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Posts posted by Drakilian

  1. Its not really big conversions yet. I tend to stay away from green stuff if I can and find ways to make parts fit. Trting to use 1 knight kit to cover a wide range.

    So far we have Mallobaude, as a Vampire Lord. Currently working on his Vengorian Lord form.

    Then the test model of the unit leader for the grave guard.

    Pay no heed to the Bretonnian lord in the back. He isnt keeping a eye on the bretrayer.




    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Lightbox said:

    Tbh if the rumoured everyone's points generally increasing is true then it might put Bretonnia with the current points in a better position? 

    Depends. If Bretonnia gets removed from the list of models again our points most likely wont be touched. It also depends how big the increase is. 1-5pts here and therw wont do mich to help. But if its like an average of 10pts change for most factions and bret remains where it is. Heck yes it will help.

    What would help more is if we got the City of Sigmar keyword. Holy cow (excuse my language TGA, I am a sailor 😧 ) the difference it makes, even just using nothing but bret models. Having access to some more benefits actually helps.

    • Like 1
  3. As blasphemous as it sounds I have began a project.... a very dark project. With the introduction of the Soulblight Gravelords...

    I am slowly creating an army with the most hated enemy of Bretonnia.

    The B***** Duke, the Black Knight, the Serpent....

    The Duke of Mousillon, Mallobaude.

    Who made a deal with Arkhan the Black in the end times and received the Blood Kiss. I am sure he would be made to "live," again to of course make good on his deal.

    Currently converting extra knights of the realm into black knights, men-at-arms into skeletons, evil damsels into necromancers, some of my old bretonnian lords on foot from even older editions into wight kings, and kitbashing left over grail knights with blood knights to make the dreaded "Knights of the Black Grail." Already turned the new vampire lord model (on foot) into Mallobaude.

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  4. You do remember there was a time and place you couldn't even buy slaanesh models from the online store for a good year? The only character they had was Masque for awhile there. I miss you snake riding chaos lord! The same happened to the beasts of chaos. In fact I do believe their models where removed from the store for the longest of time.

    Also the main reason both Tomb Kings and Bretonnia kicked the bucket was during that time period Game's Workshop's.... faulty leadership.... was in a Copyright everything... phase. That's when the space marines became... Adeptus Astartes.... Astro Militarium... Ect.

    Guess what you can't copy right? Arthurian legend and French 100 year war era knights. Spooky mummy/skeleton Egyptians.  Hense why the faction and models disappeared.

    I will give you one thing though, you can't even use the Legends heroes with your bretonnians... their keywords still don't match. (But who would anyway, in all regard the normal King is better then Louen.... for shame.) The only legend worth nabbing is of course the Green Knight.



    • Sad 1
  5. On 1/2/2021 at 3:32 PM, Mwatts25 said:

    By posting all that info on bretonnia for tow, even if im wrong, its still an announcement of a return of Bretonnian minis. So if im wrong its still 10 steps forward and one step back. I just hope there are new hippogryph sculpts, you have no idea how aggravating it is to convert a gryphon to a hippogryph

    @Mwatts25  I made a kit bash of a Demigryph and Pegasus to make a sort of Hippogryph but I feel you... need a new sculp for sure... OR you can go for the old faithful!

    Bretonnian Knight, Lord on Hippogryph

    • LOVE IT! 1
  6. @Grdaat Everyone once said they will never bring back Slaanesh. The original rule books for AoS 1.0 and 2.0 did not have slaanesh's symbol. Their models where slowly being removed from the store and rules put into legends. Lore said Slaanesh was missing. Everyone consider Slaanesh to being removed to make the game more family friendly. Where is that now? Slaanesh now has two battletombs, and has an old world hero brought back from the dead and legends including the ancient mystical Slaangors... they even updated age old keeper and fiend models, and gave the masque an clean up.

    People said the old world was dead, it would never come back, we will have to live with AoS for ever or go to Avatars of War or Third Age.... and oh my gosh... look at that... Total War:  Warhammer 2, heavily supported. Old world announced coming. Two factions pronounced dead given life again... Kislav and Bretonnia.

    You can continue to nay say my good sir, that is your right. But at this rate... anything is possible, and I hope we get to say "We told you so," later. Me and my massive bretonnian collection will wait eagerly. I am even cleaning up my Repanse (even though she more than likely not come back, she will be ready to quest).

