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Everything posted by Eevika

  1. Gargants are also nothing to get hyped about as they are absolutely horrible
  2. I'm mostly exited about making some super worn down Grot cannons and organ guns to go with my Troggots. I want to make them have grot crews and look like the cannons are pulled out of a swamp by trolls.
  3. You do realise no other army needs to roll to see if its allegiance ability works at all. Its unreliable and bad.
  4. Yeah they arent bad and I enjoy playing my troggoth army but compare gitz to the two books that came after them. Skaven and FeC we are so lack luster.
  5. Moon only works if you roll well. Manglers arent even played in competitive lists becouse they arent that good. Literally grots and magic are the viable things.
  6. The Gitz allengiance ability is also horrid and the lack of Houses/lofts or what ever makes them weak.
  7. Gitz are literally worse Skaven. Their book is ridiculously restrictive and overcosted. Not having mount traits and command traits and artefacts are almost all restricted to a single model leaving out Fungoid and Hag for example. Not even mentioning how over costed stuff like Troggboss and Dankhold Troggoth are... The book can do one thing ok and thats stacking a massive ammount of -1 to hit debuffs which is just a very toxic way of playing.
  8. Too bad Gitz didnt get any of that oompf😭
  9. Black orks were made into ironjaws at release? Such things havent really happened since
  10. People probably recommended everyone to start with Tzeentch in first edition but that army got nerfed so hard its not seen anywhere. Thats what I mean. Also GW does not change the look and feel of old armies.
  11. Any army could be bad in the future its the nature of the game. You should always choose whats cool not whats good if you are not a meta gamer.
  12. There is 0 doubt in my mind that Freepeople will get a battletome. They in so many books already and so engrained in the lore already. Stuff like Gitmob and Greenskinz had hardly any lore.
  13. Can you get +2 to casting from standing between 2 different arcane terrains?
  14. His damage output is so random without CT and Artefact its actually ridiculously bad. Survivability is very mediocer with no MW save and only a 4+ save he is good vs lots of magic but thats that. CA is also mediocer at best.
  15. I mean if you just cut the Troggboss and downgrade a fungoid to a madcap you can get 6 more Troggoths and that would actually make your list better.
  16. If you dont run Troggoth battleline I would never run a Troggboss in my list its almost never worth the points as its over costed as hell.
  17. So after my third one day tournament I have honed on the best list yet going neck to neck with DoK, SC and Slanesh demons. I find the Hag to be too expensive in a troggoth list that needs a lot of bodies so I swapped her for Mollog who I think is a solid tanky hero and small casters. I think the Troggboss benefits most from a tank afterfact rather than Ghyrstrike as it gets shredded by almost anything with even -1 rend. I would probably go ethereal amulet or Grypfeather charm. So now the list is Allegiance: Gloomspite GitzMortal Realm: GhurLeadersDankhold Troggboss (300) General Mightyblow Gryphfeather Charm Mollog (170) Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90) Hand of Gork Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90) Ichy Nuisance Madcap Shaman (80) Great Green Spite Battleline60 x Stabbas (360)- Pokin Spears & Moon Shields9 x Fellwater Troggoths (480) (I would like to try 9 rockguts but dont have the models)3 x Fellwater Troggoths (160)3 x Fellwater Troggoths (160)Endless Spells Morks Mighty Mushroom (80)Scuttletide (30)
  18. Question about Mollog. Does he trigger look out sir on himself? He is a non monster hero but also a unit with 4 models and he is within 3" of himself. Is this a hidden strategy or not?
  19. Played 3 games yesterday and while I only won 1 I really feel like loonskin might be the go to command trait. Getting 2 cp every turn just enables you to do so much more with your army. Not worrying about battleshock or not getting to reroll charges takes a lot of pressure off and really helped me in all games.
  20. Currently they are not competitive. Both the Troggboss and Dankhold Troggoth are way over priced. I have heard chatter of people putting units of 9 on their regular lists to use as a hammer unit but thats about it for them at a high competitive level.
  21. The game might be heavy in tactics with out you even realising A good might player probably makes decision that regular people dont even think about. When I started I didnt really think about deployment or unit placement or think multiple turns ahead about possible outcomes and such but those are things people at the top level think about. AOS is a easy to learn but very hard to master game and that does not make it light on tactics there are just a lot of stuff people dont think about.
  22. I mean the people at the top understand the game on a very different level compared to a regular dude.
  23. This is going to be one awesome looking army. i'm just scared for you about that amount of plastic you have stocked up on
  24. I decided to paint this cheapo model before messing around with the 2 other Glott brothers so I could nail down the paint scheme for my Nurgle mortals and I think it turned out pretty fantastic. Practicing blends on this model was a lot of fun and I really how the helmet came out the darker edged really pull your eye to his face. I'm also really enjoying the color combination I have found here the green goes really nicely with the pale purple and the orange accents the green perfectly. I think I'm slowly nailing down a good painting process for myself just working mostly with glazing, shades and drybrushing. I really suck at edge highlighting so I'm trying to find a way to do nice looking stuff with out it. I know this way of painting doesn't pop as much but I think it still has a good ammount of depth and looks quite pleasing to the eye.
  25. I just slapped the boss head on the dankhold and call it a boss. Its literally WYSIWYG anyways so there should be no issues.
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