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Joseph Mackay

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Everything posted by Joseph Mackay

  1. If that was the intention, that article 100% did not say that at all. Literally all it said was they were moving things around due to shipping issues
  2. Yes as you don’t benefit from cover if you charge
  3. To those wondering, it appears we’re NOT going back to weekly releases as they didn’t announce any preorders for this weekend but have said Dark Eldar are on the 20th
  4. I think it’s a combination of Lumineth are considered ‘too strong’ and due to an assumption of favouritism from gw that they’ll only get stronger, whereas Slaanesh were too strong and the new book seems to have toned them down. also the hatred/rivalry between Duardin and Aelves 😛
  5. Controversial opinion: until Eels + Volturnos are nerfed, you don’t deserve new models as no one will take them anyway Eels are too cheap. They have too many wounds, do too much damage, and the defensive eels aren’t paying the same premium for Ethereal that Nighthaunt have to pay. Volturnos command ability, I don’t care that it’s only usable during High Tide, the fact is it adds +3 attacks to EACH weapon per command point he spends. 99% of +1 attack command abilities aren’t allowed to stack, but you all get a free pass for some reason. Deepkin have the worst balance in the game. The internal balance is atrocious. Namarti units aren’t bad if you compare them to the other aelves (except Lumineth), the only real negative vs the others is 32mm base and 1” range. The Eels are just so good and undercosted that there’s no reason to take anything else. External balance, the Eels are undercosted and are playing a completely different game to other 60mm based Calvary. The 4 wounds is my biggest concern in regards to their points cost. sadly, Deepkin were an army that all the waac players rushed out and bought straight away, so gw were too scared of the backlash to properly correct the points in the GHB and haven’t really touched them since. Going from 140pts to 160pts was a sick joke
  6. For the most part, I don’t think the hate is directly aimed at you or the Aelf players, but there are over 20 armies in this game and almost every single one of them needed new rules/models before the likes of Lumineth did. The hate is directed at gw. in saying that, aelves have a reputation in the lore (or they did in fantasy) as being very smug, arrogant, up-them-selves and believing they’re the most important beings in existence. Sadly some aelf players have those personality traits too and give everyone else a bad name
  7. Games Workshop didn’t toss you aside, Teclis did 😛
  8. This, 100% this. Gw want Cities to be a mixed faction of Duardin, Humans and Aelves, but the rules don’t allow such an army to function because all abilities (or most at least) are tied to the individual sub factions that make up the Cities Of Sigmar (like Dispossessed, Order Serpentis etc). in a game that seems to be all about buffing and auras, mixed race Cities just doesn’t work
  9. Previously no one took the turtle because everyone said it was bad and overcosted (yet here I was, the madman trying to run 4 of them 😂) the biggest complaint I saw was the Void Drum, as it’s original rule meant units nearby counted as being in cover. Because the turtle is a monster, it didn’t benefit from its own rule Deepkin are probably the worst balanced army in the game. Internal balance between their own warscrolls is bad. Personally, comparing the Namarti units to other aelves, I actually think they’re fine (they’re disadvantaged by 32mm bases instead of 25mm the other aelves have so they get less attacks). The problem is that Eels are just so much better that there’s really no reason to take Namarti units. As for external balance, the Eels do way too much damage and have too many wounds for their points. The defensive eels also aren’t paying the same premium that Nighthaunt are for Ethereal. The problem with Eels is made so much worse by Volturnos who can stack his command ability to give each eel +3 attacks to each weapon per command point he spends. Every similar command ability can’t be stacked, I don’t care that he can only use his during High Tide, being able to stack it is way too strong. If that ability only applied to a single weapon and couldn’t be stacked then it’d be fine. But Eels are undercosted and they always have been, gw were too scared of the backlash from waac players to put the points up properly the first time and haven’t addressed them since. Going from 140pts to 160pts was a sick joke
  10. One thing I think is missing from the chariot is the Lances Charge ability from the Drakespawn Knights (rend -2 damage 2 when the unit makes a charge). They have the exact same weapon so why doesn’t the chariot get it?