    • Like 2
  7. @oscisi Oh I plan to. Adepticon? Eh probably not. With the loss of the Sword of Judgement. With the introduction of Bonereapers and Telcis as well as so many more anti spellcaster stuff.

    My bretonnians are hard pressed to hold out two turns. And woe be me if my opponent has the double.

    The only armies I can really have a fun boute with nowadays are the stormcast, skaven, and beastmen. Everything else can literally eat the army alive.

    Sword of Judgement on a suicide bretonnian lord on Pegasus was my only trumph card for awhile (I will miss you getting d6 mortal wounds on 3+'s).

    I may still do it for the fun of it. Maybe do it in costume.

    Somethings I plan to do is proxy my boys as Bonereapers. As other then the fact their undead (blaspheme), they are relatively the same base size wize and martial prowess. The trebuchet actually fits nicely on the bone catapult base. (Gotta put my king on a slightly bigger base as the legio is 80mm and the king is 60mm).

    I plan to go to MWG when ever they allow visitors. See if the gang will let me add the "Cities of Sigmar" keyword to my boys for a game or two. Or use that community made battletome. From my month of visiting them, Matt is generally up to custom rules. Luka would so be down for it (I am betting).


    But I have fallen in love with my 10 Steam Tank army.... as well as  my "vampire coast" cities of sigmar freeguild army.

  8. On 10/2/2020 at 5:28 AM, Greybeard86 said:

    Oh dear! Quick question: do people actually bring Bretonnia to tournies?

    To answer your question. Yes. I did. To that last Adepticon before covid hit. Placed 83 out of 185. Won 2 out of my 4 matches.

    I lost to Nagash (because my grail knights didnt want to make a 3 inch charge... twice and left the king alone).


    And I lost to ironjaws.... with two wyverns, and pig riders. I was basically dead in a single turn. I am so glad that battallion is gone.


    I also took my brets to MWG. One won 1 out of my 6 matches. Against Steve's beastmen. But most of the time I didnt do competative choices in those matches (like the king challanging a ogre riding a giant mammoth with ****** armor to a 1vs1 honor duel).


    Recently however I have been hard pressed to play games or keep up with this community or even... make good of my promise of posting adepticon pictures. Even before covid... my job took me away from things for a long time.


    I still bring them to local tournies. Especially tournies where I know new players are playing. Cause truth be told. I ant going to win with them. But their gorgeous (to me) models and their a lot of fun. And a lot of prime players get caught off guard as its nothing they know.

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  9. On 1/9/2020 at 9:03 AM, Evangelist of Cinders said:

    ..... i still need to figure out the best way to base models to move between square and round bases, magnets havent been going well

    May I suggest 3d printing?

    I use the table war trays as well for formationa for fantasy.

  10. Really I won't mind a spiritual successor personally. Maybe with the recently announced pointy hysh elves? Explains the elven looking sword. The Lady of the Lake did sacrifice herself and gave her power to Teclis in the end times... Who knows? 

    Either way two-three years from now if they do release the fantasy game, they will have to give us Bretonnia sooner or later at least for that.

    @Evangelist of Cinders Yes I do know that the grail is used all over 40k. But it is rarely used anywhere else in Fantasy. That sword looked Elven, and I know the Eldar don't use grails. But who knows!

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  11. Could someone please put some sense into me before my own mind decides to raise my hopes so high, so that when they are dashed against more rocks I do not get devastated?

    Why? Because, I feel I am reading these signs to deeply:

    1.  November 15th 2019:  Games Workshop announces the Old World is in the works. A Horus Heresy for Age of Sigmar. Not only did they do this, but they showed a map with Bretonnia smack in the bloody center. While it is a many years away, it means they will have to re-cast or make new models for Bretonnia.
    2. December 12th 2019:  Games Workshop releases the updated FAQs, Base sizes, and more. What is significant about this? Well, I decided to see if any changes happened to the Bretonnia compendium. But what is this? The Bretonnian compendium, the PDF, is no longer searchable on their main site and can no longer be located with the other Compendiums (Oddly so is Tomb Kings).
    3. December 20th 2019:  An friend of mine, old friend from years past, that was also a avid Bretonnian fan has told me that some recent update to Bretonnia lore was hinted at in a recent release of some sorts. This one I put more as a rumor, as he has been unable to get me the proof of it yet. But it used to be that Grail Knights, Damsels, Giles, Leon, and a portion of Bretonnia was put in a realm called Haven. However Bel'lakor learned of its existence via Manfred spilling his guts in order not to be killed by Bel'lakor. It is left with the vague hinted idea that chaos then possibly eats Haven, but never truly stated. However, this new recent release states that the realm Haven actually was instead unable to be contacted anymore, having been lost in the massive saturation of Chaos.
    4. December 31st 2019:  Games Workshop does this:  https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/12/31/the-rumour-engine-december-31st-2019/  Not only is this weapon Elven looking (as we all know, the Lady of the Lake was Lileath. Or other wise known as the Elven Godess of Prophecy who foretold of the end times). But that damned Grail trinket hanging of it!

