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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. They'll apparently need all of those abilities because statistically none of them are likely to even work. Hell, even the Smelly mount trait doesn't give you the -1 to hit unless you get charged, which is utter nonsense since almost every other mount trait in the game is just a passive upgrade with no conditions. It's honestly not a good sign, but hopefully the book makes more sense of it.
  2. This is the correct viewpoint. I still contest that Warclans was the best book they wrote in 2nd ed.
  3. After seeing the Gutrippaz "Skare tactics" ability, it should be keenly obvious that the Krule fellows were written by "that guy." A ridiculously complicated sequence to rarely get a marginal benefit.
  4. The guy that has you roll a die to potentially get a buff... And the guy that gives you three buffs for free. The guy who thinks +1 Bravery is good... And the guy that wrote the Cathallar.
  5. Surprising, with how many rumor sources insisted there would be some kind of wolf cavalry unit. Maybe they just saw an Underworlds or Warcry warband or something.
  6. These rules are pretty reserved. I'm surprised they didn't even bother to explain how Dirty Tricks works.
  7. After more games, I think that there definitely shouldn't be stacking modifiers, especially for armor saves. It's too easy to get units on 2+ saves, largely ignoring -1/-2 rend. It means units without -2 or more rend are much worse and less able to do anything useful. You should be able to get a +1 modifier and that's it--no stacking to negate further modifiers. Being able to get cover, mystic shield, all out defense, finest hour, and any other relevant ability is crazy. We're leaning even more into a world where you MUST have mortal wound output to do any damage, and that's not a good place to be.
  8. I feel like this new obsession with iconography in place of text is some secret Machiavellian revolution by their translation teams.
  9. I think it would be perfect for a Warclans-style "Shadow Elves" tome. One where you can field either army separately or together without any hassle. It's a win-win for players.
  10. If they were willing to put something like Unleash Hell into the game in the first place, it's safe to say they're still clueless on just how powerful shooting in the game is right now. But Sentinels specifically, yeah, it's unbelievable that they and Skinks are still so bloody cheap.
  11. From the several games I've played of 3.0 so far, I think Unleash Hell is a tragic blight on an otherwise awesome ruleset. It essentially makes shooting units twice as effective without any significant cost. Despite having outmaneuvered their opponent and making their charge roll, the attacker subsequently gets punished for no reason other than the defending unit had a CP to spend. You'll get your charging units obliterated because they had no choice but to BE obliterated by a shooting unit nearby. You'll often run into the situation of wanting to charge, but risk getting shot off the board, or not charging and getting shot off the board next turn. It's one of the least fun "interactions" you could possibly incorporate into a game, and there's no reason it should exist--shooting was already powerful. 3rd edition is great; but I despise Unleash Hell with every fiber of my being.
  12. It's shocking to see a 40k trailer without a space marine.
  13. Those are definitely some oldschool-style wyverns on the Orruk cover.
  14. Well no changes to weapon ranges, so Gluttons still out here rolling in agony. Man Gutbusters need help.
  15. I'd like to point out that the orruk models don't have clawed hands. Hobgrots do.
  16. I know everyone is screaming about gators...but... That preview picture looks like the Hobgrot cavalry unit we've been hearing about. It's an armored gnashtooth and has cages for slaves (to be traded to the Chaos dwarves as per the lore).
  17. The real problem with Unleash Hell is the inequity of power between units that can use it. Unleash Hell is fine from a bunch of crossbowman, but nightmarish on warplightning cannons, skinks, or other units fishing for mortals. I don't know how you solve that without fundamental changes to warscrolls or huge points hikes on these specific units (which we obviously haven't seen in this GHB). It'd be an interesting tactical option if it wasn't also a potential Armageddon for melee armies.
  18. They best not take away the online warscroll builder or I'll never stop complaining about it. And nobody wants that.
  19. When you sift through the Destruction catalogue, they have shockingly few non-hero Monsters. Or even just Monsters in general for an allegiance dedicated to rampage.
  20. It's great that everyone who wants a copy of Dominion is able to get one. I don't think anybody wanted another Indomitus scenario. And if there are some boxes left over? Awesome, more Krule to go around.
  21. This is a reduction of extremes, and of what my point is. The "My toy didn't get the right point value so I'm quitting the game" attitude is the same as those people who burned their Warhammer armies when AoS began. It's the same as never trying a food, but insisting you hate it. People have NO experience with the game in its new state, but are wanting to start a petition to stop it. They're letting their emotions overpower rationality, which often happens when new ideas are introduced into any ecosystem. You must not be aware of the many posts I've made in the past railing against corporations. I'm absolutely pro-consumer. Corps are everything wrong with society. No one is saying people can't voice their opinions, but it's gone a little beyond that. This isn't a call to mindlessly consume. It's a rallying cry for everyone to stop being vicious, enraged nobheads about a silly soldier game we haven't even tried yet.
  22. Look, I do my share of whinging when points are revealed, but people need to calm the heck down and stop being such turbo nerds about this. Threatening to boycott the new points or edition changes? It's childish buffoonery. That's the kind of attitude I'd expect on some popular video game forum or something. The AoS community is better than that. Deal with the hand you're given and just enjoy the hobby. Almost no one has played the game more than once with the new edition, let alone the points updates--no one here has ANY idea what the game will be like at this point; and the hobby is about more than just little numbers of little plastic men going up or down. Vent your frustration. Get away from social media. Chill out.
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