use the Blisterskin Command Ablity "Lords of the Burning Skies" to just fly away from their no retreat Horror blobs. If you are to go first, Royal Mordants gives you the alpha opportunity if needed.
  12. You can swap them out for Heroes in AoS if the base size matches.
  13. They said on preview that the book and release isn't far behind cursed city. I reckon cursed city out end of April and gravelords mid May.
  14. Thanks @EnixLHQ, some food for thought. Indeed the KoSoES would be leading the Shroudguard. To be honest I'm not massively sold on the Dreadblade Harrow, I just stuck him in there as a remnant from my LoG list and the potential for teleporting himself for spectral summons. Cloaked in Shadows does seem like the better option.
  15. So I got in to AoS at the start of last year, just after New Year. Starting playing Legion of Grief and never really tried out Nighthaunt or bought the tome. Ended up switching to FEC after painting them up during the first lockdown. I fancy giving Nighthaunt a run out at some point just to see what they're like, and based on the models I own, I have come up with the below list. Have I missed anything or made any wrong moves with this? The plan is to have Reikenor cast cogs at +3 from the back of the board, whilst using the shroudguard battalion, banshees and spirit torment pop out at 9", giving a fairly reliable turn 1 threat regardless of whether you go first or second. Remaining units can move up to the mid board. I do have Olynder and could proxy an Archregent for a winged vampire lord if needs be, but this list seems to be okay. Olynder would replace Guardian of Souls + 10 rasps, for example.
  16. Don't forget Lambent Light for reroll hits and Spellportal to extend the range. It's just awful.
  17. It's interesting and from what I can see, the wording and interpretation is ambiguous and you can twist it either way. The High Warden's ability does indeed allow his unit to treat a target as being visible, however by doing so this ability is allowing them to target a unit that is not, in fact, visible. In other words, without the ability, is the target visible? The answer is no... One for the TO to rule on for sure.
  18. Deepkin (eels) have always been strong. Morathi changes and rise of shooting meta have made them more popular. The analysis of those stats should be discarded as it is poorly interpreted, however.
  19. Yeah thanks someone else posted in the other thread and cleared it up, thanks.
  20. Hmm yeah I can see the resemblance, I had assumed he was different as the sword seems longer and he's fully armour. But the pictures are them before their undeath aren't they... so yeah he's just one of them. Shame.
  21. Isn't that sword from this guy, part of the cursed city images but missing from the box preview? Could he be the missing 9th hero from the novel?
  22. So what happened to this guy? He's also in a rumour engine. The preview mentioned a 9th hero character that would be included in the book, but this guy is clearly a vampire and under the bad guys page?
  23. I haven't played it myself, however theres a mixed Akhelian/Reavers list that can be ran in Fuethan that apparently has some legs: Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin - Enclave: Fuethan Isharann Tidecaster (100) - General - Command Trait: Born From Agony - Lore of the Deeps: Pressure of the Deep Isharann Soulscryer (130) Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Storm (330) - Artefact: Cloud of Midnight 10 x Namarti Reavers (120) 10 x Namarti Reavers (120) 10 x Namarti Reavers (120) 6 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (340) 3 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (170) 3 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (170) 3 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (170) 3 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (170) Extra Command Point (50) Total: 1990 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 124
  24. Sorry I already have it since Tuesday and it's just a bit of lore and some custom Anvil of Apotheosis, though this was already clear from the preview GW did. Battalion(s) will be in BR:Teclis.
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