    I know I might be reading to far into this, and spreading damnable rumors, only to raise peoples hopes and ruin them when nothing happens. But please someone tell me something to make me stop.

    • Thanks 1
  12. On 8/10/2019 at 9:38 AM, Grailstorm said:

    While this is true against a lot of armies, in the current meta that is filling up with monsters that can always strike first, or make you always strike last, and pile in and attack 2x, the Judgement King gets no chance to fight against these targets. They just melt him before he swings. 

    Of course it stands to reason that all of the Malign Sorcery items that kick in with cool effects on 6s to hit are good with him. He’s fantastic with Blade of Carving (auto wound on 6s) and Blade of Endings (+2 damage on 6s) as well, as these activate against all enemies and not just heroes and monsters, like the Sword of Judgement does.

    But at 400 points, we do tend to rely on him to be our monster hunter, and there are now monsters running around that he can’t hunt with any of the above setups.

    An alternative is the Quicksilver Potion. As it stands, the “fights immediately” wording nullifies always strike first on your own turn, and always nullifies always strikes last, even on their go. So this allows you to fight before a Keeper of Secrets or a Ghoul King on Terrorgheist, or an ASF Bloodthirster. And because it’s before you pick any unit, if it’s your turn you can then choose a second unit to fight with immediately after the King, before the enemy hits at all.

    @Grailstorm With the introduction of Slaanesh and some other tricks I have basically tossed out the useless Archmage I used to run in my list and have given myself a Bretonnian Lord... he is called my Suicide Lord. He takes the Sword of Judgement, for on the charge... he gets the mortal wounds on a 3+ on monsters, 4+ if its just a hero (this is combined with the Enchantress +1 spell, and the Kings +1 on charges command trait).

    And on Keepers or Similar ******, I tend to do what I call a "Pick your f***ing poison you degenerate inbreed daemon" if I charge in my block of Knights of the Realm with all the defensive buffs . I do this for them to hold the line for as long as they can... If its one thing a block of 16 Knights of the Realm are good for... its holding a line. While I charge the Suicide Lord into the keeper and I charge  the 10 man squad Grail Knights, I have dubbed "Grail Team Six" and give him the choice.... either he dies from my Grail Knights, or he Dies from my Suicide Lord.... but his keeper isn't going to be there after this.

    The King Normally stays out of the fight if its a competitive game, friendly game... he attacks as he pleases with no care. For no Bretonnian ever stands behind his men. He accepts ANY CHALLENGE. In competitive mode he mostly deals with people "deepstrikeing" or reinforcing my flanks as need be. That immunity to battleshock is so d*** crucial, I don't like putting him into the fight unless needed.

    Remember a Slaanesh hero can only select one unit and make it fight last on a 4+ (2+ if its a Keeper), and if they fail that roll that unit cannot be picked again by ANY other Slaanesh hero.

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  13. @oscisi Hey I've been busy for some time now, just a reminder I have not forgotten. Just hard to get to my camera that is in my apartment... when I am out in the middle of a big blue lake.... something about the Pacific Lake being really big. No ladies though, I haven't quested enough yet it seems.

    Also I would be willing to take those Bretonnians from you and give them a home with mine, if you are okay with me repainting them to better match my armor. However, it states you are not willing to ship to America sadly so I cannot attempt to buy them 😧


    Also, @zilberfrid @Turin Turambar and @Verengard to help with the discussion on armor. If we look at the old fantasy setting the best way to look at it is fantasy and mordheim had a basic view on armor:

    Light - Leather/Studded Leather/Scale and the sorts.

    Heavy - Anything to do with metal, I.E full plate, breastplate, bretonnian chain.

