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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. I'm guessing most of the DoK warscrolls will receive very minor tweaks. The big changes will come from subfactions, traits, etc. Maybe some allegiance ability changes? I like not having to roll for shoot-n-scoot and the flat 5+ save for Heartrenders. Losing the mortal reflect is weird, since they obviously use the same bladed bucklers as everyone else, but whatever. Also surprised the warlocks didn't change, since nobody really uses them.
  2. Oh the wrath they're willing to call upon themselves if the trailer turns out to be a joke.
  3. I think they still haven't resolved the core issues with the fundamental game, and now they're adding more fluff, so it probably won't end well. I'm sure some factions will benefit from insane synergies with this thing and they'll likely be the ones that are already dominating. That said, I think generic monsters is a good idea. I just wish they'd suck it up and fix the basic ruleset first.
  4. The incarnate model looks like a dragon fell into some laffy taffy and died.
  5. Adepticon reveals for AoS were pretty lame. Basically 2 new models, some terrain, and another $60 book I won't buy. They could have at least talked about the battletomes that are coming this year, at a minimum. Yeesh...if it was supposed to get me excited about AoS again, boy did they fall far from the goal post. 2/10 show.
  6. We all know Sentinels need their warscroll kicked in the teeth. So it's not fair to compare them to the ghost lads. I'm super happy these guys aren't the NPE powerhouse we all feared they might be. It makes a lot more sense that ghosts could shoot through walls than it does for elves to do it just because they have a dumb bird.
  7. I appreciate the attempt at writing an actually interesting ability for this NH guy, but man is it going to cause some feel-bad moments. It's basically, "I don't have to do anything and get a chance to do 2d6 mortals to your hero every turn." No matter what turn it happens in, you're probably going to be pissed when your hero suddenly takes 2d6 mortals from a dude sitting in a cave on the opposite edge of the board somewhere.
  8. I think it's funny that they committed to four balance updates per year, did one, and then skipped the second.
  9. This is possibly the dumbest update thus far. I actually chuckled while reading it. This screams, "We forgot we had to put out a balance update."
  10. I haven't wanted to play AoS in months, the reasons are: 1) Vast gulfs of power between factions. Playing against some factions is mentally exhausting, having to figure out how to get a leg up and pull out a win...or simply how to avoid getting completely crushed. 2) If you have a unit that can't "one-shot" your enemy's units, it's usually bad. Much of the game now revolves around instantly blowing up your opponent's forces or hyper-save-stacking to make sure you hardly get touched. Neither hyper offense nor hyper defense are particularly fun. 3) Lack of significant releases. There's been quite a dearth of content since Dominion. Few models, few books, and nothing to get excited about. We'll see if they can salvage this stuff in the future, I've just been playing other games lately. It's a shame, because I love Warhammer, but at the moment I think the actual game is kind of ******.
  11. That Magmadroth breath attack is bad. You have to wait a full turn of not shooting for it to gain any kind of killing power. It's max attacks is 10 for some reason, and adds up per model--so useless against heroes or small units, which is most of the game right now. 3+ to wound is going to suck, and that degrading to-hit is brutal. Just so everyone realizes, at maximum power and potential (rend -3, 2+/3+, 10 attacks) the fire breath will do on average 5 damage to 4+ saves. That's pitiful for how much you have to work for it and hope you don't get bracketed. I'd rather have the D6 mortals every turn.
  12. That rumor engine is exactly the kind of aesthetic I'd imagine for Malerion-style shadow demons. But my bet is Chaos Knight warhorn for a proper Chaos Knight kit.
  13. I think 1500 should be the norm. But you'll have a hard time convincing most long-time GW customers.
  14. Because then you might as well just lay down, roll over, and die. Do you want to just let them kick you in the head again and again without so much as a peep? If loudly bitching about their immoral practices is all we have, then take advantage of it. Don't simply accept it. Once you learn to live passively with it, you risk becoming its advocate. This goes for many things in life. I'm continually astounded to see how many big names in the AoS community perpetuate this idea that we shouldn't be surprised by price increases, therefore we should stop complaining. This is wrong. GW is wrong. Big business is wrong. I won't accept this apathetic, servile attitude towards these massive companies that take advantage of all of us, including their own employees. If there are people willing to pay any dollar amount to get their plastic crack and continue to feed money into the company's deep treasury, so be it; but I'll never stop calling it out, and I'll never try to meekly justify it.
  15. Games Workshop have increased their prices at least once a year for the past 4 years. I have not a shred of sympathy or understanding to spare for their massive, immensely profitable corporation. There are plenty of other more reasonable miniatures makers out there I'll be patronizing.
  16. That was probably one of the saddest reveal shows I've seen in ages, unless you specifically play Eldar. Even as a DoK player--no one asked for yet another elf foot hero. They don't need more heroes. And even if they did, why not a Khinerai one? Or something more extravagant? It's just the laziest type of model they could have made. No battletome announcements was pretty damning too.
  17. I'm glad he's cheap. With Underworlds warbands, all you can hope for is that you don't feel bad putting them on the table. This guy might make decent chaffe that can hit back to some extent if necessary.
  18. I've switched over to playing Legion recently, if that's any indication of how I feel about Warhammer and GW as a whole right now.
  19. It's almost like Games Workshop is terrible at balancing their own games, and slapping some red on the covers of their books and calling it 3rd edition wasn't going to change that. I've taken a step back from Warhammer and have finally been enjoying my hobby/gaming time again.
  20. I've painted enough Sisters of Slaughter to know that whip elf is one of them, no question. Probably a Cursed City character.
  21. Not by much. I'm looking at the two right now and the only differences are that the Eldar one has more gems and symbols. I don't see any reason why they couldn't redesign the model to work for both, like Belakor. Frankly it'd be dumb not to double dip on players' wallets. Now will they do that? I doubt it purely on the basis that GW relishes in disappointing me.
  22. It would be an absolute crime if they released a big new Avatar model and didn't update its warscroll for both systems. It's just leaving money on the floor. DoK could definitely use a Monster unit that isn't Morathi.
  23. The lore literally talks about holds ruled by Fyrequeens and warriors from all types and castes. They've simply chosen not to make any models for female dwarfs because early AoS just didn't think about inclusivity and they haven't been in a hurry to sculpt more models for their least popular faction. And no, I don't think we need another Warhammer race that's exclusively ruled by men, featuring only men. It actually goes against what we've been told in the worldbuilding, and that aside, it's boring and dumb. Hell, I'm still waiting for female ogres to show up. Give me warrior women or give me death.
  24. Reminder of what the Fyreslayers could have had as a new hero type: 1) Fyrequeen (as mentioned in the lore) 2) Runeson riding baby/winged magmadroth 3) Flame spirit of Grimnir 4) Anything that doesn't look exactly like what they already have.
  25. I'm actually a casual player myself, I don't do tournaments. But I also like to win games every once in awhile and can recognize when there are rules that fight against fun. I say it's in a poor state because, as a casual player, it doesn't give me the options I want to field the army I want. Only a single subfaction worth taking, terrible artifacts that aren't fun or useful, an allegiance ability that requires us to roll 4+'s plus additional rolls to even use it (it should just be automatic like everyone else's allegiance abilities), a centerpiece model that doesn't do anything useful in either iteration, and a single basic battleline option that's grossly overpointed and prevents the army from using any cool melee builds. To me, a well written book gets you excited to try a bunch of different things. There aren't many things to try with Kruelboyz unless you want to run a crippled, non-boltboy list.
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