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Everything posted by Gibs

  1. If you really want to play Slaves; beg, borrow and eBay..... The reality is there is a whole bunch of content just around the corner that is likely to impact this army so while it sucks to wait that would be my advice.
  2. Shame it wasn't sustainable financially for GW......I do miss spending hours thinking about what items to load-out characters with 100pts was never enough! That said, while I am not a great Khorne fanboy I have to admit I really like how they have designed Blades of Khorne in AoS. Of course its not perfect, but lets be honest that is nearly an impossible task.
  3. Customers are fickle aren't we I personally prefer the model where each god has their own book and theme. It always felt cheesy and bugged me when its all about cherry picking the best mix mark units and bringing them together (the internal balance was always ****** too). That said, he mortals have always interested me more than the demons and right now Slaves and Everchosen are what brings that fantasy together (Blades of Khorne is brilliant, but Khonre isn't my preferred allegiance).......I was really wanting Hedonites of Slaanesh to build in the mortals side of the army a little more that would have been perfect from my perspective. Unfortunately, the book is basically dedicated to Demons with door only slightly ajar for Mortals (clearly an afterthought). At the end of the day we all have a slightly different 'perfect' and its interesting reading what everyone wants....... For me.... 1 book per god (no undivided faction). Each has entries and supporting rules for both mortals and demons, they can then restrict the interactions between units within the theme/rules of each book. There can exist generic units across books i.e. Chaos Warriors........whats funny though is that they did a great job with Khorne and Nurgle (theme wise) but IMO have dropped the ball with Slaanesh.
  4. I guess only GW knows what is coming and all we can do is share our hopes and dreams haha. I agree that generic Chaos is in a strange place now that each God has their own fleshed out book in many ways. That said, if they dislike it they should have done a better job fleshing out mortals in some of the other books and then ditched the whole Slaves to Darkness/Everchosen concept as in theory it would not be needed. Honestly I am actually surprised they didn't do this. For example the whole Darkoath Viking theme would have been a perfect fit in Khorne. Slaanesh just needed a few more mortal entries so you could build the whole Sigvald foot-slogging mortal themed army. Nurgle is already well fleshed out and Tzeentch could do the same as Slannesh and add a few more generic mortal entries into the book. Half those additional entries could use duel kit for new warriors and lords and the rest would be faction specific entries as required. That is how I would have gone about it, but that isn't the case so give use new Genric units......I am ready to paint 30 new Chaos Warriors haha.
  5. To me Chaos Warriors are the backbone of this army and without new sculpts it will feel disappointing regardless of the other changes we get. Have no issues with them sharing a kit with vanguard or something as it would make sense. Do not even mind merging Chaos Lords into Varanguard heroes etc......but pleasee GW if you watching give use new Chaos Warrior sculpts!!!
  6. For me its all about Archaon, Chaos Warriors, Chosen, Knights and I guess now the Varanguard.........basically an elite army of Chaos Mortals like the good old days. Yes, it is still possible to do now......However, the rules need a major refresh and my Chaos Warriors/Chosen just look tired compared to all the amazing new models - Chaos Warriors also feel too small. It wouldn't surprise me if they ditched Chaos Lords in favor of Varanguard equivalents My list would be: Expecting New Chaos Warriors New Chosen Warriors 'or' Varanguard Warriors (Varanguard would make more sense) - share a kit with Chaos Warriors? Varanguard Mounted Lord Darkoath - Maruader type kits (foot/horses) Darkoath Lord mounted on Chariot Wishing Varanguard Lord on foot (40k version with the hammer looks bad-ass) Varanguard Lord riding twin-headed dragon Dreaming Alternative Archaon (either on foot or horse) Hellcannon Note: Warriors need to get the Primaris Marine treatment and become a little bigger IMO The whole viking thing is great, but i have never really liked the whole mass unit of Marauders concept. I have just always been drawn to heavy armored superior warriors that are always out numbered but somehow hold the line even when down to only a few warriors left......with the might of Chaos Lords and Chosen grinding their way through the toughest of foes. It used to be that Chaos Lords were feared by everyone, you could kit them out with epic items....in many respects that has all been lost (that said unkillable lord tarpits should remain a thing of the past)
  7. I have my fingers crossed that when the new Slaves to Darkness (of whatever the book is called) is released they combined it with Everchosen.....it would also be great to get a version of Archaon that wasn't a dragon either (foot or horse) so they can reduce his points and provide a little more flexibility in smaller games. It would be cool to have him foot slogging alongside updated Choas Warriors, Chosen or even Varanguard without horses. Having played with Archaon I do think his points are a little too high, or maybe its just that the Everchosen book is so limited? You are 3/4 of the way to a 2k army with just Archaon and 3x battle line units of Varanguard.........it sounds cool but having played it its not that exciting after a few games, probably more that Varanguard sound and look cool but lack any depth. He is best combined with other Chaos armies where you can maximize command abilities or stack damage buffs on him. Regarding Slaanesh, you can get a second KoS 'or' a bunch of other heroes for similar points and they are pound-for-pound superior and are just as effective if not more so in generating depravity. Not to mention outside of getting a lucky roll KoS are devastating in combat and having two of them not only spreads the threat it also provides a great deal of redundancy.