    So from Mordheim (as I used to play with my brets):

    • Light Armor gives you a base 6+ save.
    • Heavy Armor gives you a base 5+ save.
    • Shields gave you +1 to your save.  (I.E, now 5+ or 4+)
    • Swords gave you parry (When someone rolls to hit you, you roll a d6, if its higher than the highest hit roll of the opponent, the attack fails. Parry couldn't work against things with STR x2 your T).
    • Being on a mount gave you +1 to your save. (I.E. now 4+ for light, 3+ for heavy)
    • If your mount had barding, you get +1 to your save, however you lost movement speed. (I.E. now 3+ for light, 2+ for heavy)

    However Morheim's rend rules where different. Your rend was based on the strength of your attack (model's strength + weapons strength), where 4 strength gave you -1 rend. All humans start at str 3 and a sword doesn't add strength.

    So my Questing Knight, who lead my Knight Errant and a few ment-at-arms. Would usually have this load out:
      - Heavy Armor
      - Shield
      - Sword (only for if it was still alive after the charge)
      - Steed
      - Barding
      - Lance (only for the charge) 

    While he did cost half my warband he ran around with a 2+ save. 


    Even in 8th edition it was the same for armor:
    Heavy Armor is a 5+ Save.
    Shield adds +1 to the save (4+)
    Being on a mount adds +1 to the save (3+)
    Barding on the mount adds +1 to the save (2+)

    All Bretonnian Knights started with this equipment in 8th edition:
      - Hand Weapon, Lance, Heavy Armor, and Shield
      - Barded Bretonnian Warhorse

    Meaning the entire army mostly had 2+ saves. But again rend was very different in fantasy.

  14. News update. I have safely made it to my new home. Still in the process of settling in. But after months of waiting that Adepticon report will come... as soon as I find the box my camera was put in.....



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  15. 8 hours ago, Pellynor said:

    After a few quick read throughs of the General's Handbook 2019 and there might be some goodies that we can use to our advantage.

    For example, @Drakilianyou mentioned how cool it was that Abhorash and Gilles fought side-by-side during the end times? We can recreate that with that new  Order of the Blood-drenched Rose (Grail Knights AND Blood Knights!? MUAH HAHAHAHA!) which aside from just beyond cool, does make for a hard hitting unit we can now use.

    I'm not as taken with the new command traits (re-roll's one for melee, shooting, saves) as most of our units already have access to it in one form or another.  That being said, I don't think they should be dismissed either as a King or Sacred Protector with re-roll 1's  combined with the King's ability to add 1 on the charge is going to insure they hit hard all the time (heck even the Hypogriff is going  to become reliable!).  If you're willing to fork our for the forbidden power terrain piece as well, then command points should be in decent supply to make these combos work (provided the dice favour you even some of the time).

    What are your thoughts?

    Mercenaries are Narrative play only I believe. Or I may have read wrong. It has been proven many a times I have read wrong.

  16. On 6/24/2019 at 1:55 AM, ilaxu 'Minute' said:

    So I've been thinking about how I want to theme my army visually recently and that's inspired me to go and have a read over the lore behind Bretonnia a bit. And after looking through, honestly I still have to say I'm heavily drawn towards Mousillon. 

    But what I wanted to ask is what do others find most interesting about Fair Bretonnia? What parts of the lore appeal to you most, be they concepts, characters or events.

    My favorite part of the lore comes in two folds.

    The Lady of the Lake is actually the elven godess of prophecy. She saw the end of the old world. She knew she needed an army to face it. But she the elves would never become or would be able to hold a code that would allow them to be the bulwark against the terror.

    So she set motion a plan to create a kingdom of knights built around a code of honor so that she could basically have the Questing to have men prove their valor and become her Grail Knights her army to stop the end times.


    Which leads into my most favorite bit of lore. Grail Knights, the space marines of fantasy. Able to wrestle orcs, bullgors, and dragoths in meleely. Able to combat the most fearsom of Daemons and succeed.

    They drank from the grail, litterally the divine blood of a god and became what Sigmar thinks his f***ing Stormcast are without all the personality issues. Demi-gods of war and justice.

    They can live for hundreds of years, take blows no nornal human can take, and inhumanly athletic and enduring.

    They literally bleed HOLY LIGHT.

    Shove that up your arses Stormcast.


    Oh Quick Edit:

    When one of they first Vampires ever made, the Knight Abhorash, the legendary Leader of the Blood Dragons and once the body guard of Nafereta in the gar ancient days of Lahmia. Until her untimely turn to necromancy and her playing on his loyalty to corrupt him into a Vampire.

    Bends a knee to Gilles in the end times and declares he had never met a more honorable man and swears fealty to him.