  11. Most competitive players opinions summed up nicely 😂
  12. I think Fyreslayers are in a situation of a self-fulfilling prophecy sadly. Army isn’t popular, army doesn’t sell, army doesn’t sell because it’s too small and no verity. Because army doesn’t sell gw don’t release more (even though that’s what would increase sales). my strong opinion is this: if gw don’t want to release new fyreslayers then combine them with Dispossessed and Kharadron in a mixed Duardin book (like Orruk Warclans) so they at least have more options. Keep the separate allegiance abilities for each while adding a 4th combined faction allegiance too (like how Orruk Warclans still has Bonesplittas and Ironjawz separate with a 3rd combined allegiance). To the people complaining about Kharadron should remain its own book, you guys don’t have a lot of units to choose from either. The combined book wouldn’t take anything away from you and doesn’t prevent you getting new stuff later on either, it would simply provide all 3 Duardin factions with more choices. in regards to the fact we haven’t received a Battleforce box, I’m disappointed about that too but realistically what can they put in it? In nz they’re about $330ish, the start collecting is $195, Hearthguard are $85 and heroes are $60 (Vulkites are $115 but I can almost guarantee that if Vulkites are in the battleforce it’s because they’ve included a start collecting box anyway). So the question is what really can they do? They aren’t going to load the box with Hearthguard and a hero, so I reckon we’d be looking at a Start Collecting box, 2 boxes of Hearthguard (maybe, I think 1 is more likely) and a hero (Battlesmith or Auric Runemaster)
  13. So what are people’s thoughts on The Light Of Eltharian and Teclis these days? How exactly does the weird Battleline requirements work? If I make Stoneguard Battleline, would a unit of Wardens still allow me to take a unit of Dawnriders as Battleline as well?
  14. Damage isn’t the only factor in this equation, damage isn’t the only reason you take a monster (I wish it was though)
  15. Yeah sorry, what I meant was most had gone before they announced the list
  16. This is what I like about Ogors (Gutbusters anyway), they’re mostly independent of each other and don’t have things like ‘+1 to hit near this hero’ etc
  17. Part of that was gw said they’d announce any discontinued models before they’re discontinued so you’d still have a chance to pick them up. When gw announced the list, 90% were already ‘out of stock’
  18. I never bought the model because I hate metal and resin, but I’ll miss Vlad
  19. And covid had been going on in China (where the books, spells and cards are printed) since at least November
  20. Gonna get a lot of hate for this, but I think a lot of the lotr designs make similar Warhammer models look really bad 😂 pre Cities Of Sigmar, I’d take any of the lotr dwarfs over the Warhammer Warriors, Rangers etc. the High Elves/Galadrian are much better looking and Mirkwood puts Wood Elves/Wanderers to shame
  21. Yeah this. I doubt they intended to do 2 battletomes, but something went wrong and the first release ended up smaller than it should have been. They couldn’t hold Lumineth back any further due to how much they’d been hyping their release all year. They backed themselves into a corner due to their own hype, but also covid
  22. The other reason for lotr being smaller was a contractual obligation to make the models incompatible with Warhammer
  23. Well, in my mind, no, restricting Battleline If to a certain Lodge would just change the Lodge people use. Hearthguard were still spammed in the old rules too, but The 3x30 Vulkite list was also quite common then. The other issue is still the lore side, the rules currently allow you to take more than the lore would suggest you should, and that rubs me the wrong way because people aren’t spamming Hearthguard because they look cool, it’s because they’ve found some strong power combo. but yes that’s true, 2000pts isn’t the full battle but rather a small section of the battlefield. However, the problem I see with trying to use that to justify things like spamming Hearthguard is why do we even need Battleline at all? In this particular area of the battlefield maybe the Battleline have all died or moved to help out in a different area ultimately we need more units to choose from. Lack of options is probably the only reason gw allow Hearthguard spam and multiple Runefathers, the army is too small to restrict choices
  24. According to the Fyreslayers lore, like traditional dwarfs, females are very rare and as such are kept away from the battlefield to protect the reproductive capabilities of the Fyreslayers so they don’t all die out
  25. I understand your concern about Vulkites being the only Battleline, but sadly I believe Hearthguard need to lose Battleline If status to discourage people from spamming them, they aren’t supposed to be the core of your army
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