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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. I'm not wrong, the motive of the launchment of the boxset months earlier was because they promised to release Sisters in the 2019. Sisters of Battle were delayed, they were planned to be released earlier but the project was very big and complex. Aeldari and Drukhari units weren't new, they were a resculpt and only two units. You are talking about a new subarmy.
  2. For Slaanesh will be the new Broken Realms book and it's enough: - The campaigns like this are created to shake the interesting of the game before a new edition, and to avoid to release "half-edition book" like DoK or Nurgle. - PA didn't release any new game of miniatures, only a few characters. - We know from the last Preview that Mechanicus, Sisters, Orks and Drukhari will have new miniatures in the next months. - GW is very apprehensive to release a big new miniature release for an army without a new battletome/codex for it. Only the Spaces Marine Primaris are the exception. - W40k is the BIG game and it needs news every few months. - They are going to release a Xenos army in January. - The plates and shoulder pads are 100% Drukhari.
  3. The FaQs must arrive this week... I hope we will have them tomorrow.
  4. I don't expect a new Battletome before the release of the new Core Set. I think it is Vect in his throne.
  5. We can almost confirm that Decadence is the Drukhari release in the near future.
  6. The Zoat isn't a pre-order for this week. So it seems Blood Bowl will be two weeks pre-order, it is very strange to see a long pre-order in November.
  7. It is Conspiracy time!! Element Games have a lot of articles with a date of reposition from June. For the "conspiracy moment," I'm gonna avoid the only "available to order" boxes. If we take a look, all of them have the AoS 1.0 brand but we have three grand exceptions: - Slaanesh - Flesh-Eaters - Nighthaunt
  8. If I was you, I wouldn't have any hope for this year.
  9. Why is your argument the truth and am I wrong? I'm assuming that the wording of any FAQ is applied to all the cases with the same wording. You are assuming that the game didn't contain any wording and all the cases must be explained, as a player of a lot of games that is unthinkable to me. Please tell me a FAQ that said "as count" implies all the possible effects.
  10. The Skaven is at any moment, the Ushoran is at any moment, the Icon is at any moment and we never apply that. Your statement implies that AoS core rules are trash. If we can't use the wording of the FAQs to resolve question like "what it means 'as X'" it implies that none of the abilities could be evaluated as RAW because none of the words are FAQed and well explained for all the cases and purposes. I can argue that as RAW "'as count' is not 100% equal to 'is'" because a FAQ restricts the "as count" and it is the only reference we have that explains what it is "as count" for the wording of the rules.
  11. And we have some FAQs that like this: "Q: Some abilities allow you to remove a unit from the battlefield and set it up again, and say that this ‘counts as their move for the movement phase’ (or words to that effect). Do these units count as having made a move for the purposes of any other rules or abilities? A: No, it simply restricts them from making a move later on." When an effect is "as other state", it is only applicable to the evaluate the state of a model but it can't be used to trigger other effects caused by abilities. For example: "You can attack with a unit in the Hero phase that model but you can't use CT of the combat phase because you are not in the combat phase." or "You can return models that were slain but the moment when a model was removed by a battleshock don't trigger the slain event".
  12. Ok, but that implies that only the Tzeentch players are clever to understand that. The general consensus is that I expect o see a lot of Skaven player using the Death Frenzy + Warbringer spell, or Ossiarch players using the fled models with a Harvester, or the STD or FeC Endless Spell counting the fled models. But, all these powerful strategies are dismissed and I don't understand why.
  13. "Some abilities refer to units that have been ‘destroyed’. What does this mean exactly?A: A unit is considered to be destroyed when the last model from the unit is slain or flees. When measuring the range to a destroyed unit, measure to the position occupied by the last model in the unit to be slain or flee." A model that fled is not dead. You can't add words to the rule too. A model that flee is removed from the game and it count as slain, but it isn't slain. Why do you need to add all this verbose when the slain rule remove the models from the game too? They could said "then slain X numbers of models from the unit" or something like that.
  14. But it wasn't a problem a year ago. Another point is the FAQs difference fled models and slain models. I think that during the last year the RAW is becoming crazy and we are forgotten some things in the past Battletomes and older rules or FAQs because we need to justify the power creep and the points cost of some units.
  15. If this is true, why with the frenzy of the skavens they don't pile in and attack when their models flee? Or why the flee models don't count with the Chalice of Ushoran? I'm not very sure with all of that. We are using "as slain" in some cases and not in others....
  16. We have enough Chaos factions. The Chaos in AoS is not the same Chaos than was in Fantasy. In this universe, the Chaos can be reverted.
  17. Please, you don't publish the prices in a forum.
  18. Yeah, but that isn't the intention of GW, and the fix it is not easy for a beginner because part of the boots are in the base.
  19. Hrothgorn base is smaller than the hunter base.
  20. I think this year will not be any Battleforce. We are not listening any rumours and the past year they were shown on the Wednesday 30th of October.
  21. All the armies will be represented, we must don't forget that Lumineth and Sons were prepared to be released in April.
  22. The point is that GW don't understand his game. In the actual state of the game Death and Destruction don't have any tools to defend themself of the Ordertide meta. This two alliances are powerful in the two things that are countereable: Magic and Combat. Meanwhile the summoning of Chaos permits to survive the Ordertide and the Order is now powerful in all the no countereable states of the game and, in some cases, makes the Magic so powerful that the Magic becomes impossible to countereable for the others alliances. And this state is not new. This state of the game become like that since March. If you follow the TTS tournaments, the classic armies were destroyed in all the tournaments, with Death of Destruction been less represented every week passed. The actual state is the evolution and it is going to worse because the missing armies don't have any tool to fight the top tiers. If you expect an antimeta revolution in the follow weeks, sorry but it's impossible that it happens.
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