    Both he and Gilles fight side by side against the unending hordes until the end of the end times. Both legendary knights of honor and justice. But one of Holy Light and one of Bloody Undeath. Allies and comrades.

    Talk about nerdin out.


    "Gilles le Breton would lead Bretonnia's defence during the End Times, with he and the Lady of the Lake appointing Louen Leoncouer as his champion. Gilles fought alongside the legendary Abhorash, for even he bent knee to the uniter of Bretonnia. In the closing days of the Old World, Bretonnia still stood while the Empire was destroyed. Gilles the Uniter and Abhorash the Vampire fought alongside each other, armies of the living and dead made a last stand in Bretonnia as the world finally ended. It was implied that Gilles would ascend to godhood alongside Louen Leoncoeur, part of the Lady's plan to save humanity."

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  17. So news. Just finally got into my new town, I will be apartment hunting and alll that jazz. But I am thinking next weekend I should be able to drop my full Adepticon report and reply to all these wonderful new people!

    In other news, the local area here does seasonal path to glory leagues. The guy in charge is making me a Bretonnian chart. Any ideas for me to send his way?

    Also, the Hedonites of Slaanesh vrs Bretonnian video is up on MWG. Where Vito is heavily conflicted with who he wanted to win.

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  18. 13 hours ago, ilaxu 'Minute' said:

    @Fullbret Just realised that I misunderstood the notation you had used. That's a unit of 16 Knights of the Realm and 10 Grail Knights right?

    If that's the case then I'm inclined to say it looks like a decent army list all up. If you can add the Hammerhal origin to it then do so as it adds +1 Bravery to everything which is a huge bonus. That aside, my only real suggestion is prioritise getting the Chronomatic Cogs out early game to help with speed/casting as needs be. And remember that the Lord on pegasus is a monster hunter, not a hero killer. Against enemy heroes he will have a hard time. 

    You cannot Hammerfall Bretonnian models.

    They lost the Free People keyword back in July 2018 making them unable to use any of the firestorm stuff anymore. 😧 OOOPS

    I went and looked at it again, I coreect myself. You can hammerfall. I just remember looking at Anvilgard with sad puppy eyes.

  19. @Dragon10 Looks good! I tried to stay pure bretonnian but its pretty good list! Do tell how it goes.

    @oscisi Endless spells are grand, but with how many other wizards. I have met I dont trust endless spells in a army that needs the synergy. Especially with the rumours that is going up 20 or 30 points. The archmage is the only thing I would be willing to part with in my list.

    I am actually trying to find something that can let me re-roll wounds.

    @ilaxu 'Minute' oh I am flatered! The list I use in miniwargaming is the list I took to adepticon (however I had legendary fighter vice strategic genius). Its been the best list I have managed to date.

    I went 3-2 with it in adepticon,


    1st loss was because grail knights rolled triple 1s for a 3" charge.... twice. They really thought the King could take Nagash alone.


    2nd was welll the ironjawz turn 1 charged my man at arms, rebounded into my knights and killed half my knights turn 1....

  20. And another game of Bretonnia showed up on MWG.

    I faced our age old enemy of Beastmen!

    And come out with me sending them home!


    Also... I wore the chainmail for the entire battrep. So be prepared for jingling.

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  21. So far to give a basic gist of the games I have played so far in the past 4 days with MWG. I will only tell you about the Bretonnian ones. While Imperial Knights are space Bretonnians, I feel that is meant for a different forum. 😁


    The list I use in all my battle reports is the same as my adepticon list with me changing my command trait:


    King on Hippogryph (400pts) -  General, Sword of Judgement, and Strategic Genius

    Enchantress (160pts)

    Damsel (100pts) - On a Pegasus

    Archmage (100pts) - On a Horse

    Battlemage (120pts) - Amber


    Man-at-arms x16 (120pts) - Full command

    Knight Errants x8 (200pts) - Full command

    Knights of the Realm x16 (440pts) - Full command


    Grail Knights x10 (360pts) - Full command


    Game 1 - vrs Matt. He had a combination of Spider Clan and Trogs. I did what I could. He got first turn and bogged down my KotR with spiders with a damn good run and charge. Luckily he didnt get his spell off to make the poison deadilier. I used the man at arms to make sure he couldnt put a big spider in my backlines. Or use hand of gork to teleport behind me. In the end though due to me giving him first turn and me being unable to get a double turn. Matt won by objective by turn 4. I could of possibly tabled him but not likely.