  8. Just liked the idea of having stronger casters and the extra movement. As I am new I can’t say I really know which one is better. Looking at the requirements they look fairly similar so it’s probably easy to play both lists with some minor modifications? This would be the Winter list; thoughts? Leaders Everqueen Durthu Branchwraith Battleline Dryads (10) Dryads (10) Dryads (10) Elite Hunters (3) Hunters (3) Think with the Battalion and Wargrove that comes to 1990pts
  9. Right so taking that onboard ( i think ) Leaders Everqueen Spirit of Durthu Branchwraith Branchwraith Battleline Dryads (20) Dryads (10) Dryads (10) Elite Hunters (3) Battalion: Forest Folk Wargrove: Harvestboon 1980pts 20 points for an Endless Spell Assuming that is legal, would this be a decent list?
  10. Hi, Have been reading the Sylvaneth book at the local Game Store in addition to the Stormcast and Blades of Khorne.....and trying to decide on my comeback army to AOS. Played Warhammer Fantasy and then basically through in the towel when AOS launched. It now seems to have had a resurgence in my area and I am very keen to build a 2000 point army. My most loved army in Fantasy was my Wood Elves, however having sold all the models and books I really am starting from scratch (although I do have some unpainted Dryads in a box somewhere). Tried 40k and just couldn't get into the Sci-fi theme.....tanks and guns are jst not as cool as Magic and swords haha. While it appears there are not that many units in Sylvaneth, I like how it still utilities Forests and has that old Wood Elves feel about it The other appeal is that I really want an army built around a centerpiece model i.e. Archaon or the Everqueen in this case. On top of that I really like the fluff around the Spirit of Durthu being her protector. Leaders Alarielle Everqueen Spirit of Durthu Branchwraith (summoning seems fun) Battleline Dryads (unit size 10/20?) Hunters (how does 'Free Spirits' work with the rest of the army?) What unit sizes work best and what proportion of Dryads to Hunters? I must admit I am not 100% sure how the Battalions work, i.e. can you take anything in addition to the minimum requirements? Idea: Everqueen holds down the center protected by a decent block of Dryads and the Branchwraith Branchwraith + Alarielle summon more units to support the main line Hunters push forward to secure objectives and present an immediate threat Durthu positions himself to tackle any Monstrous threats While I am not looking to create a Tournament level 'unfriendly' list, it does need to be 'semi competitive' as that is what most people play. Nothing worse than building an army and spending hours on painting to just get crushed, then again its just as bad if you build a one trick hyper competitive army that no one enjoys playing either. Any help in crafting the list would be great? Next, thing How many extra units are needed for summoning? How many forests are needed for a typical 2K game? Is there anywhere you can buy them pre-painted for a reasonable price? Finally any additional advice or links to materials, Battle Reports would be amazing!
  11. Thanks for the reply So this is what you would recommend? leaders Lord Arcanium - Gryph Charger Gavriel lord Relictor knight Heraldor Battleline Sequitors (5) Sequitors (5) Sequitors (5) Sequitors (5) Elite Evocators (10) Fulminators (2) Artillery Cellestar Ballista (2) That’s 1860 just with the units, no Spells or Battalions etc.
  12. New to AOS and trying to build a 2k list before buying any models. Any help would be much appreciated Leaders Lord Arcanum (General) Vandus Hammerhand Gavriel Sureheart Lord Relictor Battline Sequitors (5) Sequitors (5) Sequitors (10) Elite Evocators (10) Fulimators (2) Artillery Cellestar Ballista (2)
  13. Trying to build my first Chaos list so I can work-out what models to get over the Holiday break. Currently don't really own anything and its quite overwhelming getting into a new game system. Saying, that I am one of those people that likes to build the list and then work towards it rather than buy some generic stuff and make it work........just feels better to me and provides and additional incentive to get painting. Units of most appeal: Archaon Mighty Lord of Khorne Khorne Lord on Juggernaught Bloodthirster Varanguard Skullcrushers Slaughter Priest Chaos Warriors Chosen Warriors Can include others....... Obviously, cannot get all that into one list, but would love to have the center piece be Archaon. Keen to get some ideas from more experience players..........it does not need to be a tournament bone breaking list, however its nice to not get tabled every game either haha. p.s. aiming for 2000pts with an option to increase to 2500pts for bigger fun games.
  14. I have an itchy trigger finger for an Everchosen Motrals type army........however, it can wait until we get new Chaos Warrior and Chosen models. When that day comes I will be going all in in the new Chaos mortals army.
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