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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. In the new meta without the Realm Artifacts and when you need battlelines, leaders and monsters... Skragrott is useful like in the classic tournament lists?
  2. Warscroll Builder is updated a few minutes ago and the Hopper battleline bug is fixed!. The Loonboss with Cave Squig makes them battleline now. CHEEEERS!
  3. Fellwaters are perfects to block the line of sight, the Rockgut and Dankhold are very bad because of their legs.
  4. Well, it's official, Gitmob and Greenskinz are Legends now.
  5. One thing, the Greenskinz are Legends now.
  6. Bretonnia, tomb kings, old aelves and dwarfs (free people), Forgeworld stuff(fimirs, dragons,...), greenskinz, gitmob, the Nighthaunt special edition and a few more things are in a Legends section in this booklet.
  7. The GHB20 remove all the realms artifacts and each realm only have one very generic and not very powerful artifact now. The only two artifacts that are useful for her are the Chamon (ignore rend -1) and the Ghyran (heal one wound) artifacts.
  8. The Hag has one of the most powerful spells in the Gloomspite Gitz army. If you have played the Gobbapalooza, you know that powerful is the Fungoid Cloud spell is, well, the Hag Curse is an improved version of that spell with a better range. If the Hag Troggoth was a plastic model, she will be a 320pts and one of the characters in our army.
  9. Anyone knows the legality of the White Dwarf battalions, Legion of Grief and the other stuff that didn't appear in the points booklet?
  10. Azyr must come soon... Only because we have one Warscroll in Cities of Sigmar that needs to be played in Azyr to be really powerful. *wink wink*
  11. The problem with the FW models is that they didn't get any point reduction again... and we don't know if this is because GW is thinking to remove them from the store as it happened with most of the Skaven models.
  12. One for each realm. Reroll 1 to hit Reroll 1 to wound Reroll 1 to save Ignore -1 rend Reroll charge Each 6 to hit add one more hit Heal 1 wound each hero phase
  13. AoS 2.0 was the Endless Spells edition, thanks to the Necroquake and all the stuff. I think AoS 3.0 will be the Siege edition. All the lore is preparing for big weaponry with the siege of Gordrakk, the war in Eightpoints, the mobilization of the Aelves armies...
  14. @Dankbossthis is my new experiment for my first tournament in two weeks with the new GHB20. One of the few things we can do now it's the possibility of the Skragrott + Dankhold + Cauldron
  15. The battleplans are very good. You need battlelines in most of them, you can't win only with elite or heroes. I think GH20 is way better than GH19. My only point is the rebalance of the armies. The points reductions seems more oriented to sell than balance worse armies.
  16. @Dingding123 if you're planning to play GHB20, you need battlelines and leaders. The Gobbapalooza is a unit that only works in Moonclan armies with blobs of stabbas. Be careful with the sinergies. @webert1 your list is fine for 1k games. GSG is possible the hardest army to be an expert in AoS. It's very hard to win with them. I love play with them. They're one of the best board control army in AoS, but you need to have the initiative, make traps and decide when and where the opponent is going to fight.
  17. Every point leak is more transparent that if your army is not a posterboy or a compatible army with 40k, your points readjustment are awful or silly. Somebody could explain my why the Gloomspite FW miniatures didn't need a readjustment and the Exalted Daemons need it?
  18. I can't send any photo... sorry... Forum rules
  19. Just the same as before." Big Waaagh!" can get them because they are Orruks, and Greenskins are Gloomspite allies.
  20. The points return for pitched battle but none can ally with them.
  21. yeah!... but... none of the Destruction armies can ally with them.
  22. Gitmob returns in the GHB20
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