    Game 2 - vrs Matt and a full Trog army. Here I used my man-at-arms tactic which I will describe later. It worked for me. However... Matt got the double turn Turn 2... I tried to recover by sending the King into his backlines. I felt the king (all buffed up) could survive not going first in combat. So I did my Grail knights first so they could kill some trogs to lessen the blow on them. The swamp trogs then proceeded to spike dice on my king. And I decided to roll poorly. With the kings death I conceded as Battleshock, Pinned away from objectives, and no longer having the kings fighting strength meant I was going to lose.


    Game 3 - vrs Steve and his beast of chaos. I got 1st turn again... huzzah... however I employed my man at arms tactic again. This time it worked in my favor. Though he did fail 3, 5" charges. My counter charges pushed through. By the end of turn 3, my KotR was in his backline, killed his sacrificial goats and goat leader. He did move in his goat lord to fight my king, and because the spawn had earlier did 1 damage. The goat lord felled the king. However with his moral victory, Steve conceeded as it was 3 bulls, 1 goat lord, 1 very wounded big bull against a nearly full fighting strength bretonnia force at the end of turn 3.


    Game 4 - vrs Vito and his Hedonites of Slaanesh. He gave me first turn. I mossied forward just out of charge range and with my MaA tactic. He moved barely forward to try and goad me in.... but he moved to far forward and did not get the double turn. So he was just withing charging distance. I managed to get everyone but the king into the fight. Almost all his heros dissapear in the bretonnian charge. As he fails to get his Locus of Diversons off on the Grail Knights.... so his kos dissapeared before the horses could attack. All in all I lost 3 horses. He lost 12 daemonettes, 1 kos, infernal inrapturess, and the contorted epitome. We went abother round of fighting. Man At Arms died to the second KoS. And... and... Vito got a double turn. With his path cleared my king got charged by the other KoS... and her got into my backline. With the kings death... battleshock... I was left with 1 grail knight... a damsel... a enchantress and a battlemage. So I sadily conceded.


    I will let you know how I do next week.


    I sorta forgot to mention when I first posted this my man-at-arms strategy. If you are forced into 1st turn. If you put the MaA in front of your line of horses during deployment. First turn run whem (who cares if they don't get a +1 to saves... their chaff anyway). You may have to command point it, but you want them to do 5 or 6. They get +1 to running because of the horn, so generally I get an 11-12 inch run up with them. Spread them out as far as you can, 1" coherency to the maximum.

    Then you move up the horses behind them, however... Make sure everyone is a little bit more then 6" behind the front of the Man-at-Arm bases.

    Why? Because in the fight phase everyone elegiable to fight are those who have enemies with in 3" or have completed a charge. So if the enemy charges mutliple things into the man-at-arms. They can kill them with one squad, then pile in 3" with the other charging squads.

    If your horses are slightly more then 6" behind that man-at-arms line, then they cannot possibly pile in and engage your horses. (Pile in 3" and have a 3" bubble of engaging...)

    Now this tactic is adjusted if your enemy has other ways of increasing their pile-in distance.

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  22. So I have been spending the past week at Miniwargaming. Got in so far... oh... 4 games with Bretonnia. Got another week running.

    Bretonnia got a single win this. I have only lost due to double turns thus far.

    When the battlereports come out I will let you know. In three of my reports you will see a very important tactic I use with my 16 man at arms. And why I don't care about going first.

    I got my revenge win against Steves beast of chaos. Though he failed three 5 inch charges. But still.

    For now here is a picture from my battle with Vito today of the Bretonnian charge.



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  23. @oscisi So I have been rather busy the past month. And still am very busy. I wont be able to fully post my adepticon adventures just yet. My life wont calm down until late June.


    Just to give some news of my adventures at Adepticon. I met and shook hands with Games Workshop's Duncan. Whom called me a man with true honor for bringing in the Bretonnians and oogled at them. I was a bit to awe struck to take a picture with him and regret it. And generally got a lot of praise for bringing in the nights. There where a few disputes to rules, considering how old the army was. My last game was a rage quit by my opponent sadily...


    I am actually in route to Miniwargaming again to challenge them once more. Though they are more excited for me to play my Slaanesh (me being a near 11 year veteran of the daemons) my Bretonnians shall make an appereance as well for a grudge match or two.


    I plan to let Veto even use my Bretonnians if he wants, as I know he is an avid fan.

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